Foto del docente

Lucia Raggetti

Full Professor

Department of Philosophy

Curriculum vitae

― December 2017 – November 2022

Assistant Professor in History of Science, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication, ERC Project AlchemEast

― October 2012 – September 2018

Research assistant in Wissensgeschichte (history of ancient knowledge), Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Markham J. Geller) March-June 2012

― February 2012 – May 2012

DAAD B2 fellowship, Hiob Ludolf Center, University of Hamburg (Prof. Alessandro Bausi)

― November 2008 – October 2011

PhD, with the additional qualification of Doctor Europaeus, in Near East and Maghreb: Cultural peculiarities and intercultural relations (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, awarded with a doctoral grant) dissertation title: “Kitāb Manāfiʿ al-Ḥayawān. The Book of useful properties that can be obtained from the Parts of Animals”, supervisors: Prof. Remke Kruk (Leiden) Prof. Giovanni Canova (Naples), defence date: 19th April 2012

― October 2006 – November 2008

Graduate: MA in Sciences of Languages, History and Civilizations of Mediterranean and Islamic Countries (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), dissertation title: “Gli uccelli nel Kitāb al-Ḥayawān di al-Ǧāḥiẓ”, with mark 110/110 cum laude

― October 2003 – October 2006

Undergraduate: BA in Languages, History and Civilizations of Mediterranean and Islamic Countries (University of Naples “L'Orientale”), dissertation title: “Creature marine immaginarie nella letteratura di mirabilia e di viaggio”, with mark 110/110 cum laude

― September 1998 – July 2003

Secondary school graduation in Humanities and Classical Studies

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