Muscioni M., Chiarenza A. A., Fernandez D. B. H., Dreossi D., Bacchia F., & Fanti F., 2024. Cranial anatomy of Acynodon adriaticus and extreme durophagous adaptations in Eusuchia (Reptilia: Crocodylomorpha). The Anatomical Record, 1–32.
Muscioni M., Arbulla D., Fanti F., 2024. The relevance and current state of the Villaggio del Pescatore lagerstätte (Campanian, Italy). SGI-SIMP 2024 - Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet
Muscioni M., Kustatscher E., Arbulla D., Fanti F., 2024. A new census of the paleodiversity of the Villaggio del Pescatore lagerstätte (Campanian, Trieste). SPI Paleodays 2024 - XXIV Edizione delle Giornate di Paleontologia
Muscioni M., Chiarenza A., Delfino M., Fabbri M., Milocco K., Fanti F., 2023. Acynodon adriaticus from Villaggio del Pescatore (Campanian of Italy): anatomical and chronostratigraphic integration improves phylogenetic resolution in Hylaeochampsidae (Eusuchia). Cretaceous Research 151, 1–21.
Muscioni M., Rotatori F.M., Dreossi D., Fanti F., 2023. The rostral neurovascular system of Thethyshadros insularis (Ornithischia, Hadrosauroidea). EAVP 2023 - XX Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists
Muscioni M., Dreossi D., Fanti F., 2023. Synchrotron tomography provides novel insights into the dental anatomy of Acynodon adriaticus (Eusuchia, Hylaeochampsidae). SPI Paleodays 2023 - XXIII Edizione delle Giornate di Paleontologia
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Chiarenza A., Fabbri M., Consorti L., Muscioni M., Evans D., Cantalapiedra J., Fanti F., 2021. An Italian dinosaur Lagerstätte reveals the tempo and mode of hadrosauriform body size evolution. Scientific Reports 11, 23295
Chiarenza A., Fabbri M., Consorti L.,
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Unfolding the paleodiversity, age and paleoecology of the first multi-individual dinosaur-bearing locality of Italy. SVP 2021 - Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology 81st annual meeting
Chiarenza A., Fabbri M., Consorti L., Muscioni M., Evans D., Cantalapiedra J., Fanti F., 2021. Body-size evolution and biogeographic history in the Late Cretaceous European ‘archipelago’ enlightened by the first Italian multiindividual dinosaur locality. EAVP 2021 - XVIII Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists
Fanti F., Consorti L., Chiarenza A., Fabbri M., Muscioni M., Evans D., 2021. There is more than meet the eyes: unfolding the diversity, age, and ecology of the Late Cretaceous Villaggio del Pescatore site (Trieste, Italy). SPI Paleodays 2021 - XXI Convegno della Società Paleontologica Italiana
Chiarenza A., Fabbri M., Muscioni M., Evans D., Fanti F., 2020. The first multi-individual assemblage of a Mesozoic dinosaur from Italy: systematic, osteohistological and morphological re-evaluations of Tethyshadros insularis (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda). PalAss 2020 - The Palaeontological Association 64th Annual Meeting