Foto del docente

Luke Brian Connelly

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-03/A Scienza delle finanze


Rowell D.; Nghiem S.; Connelly L.B., Empirical tests for ex post moral hazard in a market for automobile insurance, «ANNALS OF ACTUARIAL SCIENCE», 2021, 16, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]

Sowa P.M.; Venuthurupalli S.K.; Hoy W.E.; Zhang J.; Cameron A.; Healy H.G.; Connelly L.B., Identification of factors associated with high-cost use of inpatient care in chronic kidney disease: A registry study, «BMJ OPEN», 2021, 11, Article number: e049755, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]Open Access

Rebbeck T.; Evans K.; Ferreira P.; Beales D.; Sterling M.; Bennell K.L.; Cameron I.; Nicholas M.; Ritchie C.; Jull G.; Treleaven J.; Trevena L.; Refshauge K.; Connelly L.; Foster N.; Black D.; Hodges P.; Ferreira M.; Shaw T.J.; Simic M., Implementation of a novel stratified PAthway of CarE for common musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions in primary care: Protocol for a multicentre pragmatic randomised controlled trial (the PACE MSK trial), «BMJ OPEN», 2021, 11, Article number: e057705, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access

Freeman C.R.; Scott I.A.; Hemming K.; Connelly L.B.; Kirkpatrick C.M.; Coombes I.; Whitty J.; Martin J.; Cottrell N.; Sturman N.; Russell G.M.; Williams I.; Nicholson C.; Kirsa S.; Foot H., Reducing Medical Admissions and Presentations Into Hospital through Optimising Medicines (REMAIN HOME): a stepped wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial, «MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA», 2021, 214, pp. 212 - 217 [articolo]

Connelly L.B.; Fiorentini G., Structural factors and integrated care interventions: is there a role for economists in the policy debate?, «THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2021, 22, pp. 1141 - 1150 [articolo]Open Access

Nguyen H.T.; Le H.T.; Connelly L.B., Weather and children's time allocation, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2021, 30, pp. 1559 - 1579 [articolo]

Nguyen H.T.; Le H.T.; Connelly L.B., Who's declining the “free lunch”? New evidence from the uptake of public child dental benefits, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2021, 30, pp. 270 - 288 [articolo]Open Access

Nguyen, Ha Trong; Connelly, Luke B.; Le, Huong Thu; Mitrou, Francis; Taylor, Catherine L.; Zubrick, Stephen R., Ethnicity differentials in academic achievements: the role of time investments, «JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS», 2020, 44, pp. 1 - 38 [articolo]

Vaikuntam, Bharat Phani; Middleton, James W.; McElduff, Patrick; Walsh, John; Pearse, Jim; Connelly, Luke; Sharwood, Lisa N., Gap in funding for specialist hospitals treating patients with traumatic spinal cord injury under an activity-based funding model in New South Wales, Australia, «AUSTRALIAN HEALTH REVIEW», 2020, 44, pp. 356 - 376 [articolo]

Lim K.P.; Marshall H.; Tammemagi M.; Brims F.; McWilliams A.; Stone E.; Manser R.; Canfell K.; Weber M.; Connelly L.; Bowman R.V.; Yang I.A.; Fogarty P.; Mayo J.; Yee J.; Myers R.; Atkar-Khattra S.; Lam D.C.L.; Rosell A.; Berg C.D.; Fong K.M.; Lam S., Protocol and rationale for the international lung screening trial, «ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY», 2020, 17, pp. 503 - 512 [articolo]Open Access

Connelly L.B.; Birch S., Sustainability of Publicly Funded Health Care Systems: What Does Behavioural Economics Offer?, «PHARMACOECONOMICS», 2020, 38, pp. 1289 - 1295 [articolo]

Sowa P.M.; Purtell L.; Hoy W.E.; Healy H.G.; Bonner A.; Connelly L.B., Utilization and Costs of Health Care in a Kidney Supportive Care Program, «JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE CARE», 2020, 35, pp. 176 - 184 [articolo]

Marshall H.M.; Finn N.; Bowman R.V.; Passmore L.H.; McCaul E.M.; Yang I.A.; Connelly L.; Fong K.M., Cost of screening for lung cancer in Australia, «INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL», 2019, 49, pp. 1392 - 1399 [articolo]

Dang T.T.H.; Rowell D.; Connelly L.B., Cost-Effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation With Movement Disorders: A Systematic Review, «MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE», 2019, 6, pp. 348 - 358 [articolo]

Dang T.T.H.; Rowell D.; Liddle J.; Coyne T.; Silburn P.; Connelly L.B., Economic evaluation of deep-brain stimulation for Tourette’s syndrome: an initial exploration, «JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY», 2019, 266, pp. 2997 - 3008 [articolo]