J. A. McCubrey; L.S. Steelman; S.L. Abrams; N. Misaghian; W.H. Chappell1; J. Bäsecke; F. Nicoletti; M. Libra; G. Ligresti; F. Stivala; D. Maksimovic-Ivanic; S. Mijatovic; G. Montalto; M. Cervello; P. Laidler; A. Bonati; C. Evangelisti; L. Cocco; A.M. Martelli., Targeting the cancer initiating cell: the ultimate target for cancer therapy., «CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN», 2012, 18, pp. 1784 - 1795 [Scientific article]
A.M. Martelli; G. Tabellini; D. Bressanin; A. Ognibene; K. Goto; L. Cocco; C. Evangelisti., The emerging multiple roles of nuclear Akt., «BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH», 2012, 1823, pp. 2168 - 2178 [Scientific article]
Finelli C; Clissa C; Follo MY; Curti A;Paolini S; Papayannidis C;
Mongiorgi S; Parisi S; Bosi C; Manzoli L; Martinelli G; Cocco L;
Baccarani M, AZACITIDINE FOR HIGH RISK MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES. RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATION OF TWO DIFFERENT DOSING SCHEDULES, in: HAEMATOLOGICA, «HAEMATOLOGICA», 2011, 96, pp. 163 - 163 (atti di: 43° Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology, NAPOLI, 16-19 OTTOBRE 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Advances in Enzyme Regulation»
Cenni V; Bavelloni A; Beretti F; Tagliavini F; Manzoli L; Lattanzi G; Maraldi NM; Cocco L; Marmiroli S;, Ankrd2/ARPP is a novel Akt2 specific substrate and regulates myogenic differentiation upon cellular exposure to H(2)O(2, «MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL», 2011, 22, pp. 2946 - 2956 [Scientific article]
C. Fill; C. Finelli; M. Gobbi; G. Martinelli; I. Iacobucci; E. Ottaviani; L. Cocco; F. Matilde; A. Candoni; E. Simeone; M. Miglino; F. Lauria; M. Bocchia; M. Defina; C. Clissa; F. Lanza; P. Spedini; C. Skert; C. Bergonzi; M. Malagola; A. Peli; A. Turra; F. Cattina; C. Colombi; D. Russo, Azacitidine low-dose schedule in low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Clinical results of a multicenter phase II study, in: Abstracts of the 11th International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), «LEUKEMIA RESEARCH», 2011, 35, pp. S84 - S85 (atti di: 11th International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), EDINBURGH, 18-21 MAGGIO 2011) [Abstract]
Follo MY;Mongiorgi S; Clissa C; Baccarani M; Paolini S;
Martinelli G; Manzoli L; Finelli C; Cocco L, EFFECT OF LENALIDOMIDE ON INOSITIDE-DEPENDENT SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION PATHWAYS, in: HAEMATOLOGICA, «HAEMATOLOGICA», 2011, 96, pp. 158 - 158 (atti di: 43° Congress of the Italian Society of Hematology, NAPOLI, 16-19 OTTOBRE 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Matilde Y Follo; Cristina Clissa; Sara Mongiorgi; Francesca Chiarini; Michele Baccarani; Giovanni Martinelli; Lucia Manzoli; Alberto M Martelli; Carlo Finelli; Lucio Cocco, Effect of Lenalidomide Treatment on Lipid Signalling Pathways in Low-Risk MDS Patients, in: BLOOD, «BLOOD», 2011, 118, pp. 4635 - 4635 (atti di: 53th ASH ANNUAL MEETING AND EXPOSITION, SAN DIEGO, CA, 10-13 DECEMBER 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M.Y. Follo; S. Mongiorgi; C. Clissa; C. Filì; C. Colombi; M. Baccarani; G. Martinelli; M. Gobbi; L. Manzoli; D. Russo; C. Finelli; L. Cocco, Effect of azacitidine on inositide-dependent signalling pathways in low-risk MDS patients, in: LEUKEMIA RESEARCH, «LEUKEMIA RESEARCH», 2011, SUPPLEMENT 1, MAY 2011, pp. S94 - S94 (atti di: 11th International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), EDINBURGH, 18-21 MAGGIO 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Matilde Y. Follo; Sara Mongiorgi; Cristina Clissa; Costanza Bosi; Michele Baccarani; Giovanni Martinelli; Patrizia Santi; Giulia Ramazzotti; Anna Maria Billi; Lucia Manzoli; Carlo Finelli; Lucio Cocco, Epigenetic regulation of nuclear inositide signalling in high-risk MDS patients, in: Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embriology, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY», 2011, 116, pp. 74 - 74 (atti di: 65° Meeting of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology, Padova, 27-29 September 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Alberto Bavelloni; Irene Faenza; Manuela Piazzi; William Blalock; Antonietta D’Angelo; Francesca Tagliavini; Diego Pinetti; Sandro Matteucci; Giulia Adalgisa Mariani; Lucio Cocco, Identification of nuclear substrates of Akt/PKB by functional proteomics: prohibitin 2 is a target of Akt phosphorylation in human promyelocytic leukemia cells, in: ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY, 2011, pp. 19 - 19 (atti di: SIAI 2011, Padova, 27-29 settembre 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Steelman L.S.; Navolanic P.; Chappell W.H.; Abrams S.L.; Wong E.W.; Martelli A.M.; Cocco L.; Stivala F.; Libra M.; Nicoletti F.; Drobot L.B.; Franklin R.A.; McCubrey J.A., Involvement of Akt and mTOR in chemotherapeutic- and hormonal-based drug resistance and response to radiation in breast cancer cells., «CELL CYCLE», 2011, 10, pp. 3003 - 3015 [Scientific article]
Blalock WL; Bavelloni A; Piazzi M; Tagliavini F; Faenza I; Martelli AM; Follo MY; Cocco L, Multiple forms of PKR present in the nuclei of acute leukemia cells represent an active kinase that is responsive to stress, «LEUKEMIA», 2011, 25, pp. 236 - 245 [Scientific article]
Martelli A.M.; Ognibene A.; Buontempo F.; Fini M.; Bressanin D.; Goto K.; McCubrey J.A.; Cocco L.; Evangelisti C., Nuclear phosphoinositides and their roles in cell biology and disease., «CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY», 2011, 46, pp. 436 - 457 [Scientific article]
Ramazzotti G; Faenza I; Follo MY; Fiume R; Piazzi M; Giardino R; Fini M; Cocco L., Nuclear phospholipase C in biological control and cancer, «CRITICAL REVIEWS IN EUKARYOTIC GENE EXPRESSION», 2011, 21 (3), pp. 291 - 301 [Scientific article]