Foto del docente

Michela Gamberini

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Curriculum vitae


19/12/1995: Degree in Biology, University of Bologna, Italy

1995-1996: Training at the S. Orsola Hospital of Bologna

1996-1999: PhD in Neuroscience, University of L'Aquila, Italy, with the discussion of the final dissertation on "Cortical connections of the extrastriate visual area V6 in the macaque brain: electrophysiological study and neuroanatomical analysis".

1999-2000: Annual Post-doc scholarship in Vision Neurophysiology, Dept. of Human and General Physiology, University of Bologna

2000-2004: Four-years Post-doc scholarship "Assegno di Ricerca", in Vision Neurophysiology Laboratory, Dept. of Human and General Physiology, University of Bologna

July 2002 Six months scholarship supported by "Marco Polo Project Fellowship" of the University of Bologna for young researchers abroad, in Vision Research Laboratory of Prof. Rosa, Dept. of Physiology of Monash University, Clayton, Australia, about the project “The parieto-occipital cortex in New world and Old world monkeys”.

2005-2006: Annual MIUR Post-doc scholarship in Vision Neurophysiology Laboratory, Dept. of Human and General Physiology

From 1st of October 2006: University Researcher of General Physiology, Dept. of Human and General Physiology, University of Bologna.


12/2020 Associate Professor in Physiology, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna (SSD BIO/09)


Neurophysiology and neuroanatomy of the primate visual system.


·      Visitor research:

- Neuroanatomy Laboratory of Prof. Luppino, Dept. of Neuroscience, University of Parma, Italy;

- Vision Research Laboratory of Prof. Rosa, Dept. of Physiology of Monash University, Clayton, Australia;

- Neuroimaging Laboratory of Prof. Zilles, Inst. for medicine (IME), Research Center Juelich, Juelich, Germany.

·      Holder of bursaries for young researchers to attend international meetings “FENS2000” in Brighton (UK), “Joint Meeting of the Physiological Society and SIF 2002” in Liverpool (UK), “SFN2003” in New Orleans (USA), “FENS2004” in Lisbona (P), “SFN2010” in San Diego (USA).

·      Seminars at the Dept. of Human and General Physiology in Bologna and in others Italian and foreign Universities: 17/10/02 Melbourne University of Melbourne; 31/10/02 Sydney University of Sydney; 18/11/02 Monash University of Melbourne; 2nd annual meeting PrimateNeurobiology, 23-25/03/2009, Gottingen-Tubingen, Germany; European Meeting The Health Brokerage Event 2009, Prague, 4/6/2009; Cognitive Systems and Robotics in ICT call 6- infoday, Prague, 20/01/2010; Scientific Meeting Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, 18/5/2010, Bologna; Open Information Day – FP7 Health Research Conference, Brussels, 8/6/2010; Meeting "Science, Technology, Higher Education and Society in the Conceptual Age" STHESCA2011, Cracovia 4-7/7/2011; 15th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Amsterdam 10-14/6/2014.

·      Courses and Society:

- 14-16, 21-22/01/2015, "Training Course and Update regarding the use of animals for scientific and educational", Bologna

- 25-27/11/2013, 1st "European Surgical Training for the Utah Electrode Array", Marseille, France

- 23-25/03/2009, 2nd annual meeting "PrimateNeurobiology", Gottingen-Tubingen, Germany

- June-September 2009, Bologna, "Introductory course on animal testing";

- 9-11/11/2009, Roma, “Biology, care, nutrition and handling of non-human primates”;

-       “Theoretical-practical couse of Optic and Confocal microscpopy", University of Bologna;

-       “Improving couse of Nutrition and Welfare", University of Milano;

-       Couses of digital graphics and analysis of image;

-       Advaced Conversation course of english at the Anglo American School of English of Bologna;

-       Member of the “Italian Physiological Society (SIF)”, “Italian Neuroscience Society (SINS)”, “FENS”,  “Australian Neuroscience Society (ANS)”, "Society for Neuroscience" (SFN).

PhD program faculty:

  • 2013 PhD in “Joint International PH.D Program in cognitive neuroscience” University of Bologna
  • From 2007 to 2009 PhD in “Biomedical Sciences” University of Bologna
  • 2006 PhD in “Neurophysiology” University of Bologna

·      Scientific collaborations:

Dept. of Neuroscience, University of Parma, Italy

Dept. of Physiology, Monash University, Clayton Campus, Melbourne, Australia

Dept. of Anatomy, Histology and Neuroscience, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Dept. of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete, Iraklion, Greece

Inst. for medicine (IME), Research Center Juelich, Juelich, Germany

Author of 27 peer-reviewed papers on international journals and 48 abstracts.

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