Foto del docente

Marco Bandini

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Short Bio

Marco Bandini (MB) is a Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician". He is the PI of the LASC "Laboratory of Asymmetric Synthesis & Catalysis" and scientific co-director of the Center for Chemical Catalysis "C3". Since 2018, he serves as the delegate for Research-topics of the Department of Chemistry, since 2022 he is Board Member of the Interdivisional Group of Organometallic Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society and since 2023 is Board Member of the Organic Chemistry Division of the Italian chemical Society. MB focuses his research themes on the use of organometallic, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic tools in organic synthesis, with particular concern to asymmetric transformations. He is involved in editorial boards in China with several scientific collaborations in Italy and abroad. MB is author of more 150 publications, receiving more than 10400 citations (h-index = 55-Scopus and 57-Google Schoolar). He has co-founded the Group "Conoscere la Chimica" that since 1998 is committed to scientific divulgation.

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+39 051 20 9 9751

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Via Selmi 2, Bologna - Go to map

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