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Margherita Orsi

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione


  • Traduzione a quattro mani dall’inglese di una selezione di sonetti della poetessa cino-americana Wang Ping. La questione Romantica, Nuova Serie Vol. 8, n. 1-2 (2016) Special Issue: Edward Rushton’s Bicentenary, II, Literature/Culture, pp. 148-154.
  • "HORROR FOR ÉLITES: HOW ADELPHI IS ADMITTING SHIRLEY JACKSON INTO THE ITALIAN CANON". La Fusta - Journal of Italian Literature and Culture, Vol. XXIX (2021), pp. 23-44.
  • paper: "How Italian intellectuals worked with newsstand publications towards the reception of two stories by Daphne du Maurier and Shirley Jackson", Translation as Position-Taking in the Literary Field, University of Leeds, 22 aprile 2021.
  • paper: “Framing the reception of women horror writers through paratexts”. PhD Workshop Forward looking, forward thinking. Thinking and planning the future of research at a time of uncertainty, Università di Bologna, 9 luglio 2021.
  • paper: “The Demon Behind the Angel in the House: An Analytic Comparison Between Shirley Jackson’s Domestic Writings and her Gothic/Horror Fiction”. Gender and Sexuality Research Network’s Seminar Series, University of Reading, 18 ottobre 2021.
  • paper: "'The Shaping of a Writer': Gollancz’s epitextual construction of Daphne du Maurier’s persona". Translation and Transcultural Studies online reading group for MA and PhD students, University of Warwick, 9 febbraio 2022.

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