Foto del docente

Lorenzo Cattani

Adjunct professor

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Research fellow

Department of the Arts

Teaching tutor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Current Position

  • Post-doc researcher, Department of The Arts


  • PhD in Sociology and Social Research, Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna. Dissertation title: "Breaking the Doxa? Gender segregation in the labour market"
  • RECSM Summer Methods School in "Machine Learning for Social Sciences", Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcellona.
  • ECPR Virtual Winter School in "Panel Data Analysis"
  • Centre for Multilevel Modelling, workshop in "Introduction to Multilevel Modelling Using MLwiN", Bristol.
  • GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, workshop in "Working with the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS)", Mannheim
  • Summer School on Social Research in "Regression Models for Social Sciences".
  • Master Course in Human Resources and Organization, Bologna Business School
  • Master's Degree in International Affairs (110/110 cum laude), University of Bologna.                        Dissertation: Globalization and Varieties of Capitalism: patterns of institutional specialization in  the United Kingdom and Germany. 
  • Bachelor's Degree in Political Science (104/110), University of Bologna.

Professional Activities

  • Author, Pandora Rivista. Review of Theory and Politics
  • Intern Researcher at Observatory on Legality, Forlì (Italy), University of Bologna                          Research: The perception of legality among high school students of Forlì

Other Positions

  • Since 2019: board member of the RN14 Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State, European Sociological Association.


Gender & Society

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy

Sociologia del Lavoro

Speaker at conferences and lectures

  • 30/06-2/07/2021: Breaking the doxa? Determinants of Gender Segregation Across Occupational Groups, Gender Work and Organization Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury.
  • 23/02-28/02/2921: Labour Market Policies in Light of Female Employment and Poitical Mobilization: A New Framework, 4th ISA forum of Sociology, Porto Alegre
  • 19/08-23/08/2019: Explaining policy preferences: women and coalitions in the labour market, 14th ESA conference, Manchester
  • 30/09/2016: (with Rebecca Paraciani), Sicurezza e Legalità Under 20: un viaggio per scoprire cosa ne pensano gli studenti delle scuole superiori di Forlì, European Researcher’s Night, at School of Political Science “R. Ruffilli”-Forlì Campus

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