Foto del docente

Maria Rita Tagliaventi

Full Professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: GSPS-08/A Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Law, Economics and Governance

Curriculum vitae


Since February 2021 Qualification Lead of the MSc in Law, Economics and Governance, University of Bologna

Since December 2019 member of the Inter-department center “Alma Mater Research Institute on Global Challenges and Climate Change” (Alma Climate), University of Bologna

January 2018- February 2022 Chair of the Third Mission Committee, Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna

October 2015-November 2017 Deputy Chair, Department of Management, University of Bologna

Since October 2012 Member of the Funding Committee, School of Engineering, University of Bologna


1992-1995 Ph.D. in Management Engineering, Department of Management and Industrial Innovation, University of Padua

1984-1990, Laurea in Civil Engineering Summa cum Laude, University of Bologna

International research experience

2016-2017 Visiting Scholar, Business School, The Open University, UK

August 2015 Visiting Scholar, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

1997-1998 Visiting Scholar, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Department, Stanford University (CA)

July-August 1995 Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (MI)

General awards and honors (non specifically related to publications)

1996 Fulbright Research scholarship for a visiting period of 9 months at Stanford University, USA, from January 15, 1997 to October 15, 1997

1996: Winner of the national competition C.N.R. (Italian Council for Research) n. 203.07.25 for a research fellowship at Stanford University, USA, from January 15, 1997 to October 15, 1997

Publication awards

2017 Selection of the paper “The role of networks of practice, value sharing, and operational proximity in knowledge flows between professional group [] s” (with E. Mattarelli) as one of Human Relations journal’s best papers of the past decade, to be published again on a virtual special issue

2013 Best conference paper at the X conference of the Italian chapter of AIS (Association of Information Systems) for the paper ‘The effect of consistency between leadership and technology on knowledge integration in GDTs (with V. Poliandri, E. Mattarelli, F. Bertolotti, and A. Grandi)

2012 The paper “Social and Organisational Implications of Cad Usage: A Grounded Theory in a Fashion Company" (with F. Bertolotti, D. M. Macrì, New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 110-127) is in SSRN Top Ten download list for IRPN: Innovation & Information Management (Topic) e IRPN: Innovation & Organizational Behavior (Topic)

2010 Nominee for the best international symposium organized with E. Mattarelli ‘Different perceptions and perceptions of differences in Globally Distributed Teams’, held at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August 6-10.

2009 Best paper proceedings (co-authored with R. Grimaldi and E. Mattarelli) awarded by the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management

2008 Best paper proceedings (co-authored with E. Mattarelli) awarded by the Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management

2008 Best paper proceedings (co-authored with D. Russo and E. Mattarelli) awarded by the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division of the Academy of Management

2007 Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for the article ‘The role of networks of practice, value sharing, and operational proximity in knowledge flows between professional groups’ on Human relations, with E. Mattarelli, considered one of the best papers in management in 2006

Funded research projects

2016-2018 Italian unit investigator for the three-year project “PAMCoBA-Precision Agriculture – Methodologies for Cost Benefit Analysis”, EU era-net, ICT-Agri Call 2015 “Enabling Precision Agriculture”, Theme 1: Methodologies for transnational precision agriculture solutions; ricerca/progetti-e-centri-di-ricerca/era -net-ict-agri2; research/research-centres-and-projects/e ra-net-ict-agri2

2016-2017 Winner of a research grant by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research) on ‘Professional Identities and Socialization to Profession’ (Principal Investigator)

2016-2019 Participation in ICT-Agri Call 2015 VAROS project (principal investigator: Claus Gron Sorensen, Aarhus University)

2008-2010 Participation in the PRIN project: ‘The internationalization of R&D’ in collaboration with the University of Pescara, Bocconi University, the University of Catania, and the University of Pesaro-Urbino, funded by the Italian Ministry of Research

2005-2006 Participation in the PRIN project: ‘Offshoring of professional activities in service organizations: organizational choices and effect on knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship’ in collaboration with the University of Bologna and the University of Pescara, funded by the Italian Ministry of Research

2004-2005: Principal Investigator of a research project on ‘Knowledge flows as a source of competitive advantage for SMEs’ funded by the Industrial Association of Forlì-Cesena county

2000: Winner of a grant for the bid ‘Young Researchers’ Projects’ funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) on ‘Qualitatitive research applied to innovation processes in SMEs’

1991-1992: Principal investigator of a research on interorganizational relationships in the construction industry funded by Nomisma SpA (research center based in Bologna)

Organization of international conferences/workshops

Maria Rita Tagliaventi (2018). Member of the Scientific Committee. 1er Colloque International sur le Management Innovant et la Gouvernance des Organizations (CIMIGO) “Innovation in Service, Organization and Society in Emerging Countries”. Casablanca (Marocco), December 12-13

2016 Co-chair of the PDW (Professional Development Workshop) “Knowledge in 21st Century Management Consulting: Between Consultants, Clients, and Business Schools” (with Giacomo Carli, Na Fu, Thomas Lawton, Sotirious Paroutis), Academy Of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, ISSN: 2151-6561, Anaheim, CA, August 5-8

2013 Co-chair of the symposium ‘Identities and Institutions: New Perspectives on the Interplay between Individuals’ Identity Work, Organizational Arrangements, and Institutional Logics’ (with F. Bertolotti and J. Dukerich), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando (FLA) August 9-13

2010 Organizer of the Symposium ‘Different perceptions and perception of differences in globally distributed teams’ (with E. Mattarelli and S. Weisband), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August 6-10

2008 Organizer of the sub-theme ‘Working across boundaries: the upsetting effects of offshoring on the dynamics of knowledge intensive work’ (with S. Weisband, B. van den Hoof, and E. Mattarelli.) at the European Group of Organizations Studies conference in Amsterdam, July 10-12

2007 Co-chair of the international workshop “Offshoring of Intangibles” (with R. Grimaldi, E. Mattarelli, and A. Prencipe), Bologna Business School, February 2

Service Activities in Academic Organizations

Reviewer for the Academy of Management Annual Meeting

Session chair and discussant at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting and at the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiiG)

Reviewer for European Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Creativity & Innovation Management, Journal of International Management

1998-2011 Member of the Committee of the PhD program in Management Engineering, University of Padua

Since 1996 Member of the Academy of Management

Since 1992 Member of AiIG (Italian Association for Management Engineering)

Teaching activities in graduate and PhD programs

Since 2019 PhD course “Organizational Theory”, PhD programme of Sociology and Social Research, Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna

2002-2018 PhD course “Qualitative research methods” (with F. Bertolotti F. and E. Mattarelli), PhD program of Management, Department of Management, University of Bologna

2000-05 “Organizational Theory and Managemen”t at the MBA, Master’s programme in Process Management, and Master’s program in Finance, Profingest Graduate School, Bologna

1998-2011 PhD course “Qualitative Research Methods” (with F. Bertolotti), PhD program in Management Engineering, University of Padua

2004 “Organizational Management and Theory”, Master’s programme Public Administration, SUM- School of Management, Rome

2003 “Organizational Management and Theory”, Master’s programme in Management Engineering, University of Bologna in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Invited presentations

2019 Invited speaker on the topic “Individuals in organizations: personal differences, attitudes and motivation”, Scuola Superiore IANUA-ISSUGE, Università di Genova, June 8

2017 Workshop on "Designing qualitative research", Annual PhD Consortium, Faculty of Business & Law, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, June 12-18

2016 Workshop on "Publishing in top journals: The process of paper submission and revision", Annual PhD Consortium, Faculty of Business & Law, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, June 6-10

2016 Workshop (with F. Bertolotti) on "Teamworking", XXIV Summer School AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering), Brixen, September 12-16

2008 Workshop (with E. Mattarelli) on “Organizational identity and research teams”, XVI Summer School AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering), Brixen, September 15-19

2008 Workshop (with R. Grimaldi) on “Offshoring of R&D”, XVI Summer School AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering), Brixen, September 15-19

2001-2003 Annual Workshop on “Qualitative research in organizations”, PhD program in Management Engineering, University of San Marino

2003 Workshop on “Case study research”, XI Summer School AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering), Brixen, September 15-19

2003 Workshop on “Doing qualitative research”, PhD program in Architecture and Technology, University of Florence, March 25

2002 Workshop on “Ethnographies”, X Summer School AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering), Brixen, September 16-20

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