Foto del docente

Marco Musiani

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-03/A Zoology


Kyle Plotsky; Shelley M. Alexander; Marco Musiani, Canid livestock predation research has become more robust, but gaps remain, «GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION», 2024, 51, Article number: e02923 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Musiani M; Randi E., Conservation genomics of wolves: the global impact of RK Wayne’s research, «JOURNAL OF HEREDITY», 2024, 0, Article number: esae007 , pp. 0 - 0 [Scientific article]

Emilie Toews, Marco Musiani, Anya Smith, Sylvia Checkley, Darcy Visscher & Alessandro Massolo, Risk factors for Echinococcus multilocularis intestinal infections in owned domestic dogs in a North American metropolis (Calgary, Alberta), «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2024, 14, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bridgett M. vonHoldt; Daniel R. Stahler; Kristin E. Brzeski; Marco Musiani; Rolf Peterson; Michael Phillips; John Stephenson; Kent Laudon; Erin Meredith; John A. Vucetich; Jennifer A. Leonard; Robert K. Wayne, Demographic history shapes North American gray wolf genomic diversity and informs species' conservation, «MOLECULAR ECOLOGY», 2023, 33, Article number: e17231 , pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mirjam Barrueto, Tyler D. Jessen, Rianne Diepstraten, Marco Musiani, Density and genetic diversity of grizzly bears at the northern edge of their distribution, «ECOSPHERE», 2023, 14, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Maria Cavedon, Lalenia Neufeld, Laura Finnegan, Dave Hervieux, Anita Michalak, Agnes Pelletier, Jean Polfus, Helen Schwantje, Geoff Skinner, Robin Steenweg, Caeley Thacker, Jocelyn Poissant & Marco Musiani, Genomics of founders for conservation breeding: the Jasper caribou case, «CONSERVATION GENETICS», 2023, 24, pp. 855 - 867 [Scientific article]Open Access

Visscher D; Toews E; Pattision J; Walker P; Kemna C; Musiani M; Massolo A, Host spatiotemporal overlap in a park with high endemicity of Echinococcus multilocularis, «FRONTIERS IN PARASITOLOGY», 2023, 2, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Maria A. Santa, Gerald Umhang, Claudia Klein, Danielle M. Grant, Kathreen E. Ruckstuhl, Marco Musiani, John S. Gilleard, Alessandro Massolo, It’s a small world for parasites: evidence supporting the North American invasion of European Echinococcus multilocularis, «PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2023, 290, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Steenweg, Robin; Hebblewhite, Mark; Burton, Cole; Whittington, Jesse; Heim, Nikki; Fisher, Jason T.; Ladle, Andrew; Lowe, Winsor; Muhly, Tyler; Paczkowski, John; Musiani, Marco, Testing umbrella species and food-web properties of large carnivores in the Rocky Mountains, «BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION», 2023, 278, Article number: 109888 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Plotsky K.; Alexander S.M.; Draper D.; Musiani M., A comparison of canid depredation research published in journal and gray literature, «HUMAN DIMENSIONS OF WILDLIFE», 2022, 28, pp. 311 - 319 [Scientific article]Open Access

Carrier A.; Prunier J.; Poisson W.; Trottier-Lavoie M.; Gilbert I.; Cavedon M.; Pokharel K.; Kantanen J.; Musiani M.; Cote S.D.; Albert V.; Taillon J.; Bourret V.; Droit A.; Robert C., Design and validation of a 63K genome-wide SNP-genotyping platform for caribou/reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), «BMC GENOMICS», 2022, 23, Article number: 687 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cavedon M.; vonHoldt B.; Hebblewhite M.; Hegel T.; Heppenheimer E.; Hervieux D.; Mariani S.; Schwantje H.; Steenweg R.; Theoret J.; Watters M.; Musiani M., Genomic legacy of migration in endangered caribou, «PLOS GENETICS», 2022, 18, Article number: e1009974 , pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article]Open Access

Hughes, M; Cavedon, M; Michalak, A; Neufeld, L; Schwantje, H; Thacker, C; Poissant, J; Musiani, M, Habitat alterations and population isolation: The caribou case, in: Ecological Society of America & Canadian Society for Eology and Evolution - PROGRAM/BOOK OF ABSTRACT, 2022, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Ecological Society of America & Canadian Society for Eology and Evolution (ESA/CSEE) 2022, Montreal, Canada, 14-19 August 2022) [Abstract]

Plotsky K.; Alexander S.M.; Musiani M.; Draper D., Incorporating geographic context into coyote and wolf livestock depredation research, «CANADIAN GEOGRAPHER-GEOGRAPHE CANADIEN», 2022, 66, pp. 450 - 461 [Scientific article]Open Access

Michalak, A; Cavedon, M; Neufeld, L; Polfus, J; Schwantje, H; Steenweg, R; Thacker, C; Musiani, M; Poissant, J, Population genomic structure of endangered caribou in British Columbia, in: Ecological Society of America & Canadian Society for Eology and Evolution - PROGRAM/BOOK OF ABSTRACT, 2022, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: Ecological Society of America & Canadian Society for Eology and Evolution (ESA/CSEE) 2022, Montreal, Canada, 14-19 August 2022) [Abstract]

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