Foto del docente

Marco Cesare Maltoni


Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/06 Medical Oncology


Maltoni M, Sansoni E, Derni S, Milandri C, Martini F, Nanni O, Fabbri L, Amadori D., Topical prostaglandin E2 and chemo- and radio-induced oral mucositis: Report on 15 cases, «ONCOLOGY REPORTS», 1996, 3, pp. 205 - 208 [Scientific article]

Bruera E.; Franco J.J.; Maltoni M.; Watanabe S.; Suarez-Almazor M., Changing pattern of agitated impaired mental status in patients with advanced cancer: Association with cognitive monitoring, hydration, and opioid rotation, «JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT», 1995, 10, pp. 287 - 291 [Scientific article]

Maltoni M.; Pirovano M.; Scarpi E.; Marinari M.; Indelli M.; Arnoldi E.; Gallucci M.; Frontini L.; Piva L.; Amadori D., Prediction of survival of patients terminally III with cancer. Results of an Italian prospective multicentric study, «CANCER», 1995, 75, pp. 2613 - 2622 [Scientific article]

Maltoni M.; Nanni O.; Derni S.; Innocenti M.P.; Fabbri L.; Riva N.; Maltoni R.; Amadori D., Clinical prediction of survival is more accurate than the Karnofsky performance status in estimating life span of terminally ill cancer patients, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER», 1994, 30, pp. 764 - 766 [Scientific article]

Amadori D.; Frassineti G.L.; Flamini E.; Falcini F.; Maltoni M.; Nanni O.; Riccobon A.; Piccinini C., Clinical and laboratory evaluation of the myeloprotective effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate in head and neck cancer, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER», 1992, 28, pp. 1331 - 1334 [Scientific article]

Maltoni M.; Franco J.J.; Bruera E., Enteral nutrition in a severely sedated, confused terminal cancer patient, «JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE CARE», 1992, 8, pp. 49 - 51 [Scientific article]

Maltoni M.; Derni S.; Innocenti M.P.; Rinaldi A.; Amadori D., Description of a home care service for cancer patients through quantitative indexes of evaluation, «TUMORI», 1991, 77, pp. 453 - 459 [Scientific article]

Amadori M.; Maltoni M.; Ravaioli A.; Rosti G.; Pasquini E.; Leoni M.; Amadori D., Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system, «TUMORI», 1991, 77, pp. 32 - 35 [Scientific article]

Ranzani G.N.; Pellegata N.S.; Previdere C.; Saragoni A.; Vio A.; Maltoni M.; Amadori D., Heterogeneous Protooncogene Amplification Correlates with Tumor Progression and Presence of Metastases in Gastric Cancer Patients, «CANCER RESEARCH», 1990, 50, pp. 7811 - 7814 [Scientific article]

Ridolfi R.; Maltoni M.; Ravaioli A.; Gentilini P.; Amaducci L.; Amadori D., Pathologic endoscopic findings: study of 8 606 cases in a high-risk area for gastric cancer, «ACTA ENDOSCOPICA», 1988, 18, pp. 327 - 338 [Scientific article]

Ranzani G.N.; Salerno-Mele P.; Maltoni M.; Talarico D.; Della Valle G.; Amadori D., Study of the c-Ha-ras-1 locus polymorphism in an Italian population with high incidence of gastric cancer, «MOLECULAR BIOLOGY & MEDICINE», 1988, 5, pp. 145 - 153 [Scientific article]

Amadori D.; Ravaioli A.; Maltoni M.; Ridolfi R.; Gentilini P.; Giunchi D.C.; Frassineti L.; Falcini F., Combination chemotherapy in advanced ovarian carcinoma, «TUMORI», 1986, 72, pp. 519 - 524 [Scientific article]

Vio A.; Barbanti F.; Dell'Amore D.; Amadori D.; Ravaioli A.; Maltoni M.; Casadei Giunchi D., Intraductal papillomas: Diagnostic and surgical procedures, «THE ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL SCIENCES», 1985, 15, pp. 51 - 55 [Scientific article]

Ridolfi R.; Casadei Giunchi D.; Cortesi C.; Maltoni M.; Ravaioli A.; Amadori D., A retrospective study of FAM regimen in 38 patients with advanced gastric cancer, «TUMORI», 1984, 70, pp. 375 - 379 [Scientific article]