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Luca Raimondi

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-04/A Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione


Raimondi, Luca; Bernardi, Federico, Advanced hybrid laminates: elastomer integration for optimized mechanical properties, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2025, 136, pp. 3177 - 3195 [articolo]

Falaschetti, Maria Pia; Birnie Hernández, Johan; Semprucci, Francesco; Raimondi, Luca; Serradimigni, Davide; Troiani, Enrico; Donati, Lorenzo, Analysis of the Crushing Behavior of Flat Composite Plates Produced by Sheet Molding Compound, in: Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials. DRAF 2024., Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING», 2025, pp. 40 - 48 (atti di: DRaf 2024, Ischia (Italy), 17-21 June 2024) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Raimondi L.; Brugo T.M.; Zucchelli A.; Donati L., Effects of UD and twill reinforcements in hybrid sheet molding compound laminates, in: Materials Research Proceedings, «MATERIALS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS», 2024, 41, pp. 523 - 529 (atti di: Esaform 2024, Tolouse, 24-26/04/2024) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

Raimondi L.; Tomesani L.; Zucchelli A., Enhancing the Robustness of Hybrid Metal-Composite Connections Through 3D Printed Micro Penetrative Anchors, «APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS», 2024, 31, pp. 1275 - 1293 [articolo]Open Access

Bernardi F.; Sensini A.; Raimondi L.; Donati L., On the infiltration of cellular solids by sheet molding compound: process simulation and experimental validation, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2024, 133, pp. 3745 - 3755 [articolo]Open Access

Raimondi, L; Tomesani, L; Zucchelli, A, Predicting buckling resistance of two three-dimensional lattice architectures, «MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES», 2023, 31, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access

Raimondi, Luca; Brugo, Tommaso Maria; Zucchelli, Andrea, Fiber misalignment analysis in PCM-UD composite materials by Full Field Nodal Method, «COMPOSITES. PART C, OPEN ACCESS», 2021, 5, Article number: 100151, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]Open Access

Raimondi L.; Tomesani L.; Donati L.; Zucchelli A., Lattice material infiltration for hybrid metal-composite joints: Manufacturing and static strenght, «COMPOSITE STRUCTURES», 2021, 269, Article number: 114069, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

Cocchi D.; Raimondi L.; Brugo T.M.; Zucchelli A., A systematic material-oriented design approach for lightweight components and the CFRP motor wheel case study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY», 2020, 109, pp. 2133 - 2153 [articolo]Open Access

Povolo, Marco; Raimondi, Luca; Brugo, Tommaso Maria; Pagani, Angelo; Comand, Dario; Pirazzini, Luca; Zucchelli, Andrea, Design and manufacture of hybrid aluminum/composite co-cured tubes with viscoelastic interface layer, «PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY», 2018, 12, pp. 196 - 203 [articolo]

Brevetto n. EP3498511B1, Method for Converting a Vehicle with Internal Combustion Engine into an Electric vehicle.

Marco Povolo, Luca Raimondi, Tommaso Brugo, Angelo Pagani, Dario Comand, Luca Pirazzini, Andrea Zucchelli, Numerical and Experimental analysis of the metal-composite interface in hybrid tubes, in: ICCS21 – 21st International Conference on Composite Structures, 2018, pp. 82 - 82 (atti di: 21st International Conference on Composite Structures, Bologna, 4-7 September 2018) [atti di convegno-abstract]

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