Current Position
- Post-doc researcher, Department of The Arts
- PhD in Sociology and Social Research, Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna. Dissertation title: "Breaking the Doxa? Gender segregation in the labour market"
- RECSM Summer Methods School in "Machine Learning for Social Sciences", Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcellona.
- ECPR Virtual Winter School in "Panel Data Analysis"
- Centre for Multilevel Modelling, workshop in "Introduction to Multilevel Modelling Using MLwiN", Bristol.
- GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, workshop in "Working with the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS)", Mannheim
- Summer School on Social Research in "Regression Models for Social Sciences".
- Master Course in Human Resources and Organization, Bologna Business School
- Master's Degree in International Affairs (110/110 cum laude), University of Bologna. Dissertation: Globalization and Varieties of Capitalism: patterns of institutional specialization in the United Kingdom and Germany.
- Bachelor's Degree in Political Science (104/110), University of Bologna.
Professional Activities
- Author, Pandora Rivista. Review of Theory and Politics
- Intern Researcher at Observatory on Legality, Forlì (Italy), University of Bologna Research: The perception of legality among high school students of Forlì
Other Positions
- Since 2019: board member of the RN14 Gender Relations in the Labour Market and the Welfare State, European Sociological Association.
Gender & Society
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
Sociologia del Lavoro
Speaker at conferences and lectures
- 30/06-2/07/2021: Breaking the doxa? Determinants of Gender Segregation Across Occupational Groups, Gender Work and Organization Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury.
- 23/02-28/02/2921: Labour Market Policies in Light of Female Employment and Poitical Mobilization: A New Framework, 4th ISA forum of Sociology, Porto Alegre
- 19/08-23/08/2019: Explaining policy preferences: women and coalitions in the labour market, 14th ESA conference, Manchester
- 30/09/2016: (with Rebecca Paraciani), Sicurezza e Legalità Under 20: un viaggio per scoprire cosa ne pensano gli studenti delle scuole superiori di Forlì, European Researcher’s Night, at School of Political Science “R. Ruffilli”-Forlì Campus