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Loris Pironi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MED/49 SCIENZE TECNICHE DIETETICHE APPLICATE

Direttore Scuola di Specializzazione Scienza dell'Alimentazione (68/2015)

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea in Dietistica (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di dietista)


Ruggeri E; Agostini F; Fettucciari L; Giannantonio M; Pironi L; Pannuti F, Home artificial nutrition in advanced cancer patients, «TUMORI», 2013, 99, pp. 218 - 224 [articolo]

Lauro A; Zanfi C; Bagni A; Cescon M; Siniscalchi A; Pellegrini S; Pironi L; Pinna AD, Induction therapy in adult intestinal transplantation: reduced incidence of rejection with "2-dose" alemtuzumab protocol., «CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION», 2013, 27, pp. 567 - 570 [articolo]

Lauro A; Zanfi C; Pellegrini S; Catena F; Cescon M; Cautero N; Stanghellini V; Pironi L; Pinna AD., Isolated intestinal transplant for chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction in adults: Long-term outcome, «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2013, 45, pp. 3351 - 3355 [articolo]

Brevetto n. 0001419121, Miscele nutrizionali (emulsioni) premiscelate ("Standard").

Lauro A; Bagni A; Zanfi C; Pellegrini S; Dazzi A; Del Gaudio M; Ravaioli M; Di Simone M; Ramacciato G; Pironi L; Pinna AD, Mortality after steroid-resistant acute cellular rejection and chronic rejection episodes in adult intestinal transplants: report from a single center in induction/preconditioning era., «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2013, 45, pp. 2032 - 2033 [articolo]

Lauro A; Di Simone M; Zanfi C; Pironi L; D'Errico A; Pinna AD., Operative endoscopy for treatment of native rectal post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disease after adult small bowel transplantation: a case report, «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2013, 45, pp. 3442 - 3443 [articolo]

Dreesen M; Foulon V; Hiele M; Vanhaecht K; De Pourcq L; Pironi L; Van Gossum A; Arends J; Cuerda C; Thul P; Bozzetti F; Willems L., Quality of care for cancer patients on home parenteral nutrition: development of key interventions and outcome indicators using a two-round Delphi approach., «SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER», 2013, 21, pp. 1373 - 1381 [articolo]

Jeppesen PB; Pertkiewicz M; Forbes A; Pironi L; Gabe SM; Joly F; Messing B; Loth S; Youssef NN; Heinze H; Berghöfer P, Quality of life in patients with short bowel syndrome treated with the new glucagon-like peptide-2 analogue teduglutide--analyses from a randomised, placebo-controlled study, «CLINICAL NUTRITION», 2013, 32, pp. 713 - 721 [articolo]

Pironi L; Baxter JP; Lauro A; Guidetti M; Agostini F; Zanfi C; Pinna AD., Assessment of quality of life on home parenteral nutrition and after intestinal transplantation using treatment-specific questionnaires, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION», 2012, 12 Suppl 4, pp. S60 - S66 [articolo]

L. Pironi; J. Baxter; A. Lauro; M. Guidetti; F. Agostini; C. Zanfi; A.D. Pinna, DEVELOPMENT OF TREATMENT-SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS ON HOME PARENTERAL NUTRITION (HPN) AND OF INTESTINAL TRANSPLANTATION (ITX) RECIPIENTS, in: Digestive and Liver Disease, «DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE», 2012, 44, Supplement 2, pp. S205 - S205 (atti di: 18th National Congress of Digestive Diseases, Italian Federation of Societies of Digestive Diseases – FISMAD, Naples, 28–31 March 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Baxter JP; Gillanders L; Angstmann K; Staun M; O’Hanlon C; Smith T; Joly F; Thul P; Jonkers C; Wanten G; Gardiner K; Klek S; Cuerda C; Magambo W; Hawthorne AB; Lukes A; Van Gossum A; Theilla M; Singer P; Shamir R; Pironi L, Home parenteral nutrition: An international benchmarking exercise., «E-SPEN JOURNAL», 2012, 7, pp. e211 - e214 [articolo]

Pironi L; Goulet O; Buchman A; Messing B; Gabe S; Candusso M; Bond G; Gupte G; Pertkiewicz M; Steiger E; Forbes A; Van Gossum A; Pinna AD, Outcome on home parenteral nutrition for benign intestinal failure: A review of the literature and benchmarking with the European prospective survey of ESPEN., «CLINICAL NUTRITION», 2012, 31, pp. 831 - 845 [articolo]

Pironi L; Forbes A; Van Gossum A, The Authors' reply, «GUT», 2012, 61, pp. 167 - 167 [abstract]

Pironi L; Joly F; Forbes A; Colomb V; Lyszkowska M; Baxter J; Gabe S; Hébuterne X; Gambarara M; Gottrand F; Cuerda C; Thul P; Messing B; Goulet O; Staun M; Van Gossum A., Long-term follow-up of patients on home parenteral nutrition in Europe: implications for intestinal transplantation, «GUT», 2011, 60, pp. 17 - 25 [articolo]

Zanfi C.; Lauro A.; Cescon M.; Dazzi A.; Ercolani G.; Grazi G.L.; Zanello M.; Vivarelli M.; Del Gaudio M.; Ravaioli M.; Cucchetti A.; Vetrone G.; Tuci F.; Di Gioia P.; Lazzarotto T.; D'Errico A.; Bagni A.; Faenza S.; Siniscalchi A.; Pironi L.; Pinna A.D., Comprehensive surgical intestinal rescue and transplantation program in adult patients: Bologna experience., «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2010, 42(1), pp. 39 - 41 [articolo]

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