- LVD experiment at Gran Sasso National Laboratories (LNGS); LVD
is a liquid scintillator, 1000 t, detector devoted to the detection
and study of neutrino from SuperNova . LVD can study also high
energy cosmic muons and neutrons flux.
-XENON 100 and XENON1T experiments. These experiments, located
at Gran Sasso National laboratories, are devoted to the direct
detection od Dark Matter using a two phase (liquid-gas) Xenon TPC.
XENON100 is running with a mass of about 100 kg of Xenon. XENON1T
which will have a fiducial mass of about 1 t of Xenon is under
-EEE Project - Extreme Energy Events, dedicated to the detection
at ground of cosmic muons by means of Multigap Resistive Plate
Chambers tracking telescopes installed inside Italian high
- Progetto EEE - Extreme Energy Events, per la rivelazione a
terra di muoni cosmici mediante l'utilizzo di telescopi traccianti
costituiti da 3 Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber installati presso
scuole medie superiori su tutto il territorio