Foto del docente

Lucio Ildebrando Cocco

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences


Keywords: inositides proteomics cellular signalling myelodisplastic syndrome

Inositide dependent signalling in the nucleus during cell growth and differentiation. Phospholipase C and myelodysplatic syndrome (MDS). Relationship between phospholipase C and PI3K/Akt in the same pathology. Proteomic approach for inositide signalling in MDS. The international literature hints at the fact that Dr. Cocco has paved the way for the nuclear inositide signalling, discovered by his group. This is testified by the new Series of Gordon Research Conference Signal transdcution within the Nucleus which has been founded by Dr. Cocco and Dr. Raben as the first Chairmen.

Please go to the Lab web site for more details.