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Marco Musiani

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/05 Zoology


Musiani M.; Morshed Anwar S.; McDermid G.J.; Hebblewhite M.; Marceau D.J., How humans shape wolf behavior in Banff and Kootenay National Parks, Canada, «ECOLOGICAL MODELLING», 2010, 221, pp. 2374 - 2387 [Scientific article]

Hebblewhite, Mark; Musiani, Marco; DeCesare, Nick; Hazenberg, Saakje; Peters, Wibke; Robinson, Hugh; Weckworth, Byron, Linear features, forestry and wolf predation of caribou and other prey in west central Alberta, Petroleum Technology Alliance of Canada (PTAC), 2010, pp. 84 . [Technical report]

Robinson, Hugh S; Hebblewhite, Mark; DeCesare, Nicholas J; Peters, Wibke; Musiani, Marco; Weckworth, Byron; McDevitt, Allan, Modeling relationships between fire, caribou, wolves, elk and moose to aid recovery of threatened Southern Mountain Woodland Caribou in the Canadian Rocky Mountain national parks, 2010. [Technical report]

Musiani, M.; Boitani, L.; Paquet, PC., Research Projects Highlight Unique Mechanisms and Some Common Patterns in Wolf Ecology and Management, in: M. Musiani, L. Boitani, P. Paquet, The World of Wolves: New Perspectives on Ecology, Behaviour, and Management, Calgary, Alberta, University of Calgary Press, 2010, pp. 1 - 398 [Chapter or essay]

Hebblewhite M.; Musiani M.; Mills L.S., Restoration of genetic connectivity among Northern Rockies wolf populations, «MOLECULAR ECOLOGY», 2010, 19, pp. 4383 - 4385 [Scientific article]

Hebblewhite M.; White C.; Musiani M., Revisiting extinction in national parks: Mountain caribou in banff, «CONSERVATION BIOLOGY», 2010, 24, pp. 341 - 344 [Scientific article]

Musiani, Marco; Boitani, Luigi; Paquet Paul C., The World of Wolves: New Perspectives on Ecology, Behaviour, and Management, Calgary, Alberta, University of Calgary Press, 2010, pp. 398 . [Editorship]

Astrid V. Stronen; Graham J. Forbes; Tim Sallows; Gloria Goulet; Marco Musiani; Paul C. Paquet, Wolf body mass, skull morphology, and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in the Riding Mountain National Park region of Manitoba, Canada, «CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY», 2010, 88, pp. 496 - 507 [Scientific article]

Cluff, H.D.; Paquet, P.C.; Walton, R.L.; Musiani, M.;, Wolf ecology and management in Northen Canada: perspectives from a snowmobile wolf hunt, in: M. Musiani, L. Boitani, P. Paquet, The World of Wolves: New Perspectives on Ecology, Behaviour, and Management, Calgary, Alberta, University of Calgary Press, 2010, pp. 234 - 259 [Chapter or essay]

Musiani, Marco; Boitani, Luigi; Paquet, Paul C., A New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy, Calgary, Alberta, University of Calgary Press, 2009, pp. 285 . [Editorship]

Musiani, Marco, A Wolf in Dog's Clothing, in: L. Smith, Why the Ceetah Cheats and other Mysteries of the Natural World, Winterbourne, Berkshire, Papadakis Publisher, 2009, pp. 1 - 240 [Chapter or essay]

Anwar, Sk Morshed; Musiani, Marco; McDermid, Greg; Marceau, Danielle, How do human activities shape wolves' behavior in the central Rocky Mountains region, Alberta, Canada?, in: SpringSim '09 - Proceedings of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference, 2009, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: Spring Simulation Multiconference, San Diego, California, 22 - 27 March, 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Muhly T.B.; Musiani M., Livestock depredation by wolves and the ranching economy in the Northwestern U.S, «ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS», 2009, 68, pp. 2439 - 2450 [Scientific article]

Weckworth, Byron; McDevitt, Allan; Mariani, Stefano; Hebblewhite, Mark; DeCesare, Nicholas; Morgantini, Luigi; Seip, Dale; Musiani, Marco, Mixing it up after the Ice Age: Post-Pleistocene genetic and behavioral dynamics of partially migratory caribou in the Canadian Rockies, in: 94th ESA ANNUAL MEETING - PROGRAM/BOOK OF ABSTRACT, 2009, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 94th ESA ANNUAL MEETING, Albuquerque Convention Center - Albuquerque, New Mexico, 02-07 August, 2009) [Abstract]

Anderson T.M.; VonHoldt B.M.; Candille S.I.; Musiani M.; Greco C.; Stahler D.R.; Smith D.W.; Padhukasahasram B.; Randi E.; Leonard J.A.; Bustamante C.D.; Ostrander E.A.; Tang H.; Wayne R.K.; Barsh G.S., Molecular and evolutionary history of melanism in North American gray wolves, «SCIENCE», 2009, 323, pp. 1339 - 1343 [Scientific article]

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