Foto del docente

Marcello Ranieri

PhD Student

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: L-ART/07 Musicology and History of Music

Curriculum vitae

Ph.D. candidate in "Cultural and Environmental Heritage" at the University of Bologna on the topic “Operative Protocols for Valorization of the resources of the Istituto Centrale Beni Sonori e Audiovisivi”. His research project aims at investigating new ways of cataloguing operatic music.

He obtained a degree in Literature at the University of Bologna in 2002.

After a master’s degree in "Information and Communication Technology" at the University of Bologna in 2003, he worked at the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento, joining a research staff focused on Corpus Linguistics and he was involved in the development of a web platform on which the MultiSemCor (a parallel English-Italian corpus endowed with semantic annotation) texts and concordances were available for navigation.

An important experience linked with scientific activity was the participation at the National Research Council in the project “Let’s take care of the planet” building the website.

Out of the field of research, he worked for a short period as a teacher and then for a decade as a librarian in public libraries. He obtained the diploma of “Archivistics, Paleography and Diplomatics”.

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