Foto del docente

Marco Bortolini

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-05/A Industrial Mechanical Plants


Lolli, Francesco; Gamberini, Rita; Giberti, Claudio; Gamberi, Mauro; Bortolini, Marco; Bruini, Emanuele, A learning model for the allocation of training hours in a multistage setting, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH», 2016, 54, pp. 5697 - 5707 [Scientific article]

Bortolini, M.; Ferrari, E.; Galizia, F.G.; Mora, C., A Reference Framework Integrating Lean and Green Principles within Supply Chain Management, «WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY», 2016, 10, pp. 859 - 864 [Scientific article]

Alsina, Emanuel Federico; Bortolini, Marco; Gamberi, Mauro; Regattieri, Alberto, Artificial neural network optimisation for monthly average daily global solar radiation prediction, «ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT», 2016, 120, pp. 320 - 329 [Scientific article]

Cascini, Alessandro; Gamberi, Mauro; Mora, Cristina; Rosano, Michele; Bortolini, Marco, Comparative Carbon Footprint Assessment of commercial walk-in refrigeration systems under different use configurations, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2016, 112, pp. 3998 - 4011 [Scientific article]

Shirgholami, Zahra; Zangeneh, Soudabeh Namdar; Bortolini, Marco, Decision system to support the practitioners in the wind farm design: A case study for Iran mainland, «SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTS», 2016, 16, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

Bortolini, Marco; Faccio, Maurizio; Ferrari, Emilio; Gamberi, Mauro; Pilati, Francesco, Fresh food sustainable distribution: Cost, delivery time and carbon footprint three-objective optimization, «JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING», 2016, 174, pp. 56 - 67 [Scientific article]

Faccio, Maurizio; Gamberi, Mauro; Bortolini, Marco, Hierarchical approach for paced mixed-model assembly line balancing and sequencing with jolly operators, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH», 2016, 54, pp. 761 - 777 [Scientific article]

Bortolini Marco; Faccio Maurizio; Gamberi Mauro; Pilati Francesco, Including Material Exposure and Part Attributes in the Manual Assembly Line Balancing Problem, in: 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Elsevier, 2016, 49, pp. 926 - 931 (atti di: 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2016, Troyes, France, 28—30 June 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Regattieri, Alberto; Piana, Francesco; Bortolini, Marco; Gamberi, Mauro; Ferrari, Emilio, Innovative portable solar cooker using the packaging waste of humanitarian supplies, «RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS», 2016, 57, pp. 319 - 326 [Scientific article]

Accorsi, Riccardo; Baruffaldi, Giulia; Bortolini, Marco; Gamberi, Mauro; Manzini, Riccardo, Internet-of-Things paradigm in food supply ecosystems control and management. Goals, strategies and tools, in: Edited by Esbeth van Dyk, iKhanyisa Pty Ltd, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Food Suppy Chain, Food for thought: Information for Smart Solutions in Big Problems, Cape Town, Esbeth van Dyk, 2016, 1, pp. 20 - 24 (atti di: Fourth International Workshop on Food Suppy Chain, Food for thought: Information for Smart Solutions in Big Problems, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 11-16 September 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bortolini Marco; Faccio Maurizio; Gamberi Mauro; Pilati Francesco, Multi-objective design of multi-modal fresh food distribution networks, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT», 2016, 24, pp. 155 - 177 [Scientific article]

Bortolini Marco; Faccio Maurizio; Gamberi Mauro; Manzini Riccardo; Pilati Francesco, Stochastic timed Petri nets to dynamically design and simulate industrial production processes, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT», 2016, 25, pp. 20 - 43 [Scientific article]

Bortolini Marco; Ferrari Emilio; Gamberi Mauro; Mora Cristina; Regattieri Alberto, Sustainability in the tobacco supply chain through low-carbon flue curing processes, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Green Supply Chain (GSC'2016), 2016, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 3rd International Conference on Green Supply Chain, Loughborough University, London Campus, UK, 10 - 13 Luglio 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Regattieri, A.; Piana, F.; Gamberi, M.; Bortolini, M.; Ferrari, E.; Massanova, F., Biogas production from organic waste: design and filed-test of a pilot plant for developing regions, in: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Production Research, 2015, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 23rd International Conference on Production Research, Manila, Philippines., August 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bortolini, Marco; Faccio, Maurizio; Gamberi, Mauro; Manzini, Riccardo, Diagonal cross-aisles in unit load warehouses to increase handling performance, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS», 2015, 170, pp. 838 - 849 [Scientific article]