Foto del docente

Margherita Mattioni

PhD Student

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: M-FIL/05 Philosophy and Theory of Language


Keywords: Digital Epistemology Encyclopaedic Semantics Umberto Eco Authors' Libraries Authors' Marginalia History of Reading Digital representations of knowledge Library and Information Science Philosophy of Information Information modelling

I am interested in digital information environments, digital models of knowledge representation and philosophy of information, in particular with regard to information objects and digital libraries. My epistemological research on digital information systems thus cuts across the fields of LIS and DH, on the one hand, and interpretive semiotics and philosophy of information, on the other. Since November 2021, my dissertation research focuses on the autograph annotations in the annotated volumes of Umberto Eco's modern book collections, as part of a broader digitisation project of his private library.

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