Foto del docente

Luciano Margara

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: INFO-01/A Informatics


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004


[R1] Pietro Di Lena, L. Margara, Row subshifts and topological entropy of cellular automata. Journal of Cellular Automata, Volume 2 Number 2, 2007, pp. 121-130
[R2] Pietro di Lena and Luciano Margara. Computational complexity of dynamical systems: the case of cellular automata Information and Computation, Vol. 206, Issues 9-10 (2008), pp. 1104--1116; doi:10.1016/j.ic.2008.03.012.
[R3] Marco Vassura, Luciano Margara, Pietro di Lena, Filippo Medri, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio FT-COMAR: fault tolerant three-dimensional structure reconstruction from protein contact maps. Bioinformatics, Vol. 24 (2008), pp. 1313--1315; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn115. Web Service.
[R4] Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Pietro di Lena, Filippo Medri, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio Reconstruction of 3D Structures From Protein Contact Maps IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 5, Issue 3 (2008), pp. 357-367; doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2008.27
[R5] Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio A Graph Theoretic Approach to Protein Structure Selection Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 45 (2009), pp. 229-237. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2008.07.016.
[R6] Alberto Dennunzio, Pietro Di Lena, Enrico Formenti, Luciano Margara. On the directional dynamics of additive cellular automata Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 410 (2009), pp. 4823-4833.
[R7] Pietro Di Lena, Marco Vassura, Luciano Margara, Piero Fariselli and Rita Casadio. On the reconstruction of three-dimensional protein structures from contact maps. Algorithms. 2009; 2(1):76-92
[R8] Pietro Di Lena, Luciano Margara. On the undecidability of the limit behavior of Cellular Automata. Theoretical Computer Science. 411(7-9): 1075-1084 (2010)
[R9] Pietro di Lena, Piero Fariselli, Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Rita Casadio
Is there an optimal substitution matrix for contact prediction with correlated mutations? IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, To Appear
[R10] Pietro Di Lena, Luciano Margara.
Optimal Global Alignment of Signals by Maximization of Pearson Correlation.
Information Processing Letters, To Appear.
[R11] Pietro di Lena, Piero Fariselli, Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Rita Casadio
Fast overlapping of protein contact maps by alignment of eigenvectors.
Bioinformatics, To Appear
R[12] Marco Vassura, Pietro Di Lena, Luciano Margara, Maria Mirto, Giovanni Aloisio, Piero Fariselli and Rita Casadio.
Blurring contact maps of thousands of proteins: what we can learn by reconstructing 3D structure
BioData Mining, To Appear
R[13] Pietro Di Lena, Luciano Margara.
On the undecidability of attractor properties for Cellular Automata
Fundamenta Informaticae, To Appear


[C1] Pietro di Lena, Luciano Margara, Computational Complexity of Dynamical Systems: the case of Cellular Automata International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA 2007), Terragona, 2007.
[C2] M. Vassura, L. Margara, P. Fariselli, R. Casadio A Graph Theoretic Approach to Protein Structure Selection Fourth International Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 07) Portofino 2007. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4578 pp. 497-504.
[C3] Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Pietro di Lena, Filippo Medri, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio Reconstruction of 3D Structures From Protein Contact Maps International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA 2007), Atlanta, 2007. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 4463, 578-589, May 2007.
[C4] Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Pietro di Lena, Filippo Medri, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio Fault Tolerance for Large Scale Protein 3D Reconstruction from Contact Maps 7th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 4645, 25-37, August 2007.
[C5] Alberto Dennunzio, Pietro Di Lena, Enrico Formenti, Luciano Margara. Classification of directional dynamics for Additive Cellular Automata. First Symposium on Cellular Automata, (JAC 2008), April 21-25, 2008, Uzés, France.
[C6] Pietro Di Lena, Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio. A new protein representation based on fragment contacts: towards an improvement of contact maps predictions. Proceedings of the fifth international meeting on Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB08), 2008. Selected for publication in Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics
[C7] Pietro di Lena, Luciano Margara. Undecidable properties of limit set dynamics of Cellular Automata. Proc. of the 26th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2009).
[C8] Pietro Di Lena, Luciano Margara, Marco Vassura, Piero Fariselli, Rita Casadio. On the upper bound of the prediction accuracy of residue contacts in proteins with correlated mutations: the case study of the similarity matrices Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI2009), Pennsylvania 2009

Book Chapters

[L1] M. Mirto, I. Epicoco, S. Fiore, M. Cafaro, A. Negro, D. Tartarini, D. Lezzi, O. Marra, A. Turi, A. Ferramosca, V. Zara, G. Aloisio, G. Donvito, L. Carota, G. Cuscela, G. P. Maggi, G. La Rocca, M. Mazzucato, S. My, G. Selvaggi, G. Scioscia, P. Leo, L. Di Pace, G. Pappada', V. Quinto, M. Berardi, F. Falciano, A. Emerson, E. Rossi, G. Lavorgna, A. Vanni, Lisa Bartoli, P. Di Lena, P. Fariselli, R. Fronza, L. Margara, L. Montanucci, P. L. Martelli, I. Rossi, M. Vassura, R. Casadio, T. Castrignanò, D. D'Elia, G. Grillo, F. Licciulli, S. Liuni, A. Gisel, M. Santamaria, S. Vicario, C. Saccone, A. Anselmo, D. Horner, F. Mignone, G. Pavesi, E. Picardi, V. Piccolo, M. Re, F. Zambelli, G. Pesole. The LIBI Grid Platform for Bioinformatics, in Mario Cannataro (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Computational Grid Technologies for Life Sciences, Biomedicine and Healthcare, IGI Global (In Stampa).