Foto del docente

Marcella Brusa

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PHYS-05/A Astrofisica, cosmologia e scienza dello spazio

Contenuti utili

Tesi disponibili per la Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Cosmologia

Elenco e descrizione delle tesi disponibili nell'ambito del tema di ricerca della co-evoluzione galassie e AGN.

1) Feedback effects in an obscured QSO at z~1.5
goal: study of the spatial distribution of ionised gas in comparison to that of star formation in search for feedback effects
collaborator: G. Cresci (INAF-OAArcetri)

2) The environment of an obscured, outflowing QSO at z~1.5
goal: characterise the dust and SF properties of a bright submm source, its gas content, and assess the physical relation with a bright obscured QSO at ~170 projected kpc
collaborators: R. Paladino (INAF-IRA) E. Daddi (CEA)

3)Accretion disc wind and the relation to kpc-scale ionised outflow in a Type 1.5 QSO at z~0.15
goal: assess if the accretion disc outflow is related to the obscured → unobscured transition phase, and how the accretion disc wind energetics is related to the ionised one + extreme variability
collaborator: G. Lanzuisi (DIFA)

4) The radio emission in a X-ray luminous CSS with strong ionised wind at z~1.5
goal: assess the role of jets and sub-kpc radio emission in driving outflows
collaborator: I. Delvecchio (Zagreb University)

5) A four-dimensional study (Muse 3D+ HST-ACS) of an obscured AGN in the J1030 field
goal: study the velocity field of low- and high-ionisation gas, and investigate for the presence of kpc-scale outflows
collaborator: M. Mignoli + J1030 team

6) Lyman-α emission in a sample of z~2-4 galaxies in COSMOS
goal: study of inflows/outflows interplay in ionised gas around Ly alpha emitters and comparison with stellar kinematics and galaxy morphology
collaborator: M. Mignoli (INAF-OABo)

7) Unveiling AGN excitation in 5 X-ray Bright Optically Normal Galaxies (XBONGs)
goal: disentangle host galaxies and AGN light in these peculiar systems, and map the stellar and extended narrow line region kinematics
collaborator: M. Mignoli + A. Comastri (INAF-OABo)

8) X-ray properties of galaxies with HI outflows
goal: assess X-ray properties and/or other phases outflows incidence in radio selected galaxies with HI outflows
collaborator: G. Lanzuisi (DIFA)

9) Mass without radiation: Heavily obscured AGNs, the X-ray background, and the black hole mass density
goal: derive observational constraints to be used to search for the most obscured AGN responsible for the XRB
collaborator: A. Comastri (INAF-OABo)

10) The cold side of AGN: dust, gas, and star formation in high-z AGN from Herschel and ALMA
goal: construct average SED of AGN in luminosity classes, investigate their dust and gas content and compare them to “normal” galaxies
collaborator: R. Decarli (INAF-OABo)


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