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Luca Benini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IINF-01/A Elettronica


A. Chakraborty; K. Duraisami; A. Sathanur; P. Sithambaram; L. Benini; A. Macii; E. Macii; M. Poncino, Dynamic Thermal Clock Skew Compensation Using Tunable Delay Buffers, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS», 2008, Volume 16, Issue 6, pp. 639 - 649 [articolo]

S. Baraldi; L. Benini; O. Cafini; A. Del Bimbo; E. Farella; G. Gelmini; L. Landucci; A. Pieracci; N. Torpei, Evolving tuis with smart objects for multi-context interaction, in: CHI '08 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, NEW YORK, ACM, 2008, pp. 2955 - 2960 (atti di: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Florence, Italy, 5-10 April 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

S. Srinivasan; L. Li; M. Ruggiero; F. Angiolini; N. Vijaykrishnan; L. Benini, Exploring architectural solutions for energy optimisations in bus-based system-on-chip, «IET COMPUTERS & DIGITAL TECHNIQUES», 2008, Volume 2, Issue 5, pp. 347 - 354 [articolo]

F. Gilabert; S. Medardoni; D. Bertozzi; L. Benini; M.E. Gomez; P. Lopez; J. Duato, Exploring High-Dimensional Topologies for NoC Design Through an Integrated Analysis and Synthesis Framework, in: Networks-on-Chip, 2008. NoCS 2008. Second ACM/IEEE International Symposium on, s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. 107 - 116 (atti di: Second ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, 2008. NoCS 2008., Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

D. Bertozzi; L. Benini, Hardware Platforms for Third Generation Mobile Terminals, in: Memories in Wireless Systems, BERLIN HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2008, pp. 1 - 28 (Signals and Communication Technology) [capitolo di libro]

B. Bougard; P. Marchal; L. Benini; D. Keitel-Schulz; N. Checka, HOT TOPIC - 3D Integration or How to Scale in the 21st Century, in: Proceedings on Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2008. DATE '08, s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. 1516 - 1516 (atti di: 978-3-9810801-4-8, Munich, Germany, 2008) [atti di convegno-abstract]

G. Paci; A. Nackaerts; F. Catthoor; L. Benini; P. Marchal, How to Live with Uncertainties: Exploiting the Performance Benefits of Self-Timed Logic In Synchronous Design, in: Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, 2008. DSD '08. 11th EUROMICRO Conference on, New York, IEEE Press, 2008, pp. 550 - 557 (atti di: 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, 2008. DSD '08., Parma, Italy, 03-05 September 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Graziani S; Di Matteo G; Benini L; Di Cesare S; Chiriaco M; Chini L; Chianca M; De Iorio F; La Rocca M; Iannini R; Corrente S; Rossi P; Moschese V., Identification of a Btk mutation in a dysgammaglobulinemic patient with reduced B cells: XLA diagnosis or not?, «CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY», 2008, 128(3), pp. 322 - 328 [articolo]

S. Carrara; V. K. Bhalla; C. Stagni; L. Benini; B. Riccò; B. Samorì;, Improving Probe Immobilization for label-Free Capacitive Detection of DNA Hybridization on Microfabricated Gold Electrodes, «SENSORS & TRANSDUCERS», 2008, 88, pp. 31 - 39 [articolo]

E. Farella; A. Pieracci; A. Acquaviva; L. Benini; L. Rocchi, Interfacing Human and Computer with Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: The WiMoCA Solution, «MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS», 2008, Volume 38, Number 3, pp. 337 - 363 [articolo]

E. Ficarra; G. De Micheli; S. Yoon; L. Benini; E. Macii, Joint co-clustering: Co-clustering of genomic and clinical bioimaging data, «COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS», 2008, Volume 55, Issue 5, pp. 938 - 949 [articolo]

D. Dondi; A. Bertacchini; D. Brunelli; L. Larcher; L. Benini, Modeling and Optimization of a Solar Energy Harvester System for Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS», 2008, 55 , Issue 7, pp. 2759 - 2766 [articolo]

Vantini I.; Benini L., Models of learning, training and progress evaluation of medical students., «CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA», 2008, 393(1):1, pp. 3 - 6 [articolo]

M. Magno; F. Tombari; D. Brunelli; L. Di Stefano; L. Benini, Multi-modal Video Surveillance Aided by Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications (M2SFA2 2008), s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: European Computer Vision Conference (ECCV 2008) - Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications (M2SFA2 2008), Marsiglia, 18 Ottobre 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

A. Sathanur; L. Benini; A. Macii; E. Macii; M. Poncino, Multiple power-gating domain (multi-VGND) architecture for improved leakage power reduction, in: ISLPED '08: Proceeding of the thirteenth international symposium on Low power electronics and design, NEW YORK, ACM, 2008, pp. 51 - 56 (atti di: International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design ISLPED '08, Bangalore, India, 2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

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