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Luke Connelly has been Professor of Health Economics at the University of Queensland since January 2008 and Professor at The University of Bologna since late 2017. From 2015 to January 2018 he was the Inaugural and Acting Director of the Center for the Business and Economics of Health (CBEH, UQ). His main interests are in health economics and insurance economics. His publications include papers in the Review of Income and Wealth , Health Economics , Journal of Health Economics , the Journal of Risk and Insurance , Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance , Accident Analysis and Prevention , the American Journal of Law and Medicine , Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ,European Journal of Health Economics , International Journal of Health Economics and Finance , Social Science and Medicine , Economic Papers , Economic Analysis and Policy , Journal of Transport Economics and Policy , Labor Economics , Economics and Human Biology and in clinical journals, including the Lancet . During the past 10 years he has been a Chief Investigator on grants totalling more than $70m.
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