Foto del docente

Marco Domenicali

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Head of Scuola di Specializzazione Geriatria (DI 68/2015)

Curriculum vitae

Born in Bologna on 23/07/1971

11/07/1996: Degree in Medicine at the University of Bologna

20/11/2000: Board certified in Geriatrics at the University of Bologna

2001: Annual Fellow of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF)

2002: Visiting Research Fellow visiting Researcher at the hormonal Laboratories of the Hospital Clinic (Head: Dr. W. Jimenez) of the University of Barcelona

28/05/2004: Ph.D. in Applied Physiology and Pathophysiology at the University of Bologna

11/03/2007: Ph.D. in Ultrasonologiy at the University of Bologna

2007:  Post-Doctoral course at the University of Bologna

01/11/2008 Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine from 1 November 2008

01/11/2008 Researcher in Internal Medicine at the University of Bologna

1/11/2018 Associate Professor in Internal Medicine

1/15/2018 co-founder of Mysurable academic spin-off that deals with systems for the screening, diagnosis and management of frailty and loss of muscle mass linked to aging.

15/1/2019 Director of Unit of Internal Medicine focused on Frialty and Aging  Santa Maria delle Croci Hospital Ravenna

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