Luca Corelli Grappadelli
Doctor in Agricultural Sciences, cum Laude, University of Bologna, 1983.
Master of Science in Horticulture, Clemson University, South Carolina (USA), 1985.
20/03/1990-31/10/92 Assistant Professor, Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree, Bologna University.
1/11/1992-30/9/2001 Associate Professor, Dipartimento di Colture Arboree, Bologna University.
1/10/2001-present Full Professor, Dept. of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Bologna University.
Coordination and management
Arboriculture Unit Manager, Bologna University Experiment Farm, 2016-.
Deputy Dept. Head, Dept. Ag. Sciences, University of Bologna, 2012-2015.
Deputy Dept. Head, Dept. of Arboriculture, University of Bologna, 2001-2003; 2007-2012.
Coordinator PhD in Arboriculture, 2008-2011.
Chairman, EUFRIN Board (; 2000-2002).
Chair, EUFRIN Working Group “Strategy” (2011- ).
Vice-Chair, ISHS Section “Pome and Stone Fruits” (2014-2018).
Vice-Chair, ISHS Division “Temperate Tree Fruits” (2018-2022).
Chair, ISHS Division “Temperate Tree Fruits” (2018-2022).
Chair, ISHS Working Group on “Environmental Physiology and Developmental Biology” (2012- ).
Corresponding Member, National Agricultural Academy, Bologna (2004-2020).
Member, National Agricultural Academy, Bologna (2004-2020).
Corresponding Member, Georgofili Academy, Florence (2019-).
Corresponding Member, the Science Academy of Bologna (2020-).
Secretary, Evaluation Committee of the Italian Agriculture Ministry Research Stations (CREA; 2006-2016).
Scientific Editor, Rivista di Frutticoltura (2022-).
International Projects
ISAFRUIT (EU FP VI) Management Committee Member, 2006-2010. Grant: € 13.8 M.
FruitBreedomics (EU FP 7) Executive Committee Member, 2011-2016. Grant: € 6 M.
ApMED (ARIMNET EraNet) Executive Committee Member, 2012-2015. Grant: € 1 million.
APPLEGENIE (Research for SMEs EU Program, FP7) Work Package Leader, 2012-2014. Grant: € 1.6 M.
EUFRUIT Thematic Network (, 2016-2018. Grant: € 2.0 M.
FriendlyFruit (Climate Kic) 2018-2021. Grant: € 3.0 M
Spoke 3 Coordinator, National Center AGRITECH 2022-2026. Total grant: € 320 M.
International Activity
Almost 4 years conducting research at the following institutions: Clemson University (South Carolina, USA; 2 years); Cornell University (New York, USA; 1 year); Tatura Centre of Excellence in Horticulture, Tatura (Victoria, Australia; 6 months), Dept. Horticultural Sciences, Stellenbosch University (South Africa, 2 months).
External PhD Advisor for French, English, Portuguese and Australian students.
Project evaluation on behalf of government agencies in: France (2), New Zealand (2) and Australia (2).
Evaluation for promotion to Full Professor of 3 Associate Professors, on behalf of Cornell University, USA.
Evaluation of the Director, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture University of Tasmania.
Evaluation of 2 candidates for promotion to Associate Professor in the Golan Research Institute (Israel).
Peer Review Team, FIBL (Swiss Institute for Organic Agriculture; 2014).
Sustainable Agricultural Fellow, VESKI Foundation, Melbourne, Australia (2016).
Head of the Ecophysiology Lab in the DISTAL. The lab comprises two Associate Professors, one non-tenured Assistant Professor, several PhD candidates, Post-Docs and Research Assistants. A number of MSci. students, as well of undergraduate students joins the Lab annually, to perform research towards their degree, or to carry out their practicum.
Areas of Work: Fruit tree ecophysiology; Tree light relations; Fruit vascular flows and growth physiology; Sensor development; Precision Orchard Management, Pre-harvest factors impacting post-harvest quality and storage disorders.
About 300 papers published to date (Aug. 2023).
Convener or SC member of 14 international and 7 national symposia/conferences/project annual conferences.
Attended/presented scientific papers at more than 90 international Symposia, including many invited keynotes.
Presented about 40 invited seminars at the international level.
Taught short fruit tree ecophysiology courses in Finland, Portugal, Spain.
Performance indices
H-index WoS: 27 (Sept., 2024).
H-index Scopus: 28 (Sept., 2024)
H-index Google Scholar: 35 (Sept., 2024)
Technology Transfer
Founding member, Horticultural Knowledge srl, a UNIBO-accredited start-up that provides realtime fruit size at harvest forecasts for apple, pear, kiwifruit and other crops (
Fullbright Scholar, 1984
CNR-NATO Fellow, 1987 & 1992
VESKI Foundation, Sustainable Agricultural Fellow, 2016.