Foto del docente

Luigia Tricase

PhD Student

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/08 Sociology of Culture and Communication


Keywords: Social Movements Global Justice Movements Digital Media Decentralised Networks Data Ownership

I work, through qualitative methodologies (especially interviews and digital ethnography), on observing the digital communicative spaces of social movements, and more specifically the relationship these communities have with communicative technologies. Some dimensions of my research are:

  • data ownership;
  • the tension between centralized-proprietary spaces and decentralized-open spaces created by activist realities themselves;
  • editorial and moderative practices (what are the rules of self-managed virtual community spaces, and how are they elaborated);
  • the practices of meta-reflection (i.e., how activists process ideas, discourses and positions with respect to the technologies they employ).

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