Foto del docente

Lorenza Vitale

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/13 Experimental Biology


Pierluigi Strippoli; Maria Chiara Pelleri; Maria Caracausi; Lorenza Vitale; Allison Piovesan; Chiara Locatelli; Maria Chiara Mimmi; Anna Concetta Berardi; Doris Ricotta; Annalisa Radeghieri; Donatella Barisani; Mark Basik; Maria Chiara Monaco; Alessandro Ghezzo; Marco Seri; Guido Cocchi, An integrated route to identifying new pathogenesis-based therapeutic approaches for trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) following the thought of Jérôme Lejeune, «SCIENCE POSTPRINT», 2013, 1, Article number: e00010 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]

Allison Piovesan; Lorenza Vitale; Maria Chiara Pelleri; Pierluigi Strippoli, Universal tight correlation of codon bias and pool of RNA codons (codonome): The genome is optimized to allow any distribution of gene expression values in the transcriptome from bacteria to humans., «GENOMICS», 2013, 101, pp. 282 - 289 [Scientific article]

Casadei R.; Piovesan A.; Vitale L.; Facchin F.; Pelleri M.C.; Canaider S.; Bianconi E.; Frabetti F.; Strippoli P., Genome-scale analysis of human mRNA 5' coding sequences based on expressed sequence tag (EST) database., «GENOMICS», 2012, 100, pp. 125 - 130 [Scientific article]

F. Facchin; L. Vitale; E. Bianconi; F. Piva; F. Frabetti; P. Strippoli; R. Casadei; M.C. Pelleri; A. Piovesan; S. Canaider, Complexity of Bidirectional Transcription and Alternative Splicing at Human RCAN3 Locus., «PLOS ONE», 2011, 6, pp. e24508 - e24508 [Scientific article]Open Access

R. Casadei; M.C. Pelleri; L. Vitale; F. Facchin; L. Lenzi; S. Canaider; P. Strippoli; F. Frabetti, Identification of housekeeping genes suitable for gene expression analysis in the zebrafish, «GENE EXPRESSION PATTERNS», 2011, 11, pp. 271 - 276 [Scientific article]

Lenzi L.; Facchin F.; Piva F.; Giulietti M.; Pelleri M.C.; Frabetti F.; Vitale L.; Casadei R.; Canaider S.; Bortoluzzi S.; Coppe A.; Danieli G.A.; Principato G.; Ferrari S.; Strippoli P., TRAM (Transcriptome Mapper): database-driven creation and analysis of transcriptome maps from multiple sources, «BMC GENOMICS», 2011, 12, Article number: 121 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Facchin F.; Canaider S.; Vitale L.; Frabetti F.; Griffoni C.; Lenzi L.; Casadei R.; Strippoli P., Identification and analysis of human RCAN3 (DSCR1L2) mRNA and protein isoforms, «GENE», 2008, 407, pp. 159 - 168 [Scientific article]

Vitale L.; Frabetti F.; Huntsman S. A.; Canaider S.; Casadei R.; Lenzi L.; Facchin F.; Carinci P.; Zannotti M.; Coppola D.; Strippoli P., Sequence, "subtle" alternative splicing and expression of the CYYR1 (cysteine/tyrosine-rich 1) mRNA in human neuroendocrine tumors, «BMC CANCER», 2007, 7, Article number: 66 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Frabetti F.; Casadei R.; Lenzi L.; Canaider S.; Vitale L.; Facchin F.; Carinci P.; Zannotti M.; Strippoli P., Systematic analysis of mRNA 5´ coding sequence incompleteness in Danio rerio: an automated EST-based approach, «BIOLOGY DIRECT», 2007, 2, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vitale L; Lenzi L; Huntsman SA; Canaider S; Frabetti F; Casadei R; Facchin F; Carinci P; Zannotti M; Coppola D; Strippoli P, Differential expression of alternatively spliced mRNA forms of the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor in human neuroendocrine tumors, «ONCOLOGY REPORTS», 2006, 15, pp. 1249 - 1256 [Scientific article]

Canaider S; Facchin F; Griffoni C; Casadei R; Vitale L; Lenzi L; Frabetti F; D'Addabbo P; Carinci P; Zannotti M; Strippoli P, Proteins encoded by human Down syndrome critical region gene 1-like 2 (DSCR1L2) mRNA and by a novel DSCR1L2 mRNA isoform interact with cardiac troponin I (TNNI3), «GENE», 2006, 372, pp. 128 - 136 [Scientific article]

Lenzi L; Frabetti F; Facchin F; Casadei R; Vitale L; Canaider S; Carinci P; Zannotti M; Strippoli P, UniGene Tabulator: a full parser for the UniGene format, «BIOINFORMATICS», 2006, 22, pp. 2570 - 2571 [Scientific article]

GIANNONE S; STRIPPOLI P; VITALE L; CASADEI R; CANAIDER S.; LENZI L; D'ADDABBO P; FRABETTI F; FACCHIN F; FARINA A; CARINCI P; ZANNOTTI M, Gene Expression Profile Analysis in Human T Lymphocytes from Patients with Down Syndrome., «ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS», 2004, 68, pp. 546 - 554 [Scientific article]

D'ADDABBO P; LENZI L; FACCHIN F; CASADEI R; CANAIDER S.; VITALE L; FRABETTI F; CARINCI P; ZANNOTTI M; STRIPPOLI P, GeneRecords: a relational database for GenBank flat file parsing and data manipulation in personal computers., «BIOINFORMATICS», 2004, 20, pp. 2883 - 2885 [Scientific article]

AMORE M; STRIPPOLI P; LATERZA C; TAGARIELLO P; VITALE L; CASADEI R; FRABETTI F; CANAIDER S; LENZI L; D'ADDABBO P; CARINCI P; TORRONI A; FERRARI G; ZANNOTTI M., Sequence analysis of ADARB1 gene in patients with familial bipolar disorder, «JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS», 2004, 18(1), pp. 79 - 85 [Scientific article]

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