Lucia Tecuta, PhD, holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology from the City College of New York (CUNY, 2006) and a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University in the City of New York (2011). She earned her Doctorate in Psychological Sciences in 2017 from the University of Bologna.
She specializes in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies (Cognitive Studies-Modena, 2020) and is certified in Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (Albert Ellis Institute, New York, 2019) and Psychotraumatology (Beck Institute, Rome, 2023). Additionally, she is trained in Eco and Climate-Conscious Therapy (2023).
She has been licensed as a psychologist since 2015 (Regione Emilia Romagna, 8130), with an annotation as a psychotherapist since 2020.
She is a member of the "Eateam" Research Group, under the supervision of Professor Elena Tomba, and as of February 1, 2022, she has achieved National Scientific Qualification as an Associate Professor in the field of Clinical and Dynamic Psychology (SC 11/E4).
Since 2023, she is serving as Associate Editor for the Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
Accademic career
- Post-doctoral research fellow, SSD M-PSI-08, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, 1/1/2018 to 2/2023
- Research Project Collaborator-Project TPER+: Psychosocial Well-being in Frontline workers of Azienda Trasporti Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna (TPER)" Department of Psychology, University of Bologna (Italy), 7/2017-12/2017
- Visiting PhD student -Department of Psychology, St. John's University, New York City, USA (Prof. DiGiuseppe), 1/2016-3/2016
- Psychologist licensing internship -Clinimetrics Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, 3/2013- 9/2013
- Research Assistant- Global Mental Health Lab, New York State Psychiatric Institute- Columbia Psychiatry, New York City, USA (Prof. Verdeli), 5/2010-1/2011
- Volunteer Research Assistant- Loss and Trauma Lab Department of Clinical Psychology, Columbia University in the City of New York, New York City, USA (Prof. Bonanno), 9/2009-7/2010
- Clinical Research Coordinator of NIH funded MRI studies- Mount Sinai Hospital, Mood and Personality Disorders Research Program, New York City, USA, 5/2007-1/2008
- Volunteer Research Assistant, Beth Israel Medical Center, Biological Psychiatry, New York City, USA (Prof. Galynker), 5/2006-5/2007
- Volunteer research assistant - Sleep Lab - Psychology Department, The City College of New York, New York City, USA (Prof. Antrobus), 09/2004-04/2005
Scientific and Editoral Committees
Climate Psychology Alliance
Società Italiana di Terapia Comportamentale e Cognitiva