Foto del docente

Luca Lambertini

Full Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics

Head of Centro Interdipartimentale Alma Mater Research Institute on Global Challenges and Climate Change (Alma Climate)

Short Bio

Doctorate in Political Economy, University of Bologna, 1994

DPhil (Econ, Oxon), Trinity Term 1995

Collaborator, Dynamic Systems Program, IIASA, Laxenburg

Fellow, ENCORE [] - Economics Network for Competition and Regulation, University of Amsterdam

Member of the Executive Committee of EARIE (European Association for Research in Industrial Economics) (2006 - 2012)

Member of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) TC 2.4 (2008 -)

Associate Editor, Dynamic Games and Applications

Associate Editor, Economic Systems

Corrispondente Residente, Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna

Member of the Board of the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna

Member of the Board of the Institute of Higher Studies, University of Bologna

Vice-Dean of the Faculty di Political Sciences (Bologna), 2006-2012

Head of the Department of Economics, University of Bologna, 2012-2015

Director of the Alma Climate Research Institute, University of Bologna (Feb. 2020 -)

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 2623

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Via San Giacomo 3, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Thursday 15-17 a.m. online on Teams or in presence (via S. Giacomo 3) - students are kindly requested to notify by mail their partecipation to office hours on Wednesday at the latest

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