Part time Associate
Professor in Administrative Law (SSD IUS10) since the Academic Year 2008/2009.
Teaching activities
She is currently teaching Principles of Law in the first level degree CLABE Business and Economics and Administrative Law and Market Regulation in the first level degree EPOS - Economics Politics and Social Sciences
She holds the course of Administrative Law in the CLARA first level program within the Department of Law in Bologna.
She also lectures in the programs of the Scuola di specializzazione in studi sull'amministrazione pubblica (SPISA) .
Fields of research
Her fields of research concern the services of general interest and the public procurement legislation.
Institutional activities
She is the Supervisor of SAT Exam for the School of economics and management.
Maria Giulia Roversi Monaco (1968) is part-time Associate Professor of Administrative Law in the University of Bologna since the Academic Year 2008/2009.
She is currently teaching Principles of Law in the first level degree CLABE Business and Economics within the School of Economics and Management of the University of Bologna and she is the coordinator of the Clabe Program itself.
Since the A.Y. 2015/2016 she has been holding the course of Administrative Law in the first level degree program CLARA - Consulente del lavoro e delle relazioni aziednali - within the School of Law of the University of Bologna and since the A.Y. 2017/2018 the course of Administrative Law in the first level degree program GIPA - Giurista di impresa e delle Amministrazioni pubbliche within the School of Law in Ravenna and 1 module of Administrative Law in the LMCU of Law in Ravenna.
She also lectures in the programs of the Scuola di specializzazione in studi sull'amministrazione pubblica (SPISA) and of the Scuola di specializzazione per le professioni legali E. Redent (urban planning and building regulations).
She participates to seminars and congress as speaker.
Her fields of research concern administrative law and specifically the legislation on public contracts and private and public partnerships (PPPs)in the management of public services and the discipline of the health system.
Maria Giulia Roversi Monaco (1968) is part-time Associate Professor of Administrative Law in the University of Bologna since the Academic Year 2008/2009.
She is currently teaching Principles of Law in the first level degree CLABE Business and Economics within the School of Economics and Management of the University of Bologna and she is the coordinator of the Clabe Program itself.
Since the A.Y. 2015/2016 she has been holding the course of Administrative Law in the first level degree program CLARA - Consulente del lavoro e delle relazioni aziednali - within the School of Law of the University of Bologna and since the A.Y. 2017/2018 the course of Administrative Law in the first level degree program GIPA - Giurista di impresa e delle Amministrazioni pubbliche within the School of Law in Ravenna and 1 module of Administrative Law in the LMCU of Law in Ravenna.
She also lectures in the programs of the Scuola di specializzazione in studi sull'amministrazione pubblica (SPISA) and of the Scuola di specializzazione per le professioni legali E. Redent (urban planning and building regulations).
She participates to seminars and congress as speaker.
Her fields of research concern administrative law and specifically the legislation on public contracts and private and public partnerships (PPPs)in the management of public services and the discipline of the health system.