Foto del docente

Mario Mazzocchi

Full Professor

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Academic discipline: STAT-02/A Economic Statistics

Curriculum vitae

Born in Rimini, 10 November 1972


1996-2000 University of Siena, PhD in Agricultural Economics & Policy
1991-1996 University of Bologna, Laurea Degree in Statistics & Economics


2017-to date Professor, University of Bologna
2010-2017  Associate Professor, University of Bologna
2005-2010  Lecturer, University of Bologna
2002-2005  Lecturer, University of Reading
2000-2002  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Bologna


2021-2025 European Commission, Horizon2020, COMFOCUS project, “Exploring Food Consumer Science on a European scale” (Task leader)
2019-2022 ERA-Net JPI-HDHL (MIUR), Joint Action “Policy Evaluation Network – PEN” (WP leader, National Co-ordinator)
2017-2020 European Commission, Horizon2020, CSA Fit4Food, " Towards FOOD 2030 – future-proofing the European food systems through Research & Innovation" (Task leader)
2014-2017 ERA-Net Susdiet (Carasso Foundation & MiPAAF), SUSFOOD project “Implementing sustainable diets in Europe”
2013-2016 Joint Programme Initiative DEDIPAC (MIUR), “Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity; Knowledge Hub to integrate and develop infrastructure for research across Europe” (Member of the Management Team, Co-ordinator of national consortium INTREPID)
2011-2014 European Commission, 7th Framework Programme, Connect4Action support action, “Strategies for improving communication between social and consumer scientists, food technology developers and consumers”, (WP leader)
2010-2015 European Commission, 7th FP, Nu-Age project, “New dietary strategies addressing the specific needs of elderly population for an healthy ageing in Europe”
2009-2012 European Commission, 7th FP, Eatwell project, “Interventions to Promote Healthy Eating Habits: Evaluations and Recommendations”, (WP leader)
2007-2012 European Commission, 6th FP, MoniQA Network of Excellence, "Towards the harmonisation of analytical methods for monitoring food quality and safety in the food supply chain", (WP leader)
2003-2005 European Commission, 5th FP, Trust project, "Food Risk Communication and Consumers’ Trust in the Food Supply Chain"


2017-2018 Consultant to FAO, Trade & Nutrition Division, on “the effectiveness of policies targeted at promoting healthy eating”
2012-2014 Consultant to the FAO, Regional Office for Europe and Asia
2011-2012 Consultant to the FAO, Economic & Social Development Department, Trade & Market Division
1999-present  Consultant to the Emilia-Romagna Region, Directorate Agriculture, annual statistical yearbook on the regional agri-food system
2005-2010  Consultant to the FAO, ESDG, Global Perspectives Unit on the evaluation of nutritional policies2005-2006  Collaboration with the EC, DG Agriculture, tender “CAP's contribution to EU Economic and Social Cohesion”
2001  Consultant to Ervet spa, Ex-ante evaluation of the EU Structural Funds Obj. 1 Programme impact on the Emilia-Romagna region


2018 to date Director of the Rimini Unit of the Department of Statistical Sciences
2019 to date Member of the Working Group on Social Research Methods And Advice, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
2015 to 2020 Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Joint Programme Initiative HDHL (A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life)
2014 to date Co-editor in chief, Food Policy
2013 Agricultural Economics Society, Outstanding Young Researcher award
2012-2013 Associate Editor, Food Policy
2012 to date Faculty of the PhD programme in Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna
2011-2014 Member of the group of experts for technical advice on the EU School Fruit Scheme, appointed by the European Commission
2006-2012 Member of the committee for the PhD programme in Agri-Food Economics & Statistics
2010 to date Participant to the Atomium Culture project for dissemination of European Research, nominated by the University of Bologna
2005-2019 Visiting Research Fellow, University of Reading
2005 ERAE/EAAE award for best paper by young author published in the European Review of Agricultural Economics
2005 University of Reading, Teaching Excellence Award


Current: Planning and Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs (PG), Statistics (UG), Statistics for Economics (UG), Food Economics & Policy (PG)
Past: Statistics for Healthcare, Quantitative Methods for Decision Analysis, Economic and Marketing Data Analysis Lab, Marketing Research, Quantitative Methods for Economic Policy, Research Methods & Data Analysis, Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing

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