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Letizia Lombezzi

Adjunct professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Letizia Lombezzi, after the high school degree in Classical Studies, enrolled at the University of Rome La Sapienza,and she graduated with honors in Oriental Languages and Civilizations (2006). She holds  a Ph.D. dual degree, obtained in 2018 under co-tutorship , from Sapienza di Roma (Arabic Dialectology) and University of Cadix (Linguistics, linguistic contact and interculturality-area of Arabic Studies). She has  previously spent two periods as Visiting Scholar  at The University of Texas-Austin and the American University of Beirut. She received the mentions of Doctor Europaeus and Doctor internacional as acknowledgments for her doctoral research activity. She has conducted research as Post-doc  Research fellow and her interests concern the teaching of Arabic, in particular for spoken registers, Arabic on-line in its various manifestations, literary expressions centered on identity claims, the recent prose of The Peninsula and The Gulf, the study of the non-standard varieties of the language. She has carried out repeated experiences  abroad for  research/studies/work in: Lebanon, The United States, Qatar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Bahrayn, Emirates, Syria and Oman. She constantly participates in various conferences, including at the international level, during each academic year. Among the most recent ones: 2024, Malta-International association of Arabic Dialectology, 2024- Cambridge Arabic Language Teaching and Learning Conference, 2023. Milano Variation in the Teaching of Arabic, 2022 Oslo- Connected Learning across Settings,2022 Granada, International Association of Arabic Dialectology; 2022 Experimental Arabic Lingustic, Zayed University Dubai; 2021 Semitic Dialectology, University of Heidelberg; 2021 Sorbonne Université Abu Dhabi; 2020 Qatar University in Doha-Gulf Studies Center; 2019 American University of Cairo.She is affiliated with: AIDA, Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe; AIMA Association Internationale pour l’étude du moyen arabe et des variétés mixtes de l’arabe;ENTA, European Network for the Teaching of Arabic.She is  member of the editorial board of: IMAGO Interculturalité et didactique, Université d’Oran 2 Algeria EISSN: 2661-7722; Cyber Orient (indexed ANVUR) ISSN 1804-3194; Journal of Social Sciences, ISNN 2568-6739 The Arab Democratic Center Berlin-Germany.  Letizia currently works as Adjunct Professor  (non permanent staff), and carries out Arabic translation services in various fields, for the public and private sectors. Contact her by the institutional mailing address for more details and information.