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Marco Demichelis

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: STAA-01/J History of Islamic Countries




Monographs (Reviews of my books: Demichelis Marco | Università di [] )


  1. Violence in Early Islam. Religious Narratives, the Arab Conquests and the Canonization of Jihad, London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2021.

  2. Salvation and Hell in Classical Islamic Thought: Allah may save us all? London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.

  3. L’Islam contemporaneo. Sfide e Riflessioni tra modernità e modernismo (Islam in the contemporary. Challenges and reflections between modernity and modernism). Torino: Anankelab, 2016.

  4. Etica Islamica. Ragione e Responsabilità (Islamic Ethics. Reason and Responsibility), Milano: Edizioni Paoline, 2016/ Etica islamica. Razon y responsabilidad, tr. Soledad A. Domingo, Astrolabio Series, Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2021.

  5. Storia dei Popoli Arabi. Dal Profeta Muhammad alle Primavere del Vicino Oriente, (History of the Arab Peoples. From the Prophet Muhammad to the Springs of the Near East), Torino: Anankelab editore, 2013, 2ed. 2015.

  6. Il pensiero mu‘tazilita. Ragione e fede tra Basra e Baghdad nei primi secoli dell’Islam, (The mu‘tazilite thought. Reason and Faith between Basra and Baghdad in Early Islamic History, PhD Diss.), Paris/ Torino: Harmattan, 2011.



Edited books


      1. Special Issue (2024): Infidels, Enemies or Humanists? The European-Italian Renaissance and the Fictional Imaginary of the Muslim Ottoman Turk, Ed. Dr. Marco Demichelis, (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI, (under elaboration, deadline 30 April 2025). Religions | Special Issue : University of Konstanz, International Conference (25 October, 31 October, 8 November 2024): Emerging Historical Perspectives on Christian-Muslim Interactions in and around the Mediterranean (c. 630–1614) ( []

      2. Special Issue (2022): The Qur’an in History. The History of the Qur’an. From Canonization to critique and Semantic Hermeneutics, Ed. Dr. Marco Demichelis, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI, [] [] .

      3. Religious Violence, Political Ends. Nationalism, citizenship and radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe, Religion and Civil Society Series, Ed by Demichelis Marco, Hildesheim: OLMS-Weidmann, 2018.

      4. The Struggle to Define a Nation. Rethinking Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary Islamic World,Ed. by Marco Demichelis and Paolo Maggiolini, Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2017.

      5. Memorie con-divise. Popoli, Stati e Nazioni nel Mediterraneo e nel Medio- Oriente (Shared memories. Peoples, States and Nations in the Mediterranean and Middle East), edited by Prof. Paolo Branca and Dr. Demichelis Marco, Milano: Leggere Leggere editore, 2013.




Academic articles in peer-reviewed Journals (Scopus/ Fascia A Anvur)

  1. The Conciliarist Idea of Islam in the Quattrocento. Prelude and Legacy, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 15 (2024), pp. 1-21.

  2. Al-Andalus oltre la geografia di al-Andalus. Jabal al-Qilāl: storia, narrazioni e dubbi, Kharabat. Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterrenei, XII (2023), pp. 1-11.

  3. The “Mestiere delle Armi”. Steel, trade and anonymity in the early Islamic age (7-10th), Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East (Lamine) series, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2024 (in press).

  4. Qur’anic Christology in Late Antiquity. ‘Isa ibn Maryam and His Divine Power (Energeia) in the Islamic Revelation, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 12/ 979 (2021), pp. 1-19.

  5. Arab Christians Confederations and Muhammad’s believers: on the Origins of Jihad, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 12/710 (2021), pp. 1-20.

  6. Jihadism au rebours: Orientalism and Occidentalism for a counter-Hegemonic Liberation Theology,Journal of Religious History (Q3 Scopus), 45/1 (2021), pp. 1-19

  7. The Khatim an-Nabiyyin (The Seal of Prophets) and its inclusive- Abrahamic perspective. Muhammad and ‘Isa ibn Maryam in dialogue, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed., 12/1 (2021), pp. 1-16.

  8. Was Egyptian Islamic Revivalism really counter-Hegemonic? S. Qutb and the problem of Islamic Consciousness, in ReOrient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies 5/1 (2019), pp. 47-72.

  9. Fasad, Hijra and Warlike Diaspora” from Early Islam geographic boundaries towards a new Dar al- Hikma: Europe, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), 10/277 (2019) in Special Issue, Ed. Roberta Ricucci, Muslims Diaspora in Western Countries.

  10. The Fate of Others in Fourteenth-Century Hanbalism. Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328/728) and Ibn Qayyim al- Jawziyya (d. 1350/750) and the Fanā’ al-Nār, in Annali di Scienze Religiose (Fascia A Anvur), n. 9, Brepols Publishers, (2017), pp. 271-294.

  11. Fanā’ al-Nār within early Kalām and Mysticism. An analysis covering the Eighth and Ninth Centuries, in Archiv Orientalni (Q3 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), Oriental Institute of Praha, 2015, Vol. 83.3, pp. 385-410.

  12. Kalām viewpoints present within the debate on secularisation between F. Anṭūn and M. ‘Abduh. God’s absolutism and Islām’s irrationality as cornerstones of Orientalist Arab-Christian thought during the Nahḍa, Aram Periodical (Q2Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), 25 1&2, 2016, pp. 335-348.

  13. From Nahda to Nakba: The Governmental Arab College of Jerusalem and the Palestinian historical heritage in the first half of the XX century, Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 37.3, 2015, pp. 264-281.

  14. The Apocatastasis will save us all. The transition towards a shared ethical approach from Christian Patristic to Early Islamic theology and philosophy, Parole de l’ Orient (Q4 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur)Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik (Lebanon), n.1/ 2014, pp. 385-422

  15. Islamic Liberation Theology, An inter-religious reflection between Gustavo Gutierrez, Farid Esack and Hamid Dabashi, Oriente Moderno (Fascia A Anvur), Leiden: Brill, 94 (2014), pp. 125-147.

  16. Basra, the cradle of Islamic culture. A reasoned analysis of the urban area that was the early home of Islamic Studies, Orientalia Christiana Analecta, Pontifex Oriental University, n. 293, 2013, pp. 191-220.

  17. The Mihna. Deconstruction and reconsideration of the Mu‘tazilite role in the Inquisition, in Annali di Scienze Religiose (Fascia A Anvur), n. 5, Brepols Publishers (2012), pp. 237-266.

  18. Between mu‘tazilism and syncretism: a reappraisal of the behaviour of the caliphate of al-Ma’mun,Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), University of Chicago, 2/2012, pp. 257-273.

  19. New-Mu‘tazilite theology in the contemporary age. The relationship between Reason, History and Tradition, Oriente Moderno (Fascia A Anvur), Leiden: Brill, 2/2010, pp. 411- 426.

  20. Consensus and equality within Arab-Islamic thought of the VII-VIII century CE, in Freedom and Democracy in the History of Political Thought, Rubettino Università ed., Catanzaro, 2008, pp. 197- 205.


Book contributions (chapters)

  1. “The Andalusi outside al-Andalus. Fraxinetum, Jabal al-Qilāl and the Saracens on the Alps”, in J. Albarran ed., Al-Andalus y la Guerra, Collecciòn Medieval Ibériqua, Madrid: La Ergàstula, 2024, pp. 159-181.

  2. The “Islamic narrative path” for Political, Religious and Bellicose Legitimacy: The role played by Christian Historical Figures in late Antiquity, in L. Gallinari, Beba Abdelnaby (Eds.), Identities in touch between East and West: 11th to 21th centuries., Berlin: Peter Lang Pub., 2022, pp. 65-83.

  3. When does Religion divide the Community? Reconsidering the Dynamics of Violence and Pacification in the 19th century Ottoman Arab Levant, in M. Younes, Anna Hager, L. Basanese et Diego Sarrio Cucarella (Eds.), Islam et Appartenances, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020, pp. 117-140.

  4. Jihad e Violenza Armata: la grande menzogna, Demichelis Marco, in M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, M. Bombardieri, Capire l’Islam: tra Mito e Realtà, Brescia: Morcelliana Editore, 2019, pp. 127-148.

  5. Islamic Supremacy. The “Early” Islamic century and the Violence against the Other. A Historical-Religions Perspective, in Religious Violence. Political Ends. Nationalism, Citizenship and Radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe, Demichelis M. Ed., Hildesheim: OLMS, Religion and Civil Society Series, 2018, pp. 11-34.

  6. The Dynamics of Islamic Radicalization in Europe and their prevention: a humanistic approach, Demichelis Marco, Giulia Mezzetti, in Ali Moftfa, Michel Younes, L’Islam au Pluriel. Foi, pensée et société, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018, pp. 225-242.

  7. Syria’s Lebanonization: a Historical excursus within the “non – existence” of Syrian National Identity, in Demichelis Marco, Paolo Maggiolini Eds. The Struggle to Define a Nation. Rethinking Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary Islamic World, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2017, pp. 45-74.

  8. The Oromo and the historical process of Islamization in Ethiopia: Habashah vs. Argobba on the “Acrocoro, in A.C.S. Peacock Ed. Islamisation: Comparative Perspectives from History, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp. 223-243.

  9. Citizenship and equity. An excursus within the Nahda between Islamic Pluralism and Religious exclusivism, Asia Major 2, Roma: Viella Editore, 2015, pp. 15-31.

  10. Kharijites and Qarmatians; the Islamic pre- democratic thought. A political-theological analysis, Religions and Representation: Islam and Democracy ed. by Ingrid Mattson, Paul Nesbitt Larking and Nawaz Tahir, Cambridge Publishing Press, 2015, p. 101-127.

  11. The Ethiopian studies in Italy, between afro- Orientalism and colonialism, in Italian Orientalism, Antares, Alba, 2011, pp. 90- 107 (not peer-reviewed).


Encyclopedia entries and book reviews

      1. Book Review: Sara Hejazi, Iran, donne e Rivolte, Brescia: Morcelliana Editore 2023 on Studi Maghrebini, Brill, 21/2 (2023), pp. 257-259.

      2. Christian Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. The Ottoman Empire (1800-1914), Leiden: Brill, 2021; Vol. 18 Entry: Farah Antun, pp. 646-651.

      3. Book Review (Notae): S Gunther, T. Lawson eds. Roads to Paradise. Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam, Leiden: Brill, 2016 on Gregorianum 102/1, 2021, pp. 199-205.

      4. Book Review: N. G. Awad, Umayyad Christianity. John of Damascus as a contextual example of identity formation in Early Islam, Piscatawat, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2018, on Gregorianum 101/4, 2020, pp. 1000- 1003.

      5. Book Review: A. Kuru, Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, on Journal of Religious History, 45/1, 2021, pp. 160-161.

      6. Book Review: J. Hodge, S. Cowdell, C. Fleming, C. Osborn (eds), Does Religion cause Violence? Multidisciplinary perspectives on Violence and Religion in the Modern World, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, on Ethical Perspectives, 26/2 (2019), pp. 387-390.

      7. Book Review: Ersilia Francesca (ed.), Ibadi Theology. Rereading sources and scholarly works, “Studies on Ibadism and Oman”, Vol. 4 edited by Abdulrahman Al-Salimi and Heinz Gaube, Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2015, on Oriente Moderno, 96/2 (2016), pp. 431-432.

      8. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science and Technology in Islam, entries: al-Jahiz, Universities and University (addendum) Classical Islamic Age, Major Discoveries and Inventions, Institution of Science Education, contemporary, Oxford University Press, 2014.

      9. Book Review: M. Hassan Khalil, Islam and the Fate of Others, Oxford University Press, 2012; Between Heaven and Hell: Islam, Salvation and the Fate of Others, Oxford University Press, 2013, on The Marginalia Review of Books. ( [] )

      10. Book Review: Albrecht Fuess, Jan- Peter Hartung, Court Cultures in the Muslim World. Seventh to nineteenth centuries. London, Soas/Routledge Studies on the Middle East, 2011, on Storia del Pensiero Politico, il Mulino editore, n.2, 2013.

      11. Fitzpatrick C. & Walker A. (Eds.), Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture. An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013. Specific Entries: Predestination, Ijtihad, Apocalyptic and Messianic, Governance, Shura, Caliphate and Imamate, John of Damascus.

      12. Mesa Verde Publishing, entries for the Native Peoples of the World Encyclopedia, ed. Steven Danver, New York: Sharpe Reference, 2013, 3 Vols. Titles: Ahmara (Vol. 1, pp. 15-16); Oromo (Vol. 1, pp. 69- 72), Siria (Vol. 3, pp. 680-682); Morocco (Vol. 3, pp. 642-644).

      13. Translation: Françoise Jaquin, «Louis Massignon et Jean Mohammed Abd al-Jalil», Humanitas,Morcelliana Editore, 2013, special issue on Louis Massignon.

      14. Sage publications Inc, The Cultural Sociology of Middle East, Asia and Africa, an Encyclopedia, (Vols. 4, 2012) entries: Fatimids, Vol. 1, pp. 147-149; Mamluk Dynasty, Vol. 1., pp. 157-158; Safavid and Shi’I Iran, Vol. 1, pp. 199-201; Saladin, Vol. 1, pp. 96-97; Suleyman the Magnificent, Vol. 1, pp. 217-219; Jamal ad-din al-Afghani, Vol. 1, pp. 126-127; St. Augustine of Hippo, Vol. 2, pp. 79-81; Islamic Conquests, Vol. 2, pp. 56-57; Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vol. 2, pp. 54-55; Italo-Ethiopian war 1895,Vol. 2, pp. 155-156; Italo- Ethiopian war, 1935-1936, Vol. 2., pp. 308- 310; Italo- Ottoman War (Lybia), Vol. 2, pp. 310-311; Selassie, Haile, Vol. 2, pp. 373-375.

      15. ABC-Clio, entries for the World Historical Project, a new historical encyclopedia for undergraduate students. Title: Slave Soldiers in Early Medieval Dar al-Islam – 632-1000 CE, Part II, p. 109.; Alp Arslan: The Brave Lion of Manzikert (1071), Part II, p. 305; Ethiopian Resistance to Muslim Encroachment (XV-XVI centuries), Part II, p. 276

      16. Book Review: Massimo Campanini, Averroe’, Il Mulino editore, 2008, Il Pensiero Politico, Vol. II, 2008, p. 288.

      17. Book Review: Rashid Benzine, Les nouveaux penseurs de l’Islam, Albin Michel, 2004, Il Pensiero,Politico, Vol. I, 2009, p. 290.



  1. “Musulmanes en Saint-Tropez: al-Andalus fuera de al-Andalus. Datos historicos, narrativas y dudas [] sobre Jabal al-Qilāl [] ”, 12/11/2022, Al-Andalus y la Historia.

  2. “Combatir la radicalizacion desde las aulas [] ”, 05/09/2017, El Espanol.

  3. “Lebano necesita liberarse de su pasado (y de la injerencias externas) [] ”, 7/09/2020, The Conversation.

  4. “El []peligro de trivializar el nuevo antisemitismo [] ”, 12/10/2020, The Conversation.

  5. “ []El [] islam de la Ilustración”, la bandera laicista de Macron”, 03/11/2020, EsGlobal.

  6. “Biden []y la política estadounidense en Oriente Medio: ¿cambio de rumbo u oportunismo? [] ”, 19/11/20209, EsGlobal.

  7. Ricominciare dall’Islam per una preventiva de-radicalizzazione del fondamentalismo religioso. Il contributo delle Humanities (Developing by Islam for preventive de-radicalization of religious fundamentalism. The contribution of the Humanities) in Europa e Islam. Attualità di una relazione, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2016, pp. 76-84.

  8. Il Califfato Islamico. Propaganda e sostanza all’origine dell’ISIS (The Islamic Caliphate. Propaganda in substance at the origin of Daesh), in Il Tablet e la Mezzaluna. Islam e Media ai tempi del meticciato, Venice. Marsilio Editore, 2016, pp. 44-53.

  9. Islamizzare la Secolarizzazione per laicizzare l’Islam (Islamize Secularization to secularize Islam), in Troppa Religione o Troppo poca? Cristiani e Musulmani alla prova della Secolarizzazione, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2015, pp. 25-36.

  10. L’Involuzione Wahhabita. Dalle Origini al Neo-Salafismo (The Wahhabi involution. From the Origins to Neo-Salafism), in La Galassia Fondamentalista tra Jihad Armato e Partecipazione Politica, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2015, pp. 83-94.

  11. Sayyid Qutb, the theorist of Political Islam. The long road to Islamic radicalism, al-Hiwar, 4/2011 (monographic work on the Muslim Brotherhood), pp. 23- 32.




    1. Monographs (Reviews of my books: Demichelis Marco | Università di [] )


  1. Violence in Early Islam. Religious Narratives, the Arab Conquests and the Canonization of Jihad, London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2021.

  2. Salvation and Hell in Classical Islamic Thought: Allah may save us all? London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.

  3. L’Islam contemporaneo. Sfide e Riflessioni tra modernità e modernismo (Islam in the contemporary. Challenges and reflections between modernity and modernism). Torino: Anankelab, 2016.

  4. Etica Islamica. Ragione e Responsabilità (Islamic Ethics. Reason and Responsibility), Milano: Edizioni Paoline, 2016/ Etica islamica. Razon y responsabilidad, tr. Soledad A. Domingo, Astrolabio Series, Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2021.

  5. Storia dei Popoli Arabi. Dal Profeta Muhammad alle Primavere del Vicino Oriente, (History of the Arab Peoples. From the Prophet Muhammad to the Springs of the Near East), Torino: Anankelab editore, 2013, 2ed. 2015.

  6. Il pensiero mu‘tazilita. Ragione e fede tra Basra e Baghdad nei primi secoli dell’Islam, (The mu‘tazilite thought. Reason and Faith between Basra and Baghdad in Early Islamic History, PhD Diss.), Paris/ Torino: Harmattan, 2011.


    1. Edited works


      1. Special Issue (2024): Infidels, Enemies or Humanists? The European-Italian Renaissance and the Fictional Imaginary of the Muslim Ottoman Turk, Ed. Dr. Marco Demichelis, (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI, (under elaboration, deadline 30 April 2025). Religions | Special Issue : University of Konstanz, International Conference (25 October, 31 October, 8 November 2024): Emerging Historical Perspectives on Christian-Muslim Interactions in and around the Mediterranean (c. 630–1614) ( []

      2. Special Issue (2022): The Qur’an in History. The History of the Qur’an. From Canonization to critique and Semantic Hermeneutics, Ed. Dr. Marco Demichelis, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI, [] [] .

      3. Religious Violence, Political Ends. Nationalism, citizenship and radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe, Religion and Civil Society Series, Ed by Demichelis Marco, Hildesheim: OLMS-Weidmann, 2018.

      4. The Struggle to Define a Nation. Rethinking Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary Islamic World,

Ed. by Marco Demichelis and Paolo Maggiolini, Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2017.

      1. Memorie con-divise. Popoli, Stati e Nazioni nel Mediterraneo e nel Medio- Oriente (Shared memories. Peoples, States and Nations in the Mediterranean and Middle East), edited by Prof. Paolo Branca and Dr. Demichelis Marco, Milano: Leggere Leggere editore, 2013.


    1. Academic articles in peer-reviewed Journals (Scopus/ Fascia A Anvur)


  1. The Conciliarist Idea of Islam in the Quattrocento. Prelude and Legacy, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 15 (2024), pp. 1-21.

  2. Al-Andalus oltre la geografia di al-Andalus. Jabal al-Qilāl: storia, narrazioni e dubbi, Kharabat. Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterrenei, XII (2023), pp. 1-11.

  3. The “Mestiere delle Armi”. Steel, trade and anonymity in the early Islamic age (7-10th), Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East (Lamine) series, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2024 (in press).

  4. Qur’anic Christology in Late Antiquity. ‘Isa ibn Maryam and His Divine Power (Energeia) in the Islamic Revelation, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 12/ 979 (2021), pp. 1-19.

  5. Arab Christians Confederations and Muhammad’s believers: on the Origins of Jihad, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 12/710 (2021), pp. 1-20.

  6. Jihadism au rebours: Orientalism and Occidentalism for a counter-Hegemonic Liberation Theology,

Journal of Religious History (Q3 Scopus), 45/1 (2021), pp. 1-19.

  1. The Khatim an-Nabiyyin (The Seal of Prophets) and its inclusive- Abrahamic perspective. Muhammad and ‘Isa ibn Maryam in dialogue, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed., 12/1 (2021), pp. 1-16.

  2. Was Egyptian Islamic Revivalism really counter-Hegemonic? S. Qutb and the problem of Islamic Consciousness, in ReOrient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies 5/1 (2019), pp. 47-72.

  3. Fasad, Hijra and Warlike Diaspora” from Early Islam geographic boundaries towards a new Dar al- Hikma: Europe, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), 10/277 (2019) in Special Issue, Ed. Roberta Ricucci, Muslims Diaspora in Western Countries.

  4. The Fate of Others in Fourteenth-Century Hanbalism. Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328/728) and Ibn Qayyim al- Jawziyya (d. 1350/750) and the Fanā’ al-Nār, in Annali di Scienze Religiose (Fascia A Anvur), n. 9, Brepols Publishers, (2017), pp. 271-294.

  5. Fanā’ al-Nār within early Kalām and Mysticism. An analysis covering the Eighth and Ninth Centuries, in Archiv Orientalni (Q3 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), Oriental Institute of Praha, 2015, Vol. 83.3, pp. 385-410.

  6. Kalām viewpoints present within the debate on secularisation between F. Anṭūn and M. ‘Abduh. God’s absolutism and Islām’s irrationality as cornerstones of Orientalist Arab-Christian thought during the Nahḍa, Aram Periodical (Q2Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), 25 1&2, 2016, pp. 335-348.

  7. From Nahda to Nakba: The Governmental Arab College of Jerusalem and the Palestinian historical heritage in the first half of the XX century, Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 37.3, 2015, pp. 264-281.

  8. The Apocatastasis will save us all. The transition towards a shared ethical approach from Christian

Patristic to Early Islamic theology and philosophy, Parole de l’ Orient (Q4 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur),

Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik (Lebanon), n.1/ 2014, pp. 385-422.

  1. Islamic Liberation Theology, An inter-religious reflection between Gustavo Gutierrez, Farid Esack and Hamid Dabashi, Oriente Moderno (Fascia A Anvur), Leiden: Brill, 94 (2014), pp. 125-147.

  2. Basra, the cradle of Islamic culture. A reasoned analysis of the urban area that was the early home of Islamic Studies, Orientalia Christiana Analecta, Pontifex Oriental University, n. 293, 2013, pp. 191-220.

  3. The Mihna. Deconstruction and reconsideration of the Mu‘tazilite role in the Inquisition, in Annali di Scienze Religiose (Fascia A Anvur), n. 5, Brepols Publishers (2012), pp. 237-266.

  4. Between mu‘tazilism and syncretism: a reappraisal of the behaviour of the caliphate of al-Ma’mun,

Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), University of Chicago, 2/2012, pp. 257-273.

  1. New-Mu‘tazilite theology in the contemporary age. The relationship between Reason, History and Tradition, Oriente Moderno (Fascia A Anvur), Leiden: Brill, 2/2010, pp. 411- 426.

  2. Consensus and equality within Arab-Islamic thought of the VII-VIII century CE, in Freedom and Democracy in the History of Political Thought, Rubettino Università ed., Catanzaro, 2008, pp. 197- 205.


    1. Book contributions (chapters)


  1. “The Andalusi outside al-Andalus. Fraxinetum, Jabal al-Qilāl and the Saracens on the Alps”, in J. Albarran ed., Al-Andalus y la Guerra, Collecciòn Medieval Ibériqua, Madrid: La Ergàstula, 2024, pp. 159-181.

  2. The “Islamic narrative path” for Political, Religious and Bellicose Legitimacy: The role played by Christian Historical Figures in late Antiquity, in L. Gallinari, Beba Abdelnaby (Eds.), Identities in touch between East and West: 11th to 21th centuries., Berlin: Peter Lang Pub., 2022, pp. 65-83.

  3. When does Religion divide the Community? Reconsidering the Dynamics of Violence and Pacification in the 19th century Ottoman Arab Levant, in M. Younes, Anna Hager, L. Basanese et Diego Sarrio Cucarella (Eds.), Islam et Appartenances, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020, pp. 117-140.

  4. Jihad e Violenza Armata: la grande menzogna, Demichelis Marco, in M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, M. Bombardieri, Capire l’Islam: tra Mito e Realtà, Brescia: Morcelliana Editore, 2019, pp. 127-148.

  5. Islamic Supremacy. The “Early” Islamic century and the Violence against the Other. A Historical-Religions Perspective, in Religious Violence. Political Ends. Nationalism, Citizenship and Radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe, Demichelis M. Ed., Hildesheim: OLMS, Religion and Civil Society Series, 2018, pp. 11-34.

  6. The Dynamics of Islamic Radicalization in Europe and their prevention: a humanistic approach, Demichelis Marco, Giulia Mezzetti, in Ali Moftfa, Michel Younes, L’Islam au Pluriel. Foi, pensée et société, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018, pp. 225-242.

  7. Syria’s Lebanonization: a Historical excursus within the “non – existence” of Syrian National Identity, in Demichelis Marco, Paolo Maggiolini Eds. The Struggle to Define a Nation. Rethinking Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary Islamic World, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2017, pp. 45-74.

  8. The Oromo and the historical process of Islamization in Ethiopia: Habashah vs. Argobba on the “Acrocoro, in A.C.S. Peacock Ed. Islamisation: Comparative Perspectives from History, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp. 223-243.

  9. Citizenship and equity. An excursus within the Nahda between Islamic Pluralism and Religious exclusivism, Asia Major 2, Roma: Viella Editore, 2015, pp. 15-31.

  10. Kharijites and Qarmatians; the Islamic pre- democratic thought. A political-theological analysis, Religions and Representation: Islam and Democracy ed. by Ingrid Mattson, Paul Nesbitt Larking and Nawaz Tahir, Cambridge Publishing Press, 2015, p. 101-127.

  11. The Ethiopian studies in Italy, between afro- Orientalism and colonialism, in Italian Orientalism, Antares, Alba, 2011, pp. 90- 107 (not peer-reviewed).

    1. Encyclopedia entries and book reviews


      1. Book Review: Sara Hejazi, Iran, donne e Rivolte, Brescia: Morcelliana Editore 2023 on Studi Maghrebini, Brill, 21/2 (2023), pp. 257-259.

      2. Christian Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. The Ottoman Empire (1800-1914), Leiden: Brill, 2021; Vol. 18 Entry: Farah Antun, pp. 646-651.

      3. Book Review (Notae): S Gunther, T. Lawson eds. Roads to Paradise. Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam, Leiden: Brill, 2016 on Gregorianum 102/1, 2021, pp. 199-205.

      4. Book Review: N. G. Awad, Umayyad Christianity. John of Damascus as a contextual example of identity formation in Early Islam, Piscatawat, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2018, on Gregorianum 101/4, 2020, pp. 1000- 1003.

      5. Book Review: A. Kuru, Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, on Journal of Religious History, 45/1, 2021, pp. 160-161.

      6. Book Review: J. Hodge, S. Cowdell, C. Fleming, C. Osborn (eds), Does Religion cause Violence? Multidisciplinary perspectives on Violence and Religion in the Modern World, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, on Ethical Perspectives, 26/2 (2019), pp. 387-390.

      7. Book Review: Ersilia Francesca (ed.), Ibadi Theology. Rereading sources and scholarly works, “Studies on Ibadism and Oman”, Vol. 4 edited by Abdulrahman Al-Salimi and Heinz Gaube, Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2015, on Oriente Moderno, 96/2 (2016), pp. 431-432.

      8. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science and Technology in Islam, entries: al-Jahiz, Universities and University (addendum) Classical Islamic Age, Major Discoveries and Inventions, Institution of Science Education, contemporary, Oxford University Press, 2014.

      9. Book Review: M. Hassan Khalil, Islam and the Fate of Others, Oxford University Press, 2012; Between Heaven and Hell: Islam, Salvation and the Fate of Others, Oxford University Press, 2013, on The Marginalia Review of Books. ( [] )

      10. Book Review: Albrecht Fuess, Jan- Peter Hartung, Court Cultures in the Muslim World. Seventh to nineteenth centuries. London, Soas/Routledge Studies on the Middle East, 2011, on Storia del Pensiero Politico, il Mulino editore, n.2, 2013.

      11. Fitzpatrick C. & Walker A. (Eds.), Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture. An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013. Specific Entries: Predestination, Ijtihad, Apocalyptic and Messianic, Governance, Shura, Caliphate and Imamate, John of Damascus.

      12. Mesa Verde Publishing, entries for the Native Peoples of the World Encyclopedia, ed. Steven Danver, New York: Sharpe Reference, 2013, 3 Vols. Titles: Ahmara (Vol. 1, pp. 15-16); Oromo (Vol. 1, pp. 69- 72), Siria (Vol. 3, pp. 680-682); Morocco (Vol. 3, pp. 642-644).

      13. Translation: Françoise Jaquin, «Louis Massignon et Jean Mohammed Abd al-Jalil», Humanitas,

Morcelliana Editore, 2013, special issue on Louis Massignon.

      1. Sage publications Inc, The Cultural Sociology of Middle East, Asia and Africa, an Encyclopedia, (Vols. 4, 2012) entries: Fatimids, Vol. 1, pp. 147-149; Mamluk Dynasty, Vol. 1., pp. 157-158; Safavid and Shi’I Iran, Vol. 1, pp. 199-201; Saladin, Vol. 1, pp. 96-97; Suleyman the Magnificent, Vol. 1, pp. 217-219; Jamal ad-din al-Afghani, Vol. 1, pp. 126-127; St. Augustine of Hippo, Vol. 2, pp. 79-81; Islamic Conquests, Vol. 2, pp. 56-57; Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vol. 2, pp. 54-55; Italo-Ethiopian war 1895,Vol. 2, pp. 155-156; Italo- Ethiopian war, 1935-1936, Vol. 2., pp. 308- 310; Italo- Ottoman War (Lybia), Vol. 2, pp. 310-311; Selassie, Haile, Vol. 2, pp. 373-375.

      2. ABC-Clio, entries for the World Historical Project, a new historical encyclopedia for undergraduate students. Title: Slave Soldiers in Early Medieval Dar al-Islam – 632-1000 CE, Part II, p. 109.; Alp Arslan: The Brave Lion of Manzikert (1071), Part II, p. 305; Ethiopian Resistance to Muslim Encroachment (XV-XVI centuries), Part II, p. 276

      3. Book Review: Massimo Campanini, Averroe’, Il Mulino editore, 2008, Il Pensiero Politico, Vol. II, 2008, p. 288.

      4. Book Review: Rashid Benzine, Les nouveaux penseurs de l’Islam, Albin Michel, 2004, Il Pensiero

Politico, Vol. I, 2009, p. 290.


    1. Opinion articles (third mission)


  1. “Musulmanes en Saint-Tropez: al-Andalus fuera de al-Andalus. Datos historicos, narrativas y dudas [] sobre Jabal al-Qilāl [] ”, 12/11/2022, Al-Andalus y la Historia.

  2. “Combatir la radicalizacion desde las aulas [] ”, 05/09/2017, El Espanol.

  3. “Lebano necesita liberarse de su pasado (y de la injerencias externas) [] ”, 7/09/2020, The Conversation.

  4. “El []peligro de trivializar el nuevo antisemitismo [] ”, 12/10/2020, The Conversation.

  5. “ []El [] islam de la Ilustración”, la bandera laicista de Macron”, 03/11/2020, EsGlobal.

  6. “Biden []y la política estadounidense en Oriente Medio: ¿cambio de rumbo u oportunismo? [] ”, 19/11/20209, EsGlobal.

  7. Ricominciare dall’Islam per una preventiva de-radicalizzazione del fondamentalismo religioso. Il contributo delle Humanities (Developing by Islam for preventive de-radicalization of religious fundamentalism. The contribution of the Humanities) in Europa e Islam. Attualità di una relazione, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2016, pp. 76-84.

  8. Il Califfato Islamico. Propaganda e sostanza all’origine dell’ISIS (The Islamic Caliphate. Propaganda in substance at the origin of Daesh), in Il Tablet e la Mezzaluna. Islam e Media ai tempi del meticciato, Venice. Marsilio Editore, 2016, pp. 44-53.

  9. Islamizzare la Secolarizzazione per laicizzare l’Islam (Islamize Secularization to secularize Islam), in Troppa Religione o Troppo poca? Cristiani e Musulmani alla prova della Secolarizzazione, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2015, pp. 25-36.

  10. L’Involuzione Wahhabita. Dalle Origini al Neo-Salafismo (The Wahhabi involution. From the Origins to Neo-Salafism), in La Galassia Fondamentalista tra Jihad Armato e Partecipazione Politica, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2015, pp. 83-94.

  11. Sayyid Qutb, the theorist of Political Islam. The long road to Islamic radicalism, al-Hiwar, 4/2011 (monographic work on the Muslim Brotherhood), pp. 23- 32.




    1. Monographs (Reviews of my books: Demichelis Marco | Università di [] )


  1. Violence in Early Islam. Religious Narratives, the Arab Conquests and the Canonization of Jihad, London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2021.

  2. Salvation and Hell in Classical Islamic Thought: Allah may save us all? London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.

  3. L’Islam contemporaneo. Sfide e Riflessioni tra modernità e modernismo (Islam in the contemporary. Challenges and reflections between modernity and modernism). Torino: Anankelab, 2016.

  4. Etica Islamica. Ragione e Responsabilità (Islamic Ethics. Reason and Responsibility), Milano: Edizioni Paoline, 2016/ Etica islamica. Razon y responsabilidad, tr. Soledad A. Domingo, Astrolabio Series, Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2021.

  5. Storia dei Popoli Arabi. Dal Profeta Muhammad alle Primavere del Vicino Oriente, (History of the Arab Peoples. From the Prophet Muhammad to the Springs of the Near East), Torino: Anankelab editore, 2013, 2ed. 2015.

  6. Il pensiero mu‘tazilita. Ragione e fede tra Basra e Baghdad nei primi secoli dell’Islam, (The mu‘tazilite thought. Reason and Faith between Basra and Baghdad in Early Islamic History, PhD Diss.), Paris/ Torino: Harmattan, 2011.


    1. Edited works


      1. Special Issue (2024): Infidels, Enemies or Humanists? The European-Italian Renaissance and the Fictional Imaginary of the Muslim Ottoman Turk, Ed. Dr. Marco Demichelis, (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI, (under elaboration, deadline 30 April 2025). Religions | Special Issue : University of Konstanz, International Conference (25 October, 31 October, 8 November 2024): Emerging Historical Perspectives on Christian-Muslim Interactions in and around the Mediterranean (c. 630–1614) ( []

      2. Special Issue (2022): The Qur’an in History. The History of the Qur’an. From Canonization to critique and Semantic Hermeneutics, Ed. Dr. Marco Demichelis, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI, [] [] .

      3. Religious Violence, Political Ends. Nationalism, citizenship and radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe, Religion and Civil Society Series, Ed by Demichelis Marco, Hildesheim: OLMS-Weidmann, 2018.

      4. The Struggle to Define a Nation. Rethinking Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary Islamic World,

Ed. by Marco Demichelis and Paolo Maggiolini, Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2017.

      1. Memorie con-divise. Popoli, Stati e Nazioni nel Mediterraneo e nel Medio- Oriente (Shared memories. Peoples, States and Nations in the Mediterranean and Middle East), edited by Prof. Paolo Branca and Dr. Demichelis Marco, Milano: Leggere Leggere editore, 2013.


    1. Academic articles in peer-reviewed Journals (Scopus/ Fascia A Anvur)


  1. The Conciliarist Idea of Islam in the Quattrocento. Prelude and Legacy, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 15 (2024), pp. 1-21.

  2. Al-Andalus oltre la geografia di al-Andalus. Jabal al-Qilāl: storia, narrazioni e dubbi, Kharabat. Rivista di Studi Indo-Mediterrenei, XII (2023), pp. 1-11.

  3. The “Mestiere delle Armi”. Steel, trade and anonymity in the early Islamic age (7-10th), Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East (Lamine) series, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2024 (in press).

  4. Qur’anic Christology in Late Antiquity. ‘Isa ibn Maryam and His Divine Power (Energeia) in the Islamic Revelation, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 12/ 979 (2021), pp. 1-19.

  5. Arab Christians Confederations and Muhammad’s believers: on the Origins of Jihad, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed. 12/710 (2021), pp. 1-20.

  6. Jihadism au rebours: Orientalism and Occidentalism for a counter-Hegemonic Liberation Theology,

Journal of Religious History (Q3 Scopus), 45/1 (2021), pp. 1-19.

  1. The Khatim an-Nabiyyin (The Seal of Prophets) and its inclusive- Abrahamic perspective. Muhammad and ‘Isa ibn Maryam in dialogue, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), MDPI ed., 12/1 (2021), pp. 1-16.

  2. Was Egyptian Islamic Revivalism really counter-Hegemonic? S. Qutb and the problem of Islamic Consciousness, in ReOrient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies 5/1 (2019), pp. 47-72.

  3. Fasad, Hijra and Warlike Diaspora” from Early Islam geographic boundaries towards a new Dar al- Hikma: Europe, Religions (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), 10/277 (2019) in Special Issue, Ed. Roberta Ricucci, Muslims Diaspora in Western Countries.

  4. The Fate of Others in Fourteenth-Century Hanbalism. Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328/728) and Ibn Qayyim al- Jawziyya (d. 1350/750) and the Fanā’ al-Nār, in Annali di Scienze Religiose (Fascia A Anvur), n. 9, Brepols Publishers, (2017), pp. 271-294.

  5. Fanā’ al-Nār within early Kalām and Mysticism. An analysis covering the Eighth and Ninth Centuries, in Archiv Orientalni (Q3 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), Oriental Institute of Praha, 2015, Vol. 83.3, pp. 385-410.

  6. Kalām viewpoints present within the debate on secularisation between F. Anṭūn and M. ‘Abduh. God’s absolutism and Islām’s irrationality as cornerstones of Orientalist Arab-Christian thought during the Nahḍa, Aram Periodical (Q2Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), 25 1&2, 2016, pp. 335-348.

  7. From Nahda to Nakba: The Governmental Arab College of Jerusalem and the Palestinian historical heritage in the first half of the XX century, Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 37.3, 2015, pp. 264-281.

  8. The Apocatastasis will save us all. The transition towards a shared ethical approach from Christian

Patristic to Early Islamic theology and philosophy, Parole de l’ Orient (Q4 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur),

Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik (Lebanon), n.1/ 2014, pp. 385-422.

  1. Islamic Liberation Theology, An inter-religious reflection between Gustavo Gutierrez, Farid Esack and Hamid Dabashi, Oriente Moderno (Fascia A Anvur), Leiden: Brill, 94 (2014), pp. 125-147.

  2. Basra, the cradle of Islamic culture. A reasoned analysis of the urban area that was the early home of Islamic Studies, Orientalia Christiana Analecta, Pontifex Oriental University, n. 293, 2013, pp. 191-220.

  3. The Mihna. Deconstruction and reconsideration of the Mu‘tazilite role in the Inquisition, in Annali di Scienze Religiose (Fascia A Anvur), n. 5, Brepols Publishers (2012), pp. 237-266.

  4. Between mu‘tazilism and syncretism: a reappraisal of the behaviour of the caliphate of al-Ma’mun,

Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Q1 Scopus, Fascia A Anvur), University of Chicago, 2/2012, pp. 257-273.

  1. New-Mu‘tazilite theology in the contemporary age. The relationship between Reason, History and Tradition, Oriente Moderno (Fascia A Anvur), Leiden: Brill, 2/2010, pp. 411- 426.

  2. Consensus and equality within Arab-Islamic thought of the VII-VIII century CE, in Freedom and Democracy in the History of Political Thought, Rubettino Università ed., Catanzaro, 2008, pp. 197- 205.


    1. Book contributions (chapters)


  1. “The Andalusi outside al-Andalus. Fraxinetum, Jabal al-Qilāl and the Saracens on the Alps”, in J. Albarran ed., Al-Andalus y la Guerra, Collecciòn Medieval Ibériqua, Madrid: La Ergàstula, 2024, pp. 159-181.

  2. The “Islamic narrative path” for Political, Religious and Bellicose Legitimacy: The role played by Christian Historical Figures in late Antiquity, in L. Gallinari, Beba Abdelnaby (Eds.), Identities in touch between East and West: 11th to 21th centuries., Berlin: Peter Lang Pub., 2022, pp. 65-83.

  3. When does Religion divide the Community? Reconsidering the Dynamics of Violence and Pacification in the 19th century Ottoman Arab Levant, in M. Younes, Anna Hager, L. Basanese et Diego Sarrio Cucarella (Eds.), Islam et Appartenances, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020, pp. 117-140.

  4. Jihad e Violenza Armata: la grande menzogna, Demichelis Marco, in M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, M. Bombardieri, Capire l’Islam: tra Mito e Realtà, Brescia: Morcelliana Editore, 2019, pp. 127-148.

  5. Islamic Supremacy. The “Early” Islamic century and the Violence against the Other. A Historical-Religions Perspective, in Religious Violence. Political Ends. Nationalism, Citizenship and Radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe, Demichelis M. Ed., Hildesheim: OLMS, Religion and Civil Society Series, 2018, pp. 11-34.

  6. The Dynamics of Islamic Radicalization in Europe and their prevention: a humanistic approach, Demichelis Marco, Giulia Mezzetti, in Ali Moftfa, Michel Younes, L’Islam au Pluriel. Foi, pensée et société, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2018, pp. 225-242.

  7. Syria’s Lebanonization: a Historical excursus within the “non – existence” of Syrian National Identity, in Demichelis Marco, Paolo Maggiolini Eds. The Struggle to Define a Nation. Rethinking Religious Nationalism in the Contemporary Islamic World, Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2017, pp. 45-74.

  8. The Oromo and the historical process of Islamization in Ethiopia: Habashah vs. Argobba on the “Acrocoro, in A.C.S. Peacock Ed. Islamisation: Comparative Perspectives from History, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, pp. 223-243.

  9. Citizenship and equity. An excursus within the Nahda between Islamic Pluralism and Religious exclusivism, Asia Major 2, Roma: Viella Editore, 2015, pp. 15-31.

  10. Kharijites and Qarmatians; the Islamic pre- democratic thought. A political-theological analysis, Religions and Representation: Islam and Democracy ed. by Ingrid Mattson, Paul Nesbitt Larking and Nawaz Tahir, Cambridge Publishing Press, 2015, p. 101-127.

  11. The Ethiopian studies in Italy, between afro- Orientalism and colonialism, in Italian Orientalism, Antares, Alba, 2011, pp. 90- 107 (not peer-reviewed).

    1. Encyclopedia entries and book reviews


      1. Book Review: Sara Hejazi, Iran, donne e Rivolte, Brescia: Morcelliana Editore 2023 on Studi Maghrebini, Brill, 21/2 (2023), pp. 257-259.

      2. Christian Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. The Ottoman Empire (1800-1914), Leiden: Brill, 2021; Vol. 18 Entry: Farah Antun, pp. 646-651.

      3. Book Review (Notae): S Gunther, T. Lawson eds. Roads to Paradise. Eschatology and Concepts of the Hereafter in Islam, Leiden: Brill, 2016 on Gregorianum 102/1, 2021, pp. 199-205.

      4. Book Review: N. G. Awad, Umayyad Christianity. John of Damascus as a contextual example of identity formation in Early Islam, Piscatawat, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2018, on Gregorianum 101/4, 2020, pp. 1000- 1003.

      5. Book Review: A. Kuru, Islam, Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, on Journal of Religious History, 45/1, 2021, pp. 160-161.

      6. Book Review: J. Hodge, S. Cowdell, C. Fleming, C. Osborn (eds), Does Religion cause Violence? Multidisciplinary perspectives on Violence and Religion in the Modern World, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017, on Ethical Perspectives, 26/2 (2019), pp. 387-390.

      7. Book Review: Ersilia Francesca (ed.), Ibadi Theology. Rereading sources and scholarly works, “Studies on Ibadism and Oman”, Vol. 4 edited by Abdulrahman Al-Salimi and Heinz Gaube, Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 2015, on Oriente Moderno, 96/2 (2016), pp. 431-432.

      8. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science and Technology in Islam, entries: al-Jahiz, Universities and University (addendum) Classical Islamic Age, Major Discoveries and Inventions, Institution of Science Education, contemporary, Oxford University Press, 2014.

      9. Book Review: M. Hassan Khalil, Islam and the Fate of Others, Oxford University Press, 2012; Between Heaven and Hell: Islam, Salvation and the Fate of Others, Oxford University Press, 2013, on The Marginalia Review of Books. ( [] )

      10. Book Review: Albrecht Fuess, Jan- Peter Hartung, Court Cultures in the Muslim World. Seventh to nineteenth centuries. London, Soas/Routledge Studies on the Middle East, 2011, on Storia del Pensiero Politico, il Mulino editore, n.2, 2013.

      11. Fitzpatrick C. & Walker A. (Eds.), Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture. An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013. Specific Entries: Predestination, Ijtihad, Apocalyptic and Messianic, Governance, Shura, Caliphate and Imamate, John of Damascus.

      12. Mesa Verde Publishing, entries for the Native Peoples of the World Encyclopedia, ed. Steven Danver, New York: Sharpe Reference, 2013, 3 Vols. Titles: Ahmara (Vol. 1, pp. 15-16); Oromo (Vol. 1, pp. 69- 72), Siria (Vol. 3, pp. 680-682); Morocco (Vol. 3, pp. 642-644).

      13. Translation: Françoise Jaquin, «Louis Massignon et Jean Mohammed Abd al-Jalil», Humanitas,

Morcelliana Editore, 2013, special issue on Louis Massignon.

      1. Sage publications Inc, The Cultural Sociology of Middle East, Asia and Africa, an Encyclopedia, (Vols. 4, 2012) entries: Fatimids, Vol. 1, pp. 147-149; Mamluk Dynasty, Vol. 1., pp. 157-158; Safavid and Shi’I Iran, Vol. 1, pp. 199-201; Saladin, Vol. 1, pp. 96-97; Suleyman the Magnificent, Vol. 1, pp. 217-219; Jamal ad-din al-Afghani, Vol. 1, pp. 126-127; St. Augustine of Hippo, Vol. 2, pp. 79-81; Islamic Conquests, Vol. 2, pp. 56-57; Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa, Vol. 2, pp. 54-55; Italo-Ethiopian war 1895,Vol. 2, pp. 155-156; Italo- Ethiopian war, 1935-1936, Vol. 2., pp. 308- 310; Italo- Ottoman War (Lybia), Vol. 2, pp. 310-311; Selassie, Haile, Vol. 2, pp. 373-375.

      2. ABC-Clio, entries for the World Historical Project, a new historical encyclopedia for undergraduate students. Title: Slave Soldiers in Early Medieval Dar al-Islam – 632-1000 CE, Part II, p. 109.; Alp Arslan: The Brave Lion of Manzikert (1071), Part II, p. 305; Ethiopian Resistance to Muslim Encroachment (XV-XVI centuries), Part II, p. 276

      3. Book Review: Massimo Campanini, Averroe’, Il Mulino editore, 2008, Il Pensiero Politico, Vol. II, 2008, p. 288.

      4. Book Review: Rashid Benzine, Les nouveaux penseurs de l’Islam, Albin Michel, 2004, Il Pensiero,Politico, Vol. I, 2009, p. 290.


      Opinions article (third mission)

  1. “Musulmanes en Saint-Tropez: al-Andalus fuera de al-Andalus. Datos historicos, narrativas y dudas [] sobre Jabal al-Qilāl [] ”, 12/11/2022, Al-Andalus y la Historia.

  2. “Combatir la radicalizacion desde las aulas [] ”, 05/09/2017, El Espanol.

  3. “Lebano necesita liberarse de su pasado (y de la injerencias externas) [] ”, 7/09/2020, The Conversation.

  4. “El []peligro de trivializar el nuevo antisemitismo [] ”, 12/10/2020, The Conversation.

  5. “ []El [] islam de la Ilustración”, la bandera laicista de Macron”, 03/11/2020, EsGlobal.

  6. “Biden []y la política estadounidense en Oriente Medio: ¿cambio de rumbo u oportunismo? [] ”, 19/11/20209, EsGlobal.

  7. Ricominciare dall’Islam per una preventiva de-radicalizzazione del fondamentalismo religioso. Il contributo delle Humanities (Developing by Islam for preventive de-radicalization of religious fundamentalism. The contribution of the Humanities) in Europa e Islam. Attualità di una relazione, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2016, pp. 76-84.

  8. Il Califfato Islamico. Propaganda e sostanza all’origine dell’ISIS (The Islamic Caliphate. Propaganda in substance at the origin of Daesh), in Il Tablet e la Mezzaluna. Islam e Media ai tempi del meticciato, Venice. Marsilio Editore, 2016, pp. 44-53.

  9. Islamizzare la Secolarizzazione per laicizzare l’Islam (Islamize Secularization to secularize Islam), in Troppa Religione o Troppo poca? Cristiani e Musulmani alla prova della Secolarizzazione, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2015, pp. 25-36.

  10. L’Involuzione Wahhabita. Dalle Origini al Neo-Salafismo (The Wahhabi involution. From the Origins to Neo-Salafism), in La Galassia Fondamentalista tra Jihad Armato e Partecipazione Politica, Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2015, pp. 83-94.

  11. Sayyid Qutb, the theorist of Political Islam. The long road to Islamic radicalism, al-Hiwar, 4/2011 (monographic work on the Muslim Brotherhood), pp. 23- 32.




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