vai alle Pubblicazioni
Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
Marco Beretta. The Alchemy of Glass. Counterfiet,
Imitation and Transmutation in Ancient Glassmaking
: Science History Publications/USA, 2009)
Marco Beretta, Antonio Clericuzio, Lawrence Principe ed., The Accademia del Cimento in the European Context
(Sagamore Beach: Science History Publications/USA, 2009)
Marco Beretta and Francesco Citti ed., Lucrezio. La
natura e la scienza (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2008)
Marco Beretta, Karl Grandin and Svante Lindqvist ed., Aurora Torealis.
Studies in the History of Science and Ideas in Honour to Tore
(Sagamore Beach: Science History Publications/USA, 2008)
Marco Beretta and Alessandro Tosi ed., Linnaeus in
The Spread of a Revolution in Science
(Sagamore Beach: Science History Publications/USA, 2007)
Marco Beretta ed. From Private to Public. Natural
Collections and Museums (Sagamore Beach: Science History
Publications/USA, 2005)
Marco Beretta ed. Lavoisier
in Perspective (München: Deutsches Museum, 2005)
Marco Beretta ed. When Glass Matters. Studies in the
History of Science and Art from Graeco-Roman Antiquity to the Early Modern Era (Florence: Leo S.
Olschki, 2004)
Marco Beretta, Paolo Galluzzi and Carlo Triarico ed., Musa Musaei.
Studies on Scientific Instruments and Collections in Honour of Mara
(Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2003)
Marco Beretta. Imaging a Career in Science: The
Iconography of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (Canton Mass.: Science
History Publications/USA, 2001)
Marco Beretta, Claudio Pogliano and Pietro Redondi ed., Journals and the History of Science (Florence: Leo
S.Olschki, 1998)
Marco Beretta, Tore Frängsmyr eds, Sidereus Nuncius
& Stella Polaris.
Scientific Relations between Italy and Sweden in Early Modern
(Canton Mass., Science History Publications/USA, 1997)
Marco Beretta, Maria Teresa Monti and Felice Mondella ed., Per una storia critica della scienza (Milan:
Cisalpino, 1996)
Marco Beretta. Bibliotheca Lavoisieriana: The Catalogue
of the Library of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (Florence: Leo S.
Olschki, 1995)
Marco Beretta.
The Enlightenment of Matter: The Definition of Chemistry from
Agricola to Lavoisier
(Canton Mass.: Science History Publications/USA, 1993)
Marco Beretta.
Introduction to and edition of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Mémoires de physiques et de chimie, 2 vols.
(Bristol-Chicago: The Thoemmes Press - The University of Chicago
Press, 2004)
Marco Beretta. Introduction and commentary to Marsilio Landriani,
Ricerche fisiche intorno alla salubrità dell'aria
(1774) (Florence: Giunti, 1996)
Marco Beretta.
A New Course in Chemistry: Lavoisier's First Chemical
(Florence: Leo. S. Olschki, 1994)
Marco Beretta.
Storia materiale della scienza dal libro ai laboratori
(Milan: Bruno Mondadori, 2002)
Marco Beretta and Karl Grandin ed., A Galvanized
Network. Italian-Swedish Relations from Galvani to Nobel
(Stockholm: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2001)
Marco Beretta. Lavoisier: La rivoluzione chimica
(Milan: Le Scienze, 1998).
Reprinted 2000. Revised edition and translated into German under
the title: Lavoisier.
Die Revolution der Chemie
(Heidelberg: Spektrum der Wissenschaft – Biographie 1999);
translated into Dutch with the title Lavoisier.
Revolutie in de scheikunde
(Amsterdam, 2003)
Marco Beretta The Treasure of Health. From the
Omnipotence of Medicinal Herbs to the Atomization of Drugs
(Florence: Giunti, 1997) Translated from the Italian first edition
entitled Il tesoro della salute.
Dall'onnipotenza dei semplici all'atomizzazione del
(Florence: Giunti, 1997)
Marco Beretta and Giovanni Di Pasquale ed., Vitrum. Il
vetro fra arte e scienza nel mondo romano (Florence: Giunti,
2004) translated into French with the title Arts et sciences.
Le verre dans l'Empire romain
(Florence: Giunti, 2006)
Marco Beretta. The Starry Messenger and the Polar Star:
Scientific Relations between Italy and Sweden from 1500 to 1800
(Florence: Giunti, 1995)
Marco Beretta. “Chimie et minéralogie” in Le Soleil et
l'étoile du nord: la France et la Suède au XVIIIe siècle
(Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1994), pp. 231-233
Marco Beretta. A History of Non-Printed Science: A
Select Catalogue of the Waller Collection (Stockholm: Almqvist
& Wiksell International, 1993)
Marco Beretta.
“Leonardo and Lucretius” submitted to Rinascimento
Marco Beretta.
“Turning Chemistry into Natural Philosophy? Lavoisier and Newton”
in Te Reception of Isaac Newton in Europe, Scott
Mandelbrote and Helmut Pulte ed. forthcoming (London: Continuum
Marco Beretta. “Usi scientifici della cera nell'antichità” Quaderni Storici, 130 (2009):15-34
Marco Beretta. “Lucretius as Hidden Auctoritas of
the Cimento” in
The Accademia del Cimento in the European Context
, Marco Beretta, Antonio Clericuzio, Lawrence Principe ed.,
(Science History Publications/USA, 2009), pp. 1-16.
Marco Beretta. “Gli scienziati e l'edizione del De
rerum natura” in Lucrezio. La natura e la
scienza, Marco Beretta and Francesco Citti ed. (Florence: Leo
S. Olschki, 2008), pp. 177-224
Marco Beretta. “Towards an Archaeology of Scientific Knowledge:
Museums and the History of Science” in Research and
Museums, Görel Cavalli-Björkman and Svante Lindqvist ed.
(Stockholm: the National Museum of Fine Arts and the Nobel Museum,
2008), pp. 116-134
Marco Beretta. “Enlightenment in Antiquity? Progress and Evolution
in the Vth book of Lucretius' De rerum Natura” in
Aurora Torealis. Studies in the History of Science and
Ideas in Honour to Tore Frängsmyr, Marco Beretta, Karl Grandin
and Svante Lindqvist ed. (Sagamore
Beach: Science History Publications/USA, 2008), pp. 1-12
Marco Beretta. “Lucrezio e la chimica.”
Automata. Journal of Nature, Science and Technology in the Ancient
, 2 (2007):39-56
Marco Beretta. “Linneans in Italy.
The Case of Johann Jakob Ferber” in Linnaeus in Italy.
The Spread of a Revolution in Science, Marco Beretta and
Alessandro Tosi ed. (Sagamore Beach: Science History
Publications/USA, 2007), pp. 123-145
Marco Beretta. “Collected, Analyzed, Displayed: Lavoisier and
Minerals” in From Private to Public. Natural
Collections and Museums, Marco Beretta ed. (Sagamore Beach
Mass.: Science History Publications/USA, 2005), pp.
Marco Beretta. “Una musa per la chimica? Marie Anne
Paulze-Lavoisier e la scienza del suo tempo” in, Scienza a due voci, Raffaella Simili ed.
(Florence: Leo S. Olshcki, 2006), pp. 87-109
Marco Beretta. “Between Nature and Technology: Glass in Ancient
Chemical Philosophy” in When Glass Matters. Studies in
the History of Science and Art from Graeco-Roman Antiquity to the
Early Modern Era, Marco Beretta ed. (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki,
2004), pp. 1-30
Marco Beretta. “From the Eye to the Eye-Glass. A Pre-History of
Spectacles” in When Glass Matters. Studies in the
History of Science and Art from Graeco-Roman Antiquity to the Early
Modern Era, Marco Beretta ed. (Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 2004),
pp. 249-282
Marco Beretta. “The Revival of Lucretian Atomism and Contagious
Diseases during the Renaissance.”
Medicina nei Secoli. Arte e Scienza
, 15 (2003):129-154
Marco Beretta. “Lavoisier's Collection of Instruments: a Checkered
History” in Musa Musaei. Studies on Scientific
Instruments and Collections in Honour of Mara Miniati, Marco
Beretta, Paolo Galluzzi and Carlo Triarico ed. (Florence: Leo S.
Olschki, 2003), pp. 313-334
Marco Beretta. “Lavoisier and his Last Printed Work: the Mémoires
de physique et de chimie (1805).” Annals of
Science, 58 (200
Marco Beretta. “From Nollet to Volta: Lavoisier and
Revue d'histoire des sciences
, 54 (2001):29-52
Marco Beretta. “Pneumatics vs. Aerial Medicine ?
Salubrity and Respirability of Air at the End of the 18th Century.”
Nuova Voltiana. Studies on Volta and His Time, 2
Marco Beretta. “At the Source of Western Science: The Organization
of the Experimentalism at the Accademia del Cimento
(1657-1667).” Notes and
Records of the Royal Society of London, 54
Marco Beretta.
“Dalla rigenerazione animale alla fisiologia della respirazione: il
dialogo tra Lavoisier e Spallanzani” in La sfida della
modernità. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi nel
bicentenario della morte di Lazzaro Spallanzani, Walter
Bernardi and Marta Stefani ed. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 2000),
pp. 277-292
Marco Beretta. “Sensiblerie vs. mecanisme.
Jean Jacques Rousseau et la Chimie.” Corpus.Revue de Philosophie
, 36 (1999):103-120
Marco Beretta. “Stampa, incisioni e terminologia nel De re
metallica di Giorgio Agricola” in Le forme della comunicazione scientifica, Massimo
Galuzzi, Gianno Micheli and Maria Teresa Monti ed. (Milan: F.
Angeli, 1998), pp. 191-216
Marco Beretta. “Between Chemical Histories and History of Science:
Journals in the History of Chemistry” in Journals and
the History of Science, Marco Beretta, Claudio Pogliano
and Pietro Redondi ed. (Florence: Leo
S.Olschki, 1998), pp. 57-75
Marco Beretta. “Humanism and Chemistry: The Spread of Georgius
Agricola's Metallurgical Writings.” Nuncius, 12
Marco Beretta. “Galileo in Sweden. Legend and Reality” in Sidereus Nuncius & Stella Polaris. Scientific
Relations between Italy and Sweden in Early Modern History,
Marco Beretta and Tore Frängsmyr ed. (Canton Mass.: Science History
Publications/USA, 1997), pp. 5-23
Marco Beretta. “I Philosophes e la chimica. All'origine del
materialismo scientifico” in Per una storia critica
della scienza, Marco Beretta, Felice Mondella and Maria Teresa Monti ed. (Milano: Cisalpino,
1996), pp. 11-48
Marco Beretta. “Fonti italiane nell'opera di Lavoisier.” Memorie di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali - Rendiconti
dell'Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL vol.
VIII, Serie V, vol. XIX parte II, (1995):259-268
Marco Beretta. “The Grammar of Matter: Chemical Nomenclature during
the 18th Century” in Sciences et langues en Europe,
Roger Chartier and Pietro Corsi ed.
(Paris, Centre Alexandre Koyré, 1996), pp. 109-125
Marco Beretta. “Lavoisier as a reader of chemical literature.” In
Revue d'histoire des sciences, 48
(1995) :71-94
Marco Beretta. “Italian translations of the Méthode de nomenclature
chimique and the Traité élémentaire de chimie: The case of Vincenzo
Dandolo” in Lavoisier in the European Context,
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent and Ferdinando Abbri ed. (Canton Mass.:
History of Science Publications/USA, 1995), pp. 225-248
Marco Beretta. “Chemists in the Storm: Lavoisier, Priestley and the
French Revolution.” Nuncius, 8
Marco Beretta. “The Role of Symbolism from Alchemy to Chemistry” in
Non Verbal Communication in Science prior to 1900,
Renato G. Mazzolini ed. (Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1993), pp.
Marco Beretta. “The Historiography of Chemistry during the 18th
Century: a Preliminary Survey and Bibliography.” Ambix, 39 (1992):1-10
Marco Beretta. “The Société Linnéenne de Paris (1787-1827).” Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift, (1990/1991), pp.
Marco Beretta. “Lavoisier en Italie (1774-1800)” in Echanges d'influences scientifiques et techniques entre
pays européennes de 1780 à 1830 (Paris: Editions du CTHS,
1990), pp. 125-145
Marco Beretta. “Gli scienziati italiani e la rivoluzione
, 4 (1989):119-146
Marco Beretta. “T.O. Bergman and the Definition of Chemistry.”
, (1988), pp. 37-67
Marco Beretta. “Luigi Valentino Brugnatelli e la chimica in Italia
alla fine del Settecento.” Storia in Lombardia, 2
Beretta. “Natural
philosophy vs. Experiment? A reassessment of the Accademia del
Cimento.” Metascience, forthcoming
Beretta. “Did
Lucretius' Atomism Play any Role in the Early Modern Chemistry” in
Neighbours and Territories: The evolving Identity of
Chemistry. 6th International Conference in the History
of Chemistry, José Bertumeu Sanchez, Duncan Burns, Birgitte van
Tiggelen ed. (Louvain: Memosciences, 2008), pp. 237-248
Beretta. “Lavoisier
Antoine Laurent” in New Dictionary of Scientific
Biography Noretta Koertge ed. (Detroit:
Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008), vol. 4, pp. 213-220
Marco Beretta. Entry “Glassware” in History of World
Trade since 1450, John J. McCusker ed.
(Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005)
Marco Beretta. “Lavoisier” in La Scienza, Enrico
Bellone ed. (Torino: UTET, 2005), vol. 16, pp. 573-692
Marco Beretta and Andrea Scotti, “Panopticon Lavoisier:
Presentation” in Lavoisier in Perspective, Marco
Beretta ed. (Muenchen: Deutsches Museum, 2005), pp.
Marco Beretta. “Il vetro nella scienza antica.”
, 232-233 (2005):12-17
Marco Beretta. “Sur les traces du laboratoire de Lavoisier. ” La revue. Musée des arts et
métiers, 41 (Mai 2004) :14-23
Beretta. “Chimica e istituzioni” in Storia della
Scienza diretta da Sandro Petruccioli vol. 7, David Knight ed. (Roma: Istituto
della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2003), pp. 526-535
Beretta. “The Material Realm of Chemistry: Immutability vs.
History?” Nuncius, 17 (2002):337-347
Beretta. “La scoperta dell'ossigeno. ” in Carl Djerassi and Roald
Hoffmann, Ossigeno (Bologna: Clueb, 2003), pp.
Beretta. “Defining the boundaries of scientific heritage:
archaeology, historiography and manual expertise. ” in Opening Black
Boxes. The Scientific Instruments of the University of
Valencia, José
Bertomeu and Antonio Garcia Belmar ed. (Valencia: Universidad de
Valencia, 2002), pp. 83-98
Beretta. “Il meccanicismo chimico” in Storia della
Scienza diretta da Sandro Petruccioli vol. 6, John Heilbron ed. (Roma: Istituto
della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2002), pp. 108-113.
Beretta. “La metallurgia e lo sfruttamento delle miniere” in Storia della Scienza diretta da Sandro Petruccioli
vol. 6, John Heilbron ed. (Roma:
Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2002), pp.
Beretta. “La nuova nomenclatura chimica” in Storia
della Scienza diretta da Sandro Petruccioli vol. 6, John Heilbron ed. (Roma: Istituto
della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2002), pp. 193-198.
Beretta. “Industria Chimica e manifatture” in Storia
della Scienza diretta da Sandro Petruccioli vol. 6, John Heilbron ed. (Roma: Istituto
della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2002), pp. 286-295.
Marco Beretta. “Reconstructing Science: Contributions to the
Enhancement of European Scientific Heritage.” Nuncius, 16:2 (2001):799-816
Marco Beretta. “Il teatro della natura di Ulisse Aldrovandi.” Annali di Storia delle Università italiane, 5
Marco Beretta. “Antoine Lavoisier.” Kagakushi, 28
Beretta. “Institutionnalisation et professionnalisation de la
science” in L'Europe des
sciences. Constitution d'un espace scientifique, Michel Blay
and Efthymios Nicolaidis ed. (Paris:
Seuil, 2001), pp. 165-190
Beretta. “Italian Sources in Berzelius' Chemical Education” in A Galvanized Network. Italian-Swedish Relations from
Galvani to Nobel, Marco Beretta and Karl Grandin ed.
(Stockholm: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2001), pp.
Beretta. “La Chimica” in Storia dell'Università di
Pisa. 1737-1861 (Pisa, Edizioni Plus Università di Pisa, 2001),
vol. 2:3,
pp. 883-887
Beretta. “Chemical Imagery and the Enlightenment of Matter” in
Science and the Visual
Image in the Enlightenment, William Shea ed. (Canton
Mass.: Science History Publications/USA, 2000), pp.
Beretta. “Panopticon Lavoisier: Base de
données et histoire documentaire de la révolution chimique.”
15:1 (2000):411-425
Beretta. “The Image of the Chemical Laboratory from the Renaissance
to Lavoisier.” [in
Japonese], Kagakushi, 27 (2000):1-15
Beretta. “Monarchia o repubblica? Gli scienziati francesi e la
rivoluzione” in Il ruolo sociale della scienza
(1789-1830), Ferdinando Abbri and Marco Segala ed. (Florence:
Leo S. Olschki, 2000), pp. 57-74
Beretta. “Agricola Georgius” in Encyclopedia of the
Renaissance, Paul F. Grendler ed. (New York: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1999), vol. 1, pp. 17-18
Beretta. “Mining and Metallurgy ” in Encyclopedia of
the Renaissance, Paul F. Grendler ed. (New
York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999), vol. 4, pp. 157-159
Beretta. “Die Herausbildung einer chemischen Fachsprache in
Frankreich” in Fachsprachen. Ein internationales
Handbuch zur Fachsprachenforschung und
Terminologiewissenschaft, L. Hoffmann, H. Kalverkaemper and
H.E. Wiegand ed. (Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1999), vol.
2:2, pp. 2560-2564
Beretta. “Nomenclature – Chimie” in Dictionnaire
d'histoire et philosophie des sciences, Dominique Lecourt
ed. (Paris:
Puf, 1999), pp. 692-694
Beretta. “Lucrezio, classico della scienza? ” in Enrico Bellone and
Giovanni Boniolo ed., Storia e filosofia della scienza.
Un possibile scenario italiano (Milan: Fotolito Sebi, 1998),
pp. 27-36.
Beretta. “Chemical
Revolution” in Sciences of
the Earth. An Encyclopedia of Events, People, and Phenomena,
Gregory A. Good ed. (New York & London: Garland Publishing
Inc., 1998), vol. 1, pp. 85-89
Beretta. “Mineralogy: Disciplinary History” in Sciences of the Earth. An
Encyclopedia of Events, People, and Phenomena, Gregory A. Good
ed. (New York & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 1998), vol. 2,
pp. 578-582
Beretta. “Minerals and Crystals, Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries”
in Sciences of the Earth.
An Encyclopedia of Events, People, and Phenomena, Gregory A.
Good ed. (New York & London: Garland Publishing Inc., 1998),
vol. 2, pp. 582-585
Beretta. “Phlogistic Chemistry” in Sciences of the Earth. An Encyclopedia of Events, People,
and Phenomena, Gregory A. Good ed. (New York & London:
Garland Publishing Inc., 1998), vol. vol. 2, pp. 682-683
Beretta. “Historiographie”
in Alchemie. Lexicon einer
hermetischen Wissenschaft, Karin Figala and Claus Priesner ed.
(Munich, Verlag C.H. Beck, 1998), pp. 178-181
Beretta. “Lavoisier” in La science classique.
XVIe-XVIIIe siècles. Dictionnaire critique, Michel Blay and
Robert Halleux eds (Paris : Flammarion, 1998), pp.
Beretta. “Le relazioni scientifiche italo-svedesi tra Sette e
Ottocento.” Medioevo e Rinascimento, 10
Beretta. “Lavoisier and His new Biographers.” Lychnos, (1994):153-160
Beretta. “La bibliothèque de Lavoisier.” L'Actualité
chimique (Mars-Avril
Beretta. “Torbern
Bergman in France: An Unpublished Letter by Lavoisier to Guyton de
Morveau.” Lychnos,
Beretta. “Lavoisier revisited.” Nuncius, 6
Beretta (ed.) Accademia
del Cimento (1657-1667).
2007-2009. Publication of 1762 manuscripts, instruments and printed
works of the members of the Accademia del Cimento.
Beretta Panopticon Lavoisier. 1999 in
progress. General
catalogue of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier's manuscripts, books,
instruments, printed works, bibliographies and memorabilia kept at the Archives de l'Académie des
Sciences – Paris and in other repositories both European and
Beretta (Scientific editor), Il teatro della natura di
Ulisse Aldrovandi 2001-2005. Catalogue
of the manuscripts and digitialized texts of Ulisse
Aldrovandi. and its updated (2005) version
Beretta (project leader in collaboration with Andrea Scotti). Parnassus scientiarum. 1997-2000
Catalogue of the Italian manuscripts of the Waller collection of
history of science and medicine of Uppsala University Library.
Beretta (project leader in collaboration with Uppsala University
Library). 1999-2000 Catalogue of the Waller Collection of History
of Science and Medicine.
Beretta, Andrea Scotti, Daniele Nuzzo. Concept and realization of
Pinakes. A modelling environment for scientific
heritage database application. 1998–2005.
Ambix, Annals of Science, Annali di storia delle Università
Italiane, Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences,
Archives of Natural History, Centaurus, History and Philosophy of
Life Sciences, Isis, Lychnos, Metascience, Nuncius, Revue
d'histoire des sciences, Sanità, Scienza e Storia, Società e Storia, Storia in Lombardia,
Svenska Linnésällskapets Årsskrift.