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Luciano Margara

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Alberto Dennunzio, Enrico Formenti, Luca Manzoni, Luciano Margara, Antonio E. Porreca, Decidability of Sensitivity and Equicontinuity for Linear Higher-order Cellular Automata, in: Language and Automata Theory and Applications - LATA 2019 , Springer Verlag, 2019, 11417, pp. 95 - 107 (atti di: Language and Automata Theory and Applications - LATA 2019 , Saint Petersburg, Russia, March 26-29, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Dennunzio, Alberto; Formenti, Enrico; Manzoni, Luca; Margara, Luciano; Porreca, Antonio E., On the dynamical behaviour of linear higher-order cellular automata and its decidability, «INFORMATION SCIENCES», 2019, 486, pp. 73 - 87 [Scientific article]Open Access

Di Lena, Pietro; Domeniconi, Giacomo; Margara, Luciano; Moro, Gianluca, GOTA, 2015. [Software]

Di Lena, Pietro; Domeniconi, Giacomo; Margara, Luciano; Moro, Gianluca, GOTA: GO term annotation of biomedical literature, «BMC BIOINFORMATICS», 2015, 16, Article number: 346 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

P. Di Lena; L. Margara, Nondeterministic Cellular Automata, «INFORMATION SCIENCES», 2014, 287, pp. 13 - 25 [Scientific article]

Alberto Dennunzio; Pietro Di Lena; Enrico Formenti; Luciano Margara, Periodic Orbits and Dynamical Complexity in Cellular Automata, «FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE», 2013, 126, pp. 183 - 199 [Scientific article]

Pietro Di Lena; Luciano Margara, On the Undecidability of Attractor Properties for Cellular Automata, «FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE», 2012, 115, pp. 75 - 85 [Scientific article]

Alberto Dennunzio; Pietro Di Lena; Luciano Margara, Strictly Temporally Periodic Points in Cellular Automata, in: Proceedings 18th international workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems and 3rd international symposium Journées Automates Cellulaires, «ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2012, 90, pp. 225 - 235 (atti di: 18th international workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems and 3rd international symposium Journées Automates Cellulaires, AUTOMATA & JAC 2012, La Marana, Corsica, September 19-21, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Vassura M.; Di Lena P.; Margara L.; Mirto M.; Aloisio G.; Fariselli P.; Casadio R., Blurring contact maps of thousands of proteins: what we can learn by reconstructing 3D structure., «BIODATA MINING», 2011, 4, Article number: 1 , pp. . - . [Scientific article]

Di Lena P.; Fariselli P.; Margara L.; Vassura M.; Casadio R., Divide and Conquer strategies for protein structure prediction., in: Mathematical Approaches to Polymer Sequence Analysis, NEW YORK, Springer, 2011, pp. 23 - 46 [Chapter or essay]

Di Lena P.; Fariselli P.; Margara L.; Vassura M.; Casadio R., Is There an Optimal Substitution Matrix for Contact Prediction with Correlated Mutations?, «IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS», 2011, 8, pp. 1017 - 1028 [Scientific article]

P. Di Lena; P. Fariselli; L. Margara; M. Vassura; R. Casadio, Al-Eigen, 2010. [Software]

Di Lena P.; Fariselli P.; Margara L.; Vassura M.; Casadio R., Fast overlapping of protein contact maps by aligment of eigenvectors, «BIOINFORMATICS», 2010, 26, pp. 2250 - 2258 [Scientific article]

P. Di Lena; L. Margara, On the undecidability of the limit behavior of Cellular Automata, «THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2010, 411, pp. 1075 - 1084 [Scientific article]

Pietro Di Lena; Luciano Margara, Optimal global alignment of signals by maximization of Pearson correlation, «INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS», 2010, 110, pp. 679 - 686 [Scientific article]