Foto del docente

Leonardo Ciocca

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-16/A Oral Diseases and Dentistry

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.V. English SUMMARY.pdf 56KB )

English version     (for more details, please see italian version) 

Personal Data:

            Name:    Leonardo Ciocca

            Date of birth:    12-04-1966

            Nationality:        Italian

            Civil Status:      Married

Children:           3 (Matteo, Pietro, Maddalena)

Work address:   Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of

Bologna, via S. Vitale 59, Bologna

Work Tel.:         051 2088145


Sito internet: 

Skype: dr.leonardo.ciocca


Dr. Leonardo Ciocca is Senior Assistant professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics at Dental School of University of Bologna

  • Born 12 104 1966, Italy
  • Doctor of Dental Surgery DDS Degree, University of Bologna, 1991
  • Doctorate in Dentistry for disables (PhD) (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna Final Evaluation “Top marks”).
  • Research grant .(2010-2012). Research Project title: “CAD CAM scaffold fabrication and human bone marrow stem cells for bone regenerative medicine”, (Oral Science Departments, University of Bologna, Italy)FEBOMFS, Bologna, 2008
  • 2012-2015 Junior assistant professor, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
  • 2018-today Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna
  • 2014 National qualification of Associate Professor in Dentistry (DD nr. 222/2012)
  • 2017 National qualification of Associate Professor in Dentistry (DD nr. 1532/2016)
  • 2001-2016 Adjunct Professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics at the School of Dentistry of the University of Bologna
  • 2015-2019 Adjunct Professor of Prosthodontics at the School of Dentistry of the University of Bologna
  • Author of 64 printed in Journals (Scopus); Hi 18, Cit. 1139
  • Author of two books (Italian) ISBN: 8860710154 9788860710154 and ISBN: 8860710162 9788860710161
  • International Patent: Intenational Application Number: PCT/IB2006/002091
  • Full Staff Prosthodontist at the Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitattion Section, Dental Clinic, of the University of Bologna, 1997-2019
  • Chief of Maxillofacial Prosthodontic sub-section at the Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitattion Section, Dental Clinic, of the University of Bologna, 2002-2019

1.1. Degrees Achieved :

1991     Licentiate in Dentistry (DDS, University of Bologna, Italy, on 03/21/1991 Final evaluation: 110/110

1991     Job Qualification license: 1991, March  

2006     Doctorate in Dentistry for disables (PhD) (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna Final Evaluation “Top marks”).

2010     Research grant .(2010-2012). Research Project title: “CAD CAM scaffold fabrication and human bone marrow stem cells for bone regenerative medicine”, (Oral Science Departments, University of Bologna, Italy)

2012-2015 Junior Researcher, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna

2014 National qualification of Associate Professor in Dentistry (DD nr. 222/2012)

2015.2018 Research grant  Research Project title: “Experimental model for projecting and designing of scaffolds for the bone regenerative medicine of the maxillary arches (Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science, University of Bologna, Italy)

2017 National qualification of Associate Professor in Dentistry

2018-2021Senior Researcher, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna

2021 Associate Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna

Please note that information below were updated on April 2014 (for more updated details, please see italian version)

1.2. Professional Appointments                                                                            

1997-1999:        Resident for clinical activity and tutorship (Section of Prosthodntics, Department of Oral Sciences, Director Prof. R. Scotti, University of Bologna)


2000-2001:        Tutorship for clinical students activity (matter: Prosthodontics 3), Dean Prof. R. Scotti. Educational activity in Prosthodontics as teacher and research tutor.


2002-2003:        Tutorship for clinical students activity (matter: Prosthodontics 3), Dean Prof. R. Scotti. Educational activity in Prosthodontics as teacher and research tutor.


2001-2002:        Assistant Professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Dean Prof. Roberto Scotti) Faculty of Dentistry, University of Bologna


2003:                Assistant Professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics  (IInd –level Master degree of “Demolitive and reconstructive Surgery for oncologic patients, micro-surgery techniques”, Dir. Prof. C. Cavina, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna)


2004-2005:        Assistant Professor of “Maxillofacial Prosthodontic Follow-up “ (Master in “Oral Rehabilitation on natural teeth and implants” ) (Dir.: Prof. R.Scotti). Faculty of Dentistry, University of Bologna


2004-2005:        Assistant Professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna


2005-2006         Assistant Professor (matter: Prosthodontics 3), Dean Prof. R. Scotti, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna.


2006-2007         Assistant Professor (matter: Prosthodontics 3), Dean Prof. R. Scotti, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna.


2006-2007         Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Specialization School of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna


2007-2008         Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Specialization School of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna.


2007-2008         Assistant Professor (matter: Prosthodontics 3), Dean Prof. R. Scotti, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna.


2008-2009         Assistant Professor (matter: Prosthodontics 1), Dean Prof. R. Scotti, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna.


2009                 Position offer to be the Director of Research at the Institute for Reconstructive Science in Medicine (IRSM), Misericordia Community Hospital Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Declined.


2009-2010         Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Specialization School of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna.


2010-2011         Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna.


2010-2011         Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Specialization School of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna.


2010-2011         Assistant professor of Implant Prosthodontics, Master course in Oral and Implant Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna


2011                 Further position offer to be the Director of Research at the Institute for Reconstructive Science in Medicine (IRSM), Misericordia Community Hospital Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Declined.


2011-2012         Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna.


2011-2012         Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Specialization School of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna


2010-2011         Assistant professor of Implant Prosthodontics, Master course in Oral and Implant Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna.


2012                 Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Master course in Advanced technology for Prosthodontics and implant prosthesis, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Bologna  


2013                 Professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna



2013                 Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Master course in Advanced technology for Prosthodontics and implant prosthesis, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Bologna  


2014                 Professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna


2014                 Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Master course in Advanced technology for Prosthodontics and implant prosthesis, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Bologna  






1.3 Further Education - Self Development Courses::


1991-1993:        Clinical practice at the Oral Surgery section, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna


1993-1995:        Clinical practice at the Restorative Dentristry section, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna.


October 1993:   Course on “The treatment planning in Periodontics and Prosthodontics by

Dr.G.Carnevale and G.Di Febo, ANDI, Milano, Italy.


March 1994:      Course on Fixture assisted reconstructive dentistry and visiting scholar at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.


Sept./Oct. 1994:

Visiting scholar and observer at the Periodontics and Prosthodontics sections of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.


1995:                Practical and theoretical course on Implant Dentistry by dr. M. Degidi, Bologna, Italy


1995-'96:           Certificate in Clinical Interdisciplinary aspects between Orthodontics and Periodontics, by prof. G.P.Pini Prato, Uniiversity of Siena, Italy.


1995-'96:           Course on Fixed Prosthodontics by Dr. Stefano Valbonesi, Bologna, Italy                      


March 1996:      Course on Comprehensive Orthodontic Therapy & Physiological Principles for Consistent Success in Implant Dentistry, by Prof. W.E.Roberts, Indiana University - Indianapolis, USA


October 1996:   Visiting scholar and observer at the Periodontics and Prosthodontics sections of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA


February 1997:  Course on “New frontiers in aesthetic dentistry” by M. Fradeani, Milan, Italy


October 1997:   Seminar on Aesthetic excellence in fixed Prosthodontics” by Prof. U.Belser, Milan, Italy



November 1997:

Course on “Dentistry in the new millenium” by dott. D.A. Garber, Bologna


November 1997:

Visiting scholar and observer at the Prosthodontics section of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Director prof. P.Schårer).


May 1998:         Course on “6 days Hands on Advanced Implant Prosthodontics” by Prof. C.E.Misch a New York, USA


October 1998:

Course on “The Zurich School of Complete Denture”, by Prof. S. Palla, University of Zurich, Switzerland.


Sept. 1999 – Nov. 2000:

Clinical stage on Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Reabilitation Service, Department of Oral Sciences, University of Turin, Italy (Tutor dr. G. Gassino)




1.4 Continuing education


2006                 Theoretical course on “The nursery demands of disabled patients”, national course code nr. 27821, Bologna


2007                 Theoretical course on: “Predicibile factors in prosthodontics: occlusion, aesthetic and oral health”, National course code nr. 41-301845, Florence, Italy


2007                 Theoretical course on “Rehabilitation of facial tumors” National course approved, Brescia, Italy


2007                 Theoretical course on “Dental updates: prosthodontics”, National course code nr. 43967; Bologna, Italy


2007                 Theoretical course on “Implant surgery innovations: from regeneration to the surgery”, Course code nr. 5411-289064; Bologna


2008                 Theoretical course on “Alternative option for the atrophic sites”, National course code nr. 50955; Bologna


2010                 Theoretical course on “3D Radiologic diagnosis: new perspectives in dentistry” National course code nr. 82943; Bologna


2010                 Theoretical course on “leadership in dentistry”, National course code nr. 228-201; Roma.


2010                 Theoretical course on “Diagnostic elements for mucosal lesions of the mouth”, National code nr. 228-204; Roma


2010                 Theoretical course on “Modern endodontic rationale in using Ni-Ti instruments for root canal preparation”, National course code nr. 228-199; Rome, Italy.


2010                 Theoretical course on “Resective osseous  surgery: interdisciplinary relations between periodontics and restorative dentistry”, National course code nr. 228-195; Rome, Italy


2010                 Theoretical course on “Provisionals for fixed partial prosthesis”, National course code nr. 228-205;  Rome, Italy.


2010                 Theoretical course on “Restorative and adhesive dentistry of posterior teeth: materials, techniques and instruments for theclinical success”, National course code nr. 228-200; Rome, Italy


2010                 Theoretical course on “Post-extraction immediate implants: limits and clinical indications”,National course code nr. 228-191; Rome, Italy


2011                 Workshop on “Advanced Planning and Navigation in Head and Neck Surgery”, May 7th, 2011 at University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany






1.5. Clinical activities                                                                                               

1991-1996:        Patient treatments in Periodontics, Outpatient Dental Clinic, Bologna


1993-1995:        Clinical assistant at the staff clinic of Restorative Dentistry Section, Department of Oral Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy


1997-2000:        Clinical assistant at the staff clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Section, Department of Oral Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy


2000- today:     Responsible of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics section Department of Oral Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy




1.6 Teaching performances:


2000-2003         Prosthodontics,Tutor of 5th year students, at both clinical and preclinical level, School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy


2001                 Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 5th year School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy


2003                 Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical) Course, IInd level Master (Demolitive and reconstructive Surgery for craniofacial oncologic surgery) Specialization School of Plastic Surgery, University of Bologna, Italy


2004                 Follow-up and advanced technology for Prosthetic Dentistry, IInd  level Master (Oral Riabilitation on natural teeth and implants”), School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy.


2004                 Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 4th year School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy


2005 e 2006      Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 5th year School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy


2007-present     Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 5th year School of Specialty of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna, Italy


2007-2009         Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 5th year School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy


2010 e 2011      Implant Prosthodontics lectures IInd  level Master (Oral Surgery and implant dentistry”), School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy.


2010-2011         Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 5th year School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy


2012                 Visiting Professor of Maxillofacial Prosthesis, Fourth Military Academic University, School of Stomatology, Xì'an, CINA


2012-2013         Elective course, Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 5th year School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy


2013-2014         Elective course, Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (Theoretical and Hands-on) Course, lectures for 5th year School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy



1.7 Teaching Responsibilities:


2005 ad oggi    Scientific and teaching coordinator of IInd  level Master (Oral Riabilitation on natural teeth and implants”), School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy.


2009-2012         Supervision of Maxillofacial Surgical Sciences PhD thesis (Dr.ssa S. Mazzoni) Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna


2010                 Supervision of Master's Thesis (Dr.ssa Elva Korra)  (Università di Bologna) IInd  level Master (Oral Riabilitation on natural teeth and implants”), School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy.


2010-2012         Supervision of Biomedical sciences PhD Thesis (Dr.ssa S. Ragazzini), Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna.


2012                 Supervision of Dental School undergraduate thesis (dr. Giacomo Delcorso) School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy.


2013                 Supervision of Dental School undergraduate thesis (dr. Giacomo Onorato) School of Dentistry, University of Bologna, Italy.





1.8. Professional Honors and Awards:


2001                 1st  Poster Prize, 1st National Congress of Medical Association “Medicine & Person”, June 7-9, Milan, Italy. Poster Title: Social Dentistry in Brazil: preliminar epidemiological study in the kindergarten “Jardim Felicidade” in Belo Horizonte, by Ciocca L., Silva FVC, Alberti A.


2002                 University Research grant by 3M-Italy for the research project: “Conventional and adhesive cements for cementing CAD-CAM prosthetic restorations


2011                 1st  Poster Prize, National Congress of  Professors in Dentistry, April 14-16 2011, Florence-Siena, Italy. Poster Title: “Four different options for the rehabilitation of post-oncologic mandibular defects.” by Casadei M, Ciocca L, Mazzoni S, Corinaldesi G, Marchetti C, Scotti R.



1.9. Membership      


2002-2011         Active member of  the International Society of Maxillofacial Rehabilitation                       (ISMR)



1.10. Member of Editorial Boards:

















-       Referee of International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS)

-       Referee of Tissue Engineering

-       Referee of Supportive Care in Cancer

-       Referee of Quintessence International

-       Referee of Computers Methods and Biomechanical Engineering

-       Invited Guest Editor of Special Issue for International Journal of Dentistry (declined)



-       Referee of International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS)

-       Referee of Computers Methods and Biomechanical Engineering

-       Referee of Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing

-       Referee of Prosthetic and Orthotics International

-       Referee of Supportive Care in Cancer


-                   Referee of Tissue Engineering



1.11. Main Focus on Research:


1.     CAD-CAM projecting and construction of composite HA scaffold for the bone regenerative medicine with Mesenchymal Stem Cell

2.     CAD-CAM protocol for the complete automation of the prosthetic workflow: from edentulous jaw to implant supported fixed prosthesis

3.     Prosthetically guided Maxillofacial Surgery and Construction of customized surgical guides and bone plate for maxillofacial reconstructive surgery using fibula free flap.

4.     Protocols for the virtual automation of the procedures for constructing facial prosthesis by means of CAD-CAM technology

5.    CAD-CAM projecting and construction of customized surgical mesh for the atrophic maxillary arch to restore before implant surgery


1.12. International Collaborations:            

2011     Prof. Roger J Narajan, Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University, USA

2012     Dr. Shizhu Bay, School of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, CINA


1.13. Ph.D Supervision:      

2009-2013         Dr. Simona Mazzoni. Thesis title: “CAD-CAM technology for mandibular reconstruction” Surgical Science School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna, Italy


2010-                Dr. Sara Ragazzini. PhD Research tutorship, Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine University of Bologna.



1.14. IInd level Master Thesis Supervision

2010                 Dr. Elva Korra. IInd level Master of “Advanced Tecnology for prosthodontics and implant supported prosthesis”


1.15. Dr. Dent. Surg. Supervision

(Dental School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bologna, Italy):


2005                 (Assistant supervisor) “Recontructive protocols after  oral cancer ablation: a critical review” - Student: Angela Romagnoli

2010                 (Assistant supervisor) “Rehabilitation outcomes after mandible reconstruction by means of Fibula free flap” – Student: Matteo Casadei 

2012                 (Assistant supervisor) “Correlation between DMFT, fluorosis, malocclusions and social habits of children 3-15 years old: a longitudinal ten years study of oral health in Belo Horizonte, Brazil” – Student: Giacomo Del Corso


2013                 (Supervisor) “Prosthetically guided maxillofacial surgery: accuracy analysis of surgical guide for bone sectioning in the fibula” Student: Giacomo Onorato






(Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, IInd Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy):

2010                 (Assistant supervisor) “Development of anatomical volumes for the bone regenerative medicine before oral implant surgery” – Student: Vittorio Borromeo

2011                 (Assistant supervisor) “Three-dimensional morphologic analysis for BioSiC bone substitute” – Student: Nicola Lampa




2013                 (Department of Veterinary Surgery, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy): ”Preclinical study in sheep on bone regenerative veterinary medicine”





2013                 (Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Health Biology, University of Bologna, Italy): ” A novel hybrid biomaterial for osseous tissue engineering and bioactive molecules delivery”- Student: Dr. Odila Mezini


2. Publications

2.1. PhD

“Development of new technologies for naxillofacial rehabilitation of patients with secondary disability due to cancer or trauma” Doctorate Thesis, University of Bologna, Italy. - 2006.


2.2. Summary of Impact Factor, h-index

- Total Citatons (2014, April 30th):                                                       260

- Sum of Impact Factor (IF)

   (After ISI Journal Citation Report 2012):                                         51.814

- h-index (2014, April 30th):                                                                 9



2.3. Original Research in Peer-reviewed Journals


Ciocca L, Scotti R. Oculo-facial rehabilitation after facial cancer removal: Updated CAD/CAM procedures. A pilot study. Prosthet Orthot Int. 2013 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print]


Ciocca L, Donati D, Ragazzini S, Dozza B, Rossi F, Fantini M, Spadari A, Romagnoli N, Landi E, Tampieri A, Piattelli A, Iezzi G, Scotti R. Mesenchymal stem cells and platelet gel improve bone deposition within CAD-CAM custom-made ceramic HA scaffolds for condyle substitution. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:549762. doi: 10.1155/2013/549762. Epub 2013 Sep 1. PubMed PMID: 24073409


Mazzoni S, Marchetti C, Sgarzani R, Cipriani R, Scotti R, Ciocca L. Prosthetically guided maxillofacial surgery: evaluation of the accuracy of a surgical guide and custom-made bone plate in oncology patients after mandibular reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Jun;131(6):1376-85. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31828bd6b0.


Ciocca L, Mazzoni S, Fantini M, Persiani F, Marchetti C, Scotti R. CAD/CAM guided secondary mandibular reconstruction of a discontinuity defect after ablative cancer surgery. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2012 Dec;40(8):e511-5. doi:10.1016/j.jcms.2012.03.015. Epub 2012 Apr 30.


Ciocca L, Mazzoni S, Fantini M, Marchetti C, Scotti R. The design and rapid prototyping of surgical guides and bone plates to support iliac free flaps for mandible reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 May;129(5):859e-61e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31824a9f31.


Ciocca L, Donati D, Fantini M, Landi E, Piattelli A, Iezzi G, Tampieri A, Spadari A, Romagnoli N, Scotti R. CAD-CAM-generated hydroxyapatite scaffold to replace the mandibular condyle in sheep: preliminary results. J Biomater Appl. 2013 Aug;28(2):207-18. doi: 10.1177/0885328212443296. Epub 2012 Apr 5.


Ciocca L, Mazzoni S, Fantini M, Persiani F, Baldissara P, Marchetti C, Scotti  R. A CAD/CAM-prototyped anatomical condylar prosthesis connected to a custom-made bone plate to support a fibula free flap. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2012 Jul;50(7):743-9. doi: 10.1007/s11517-012-0898-4. Epub 2012 Mar 24.



CAD-CAM prosthetically guided bone regeneration using preformed titanium mesh for the reconstruction of atrophic maxillary arches. Ciocca L, Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Corinaldesi G, Scotti R. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2011 Sep 19:1347-1352 PMID:    21923559  [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]               



Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) of a customized titanium mesh for prosthetically guided bone regeneration of atrophic maxillary arches.

Ciocca L, Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Corinaldesi G, Scotti R.

Med Biol Eng Comput. 2011 Nov;49(11):1347-52. Epub 2011 Jul 21.

PMID:    21779902

    [PubMed - in process]



Design and manufacturing of ear prosthesis by means of rapid prototyping technology.

De Crescenzio F, Fantini M, Ciocca L, Persiani F, Scotti R.

Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2011 Mar;225(3):296-302.

PMID:    21485330

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Computer-aided design and manufacturing construction of a surgical template for craniofacial implant positioning to support a definitive nasal prosthesis.

Ciocca L, Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Persiani F, Scotti R.

Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011 Aug;22(8):850-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2010.02066.x. Epub 2010 Dec 28.

PMID:    21198902

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]                 


New protocol for construction of eyeglasses-supported provisional nasal prosthesis using CAD/CAM techniques.

Ciocca L, Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Persiani F, Scotti R.

J Rehabil Res Dev. 2010;47(7):595-604.

PMID:    21110256

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]                


Diagnostic value of NobelGuide to minimize the need for reconstructive surgery of jaws before implant placement: a review.

Scotti R, Pellegrino G, Marchetti C, Corinaldesi G, Ciocca L.

Quintessence Int. 2010 Nov-Dec;41(10):809-14. Review.

PMID:    20927416

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]              


Rehabilitation of the nose using CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping technology after ablative surgery of squamous cell carcinoma: a pilot clinical report.

Ciocca L, De Crescenzio F, Fantini M, Scotti R.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2010 Jul-Aug;25(4):808-12.

PMID:    20657878

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]      


Translucency of zirconia copings made with different CAD/CAM systems.

Baldissara P, Llukacej A, Ciocca L, Valandro FL, Scotti R.

J Prosthet Dent. 2010 Jul;104(1):6-12.

PMID:     20620365

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]           


CAD/CAM bilateral ear prostheses construction for Treacher Collins syndrome patients using laser scanning and rapid prototyping.

Ciocca L, De Crescenzio F, Fantini M, Scotti R.

Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 2010 Jun;13(3):379-86.

PMID:    19844817

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]          


Immediate facial rehabilitation in cancer patients using CAD-CAM and rapid prototyping technology: a pilot study.

Ciocca L, Fantini M, Marchetti C, Scotti R, Monaco C.

Support Care Cancer. 2010 Jun;18(6):723-8. Epub 2009 Jun 10.

PMID:    19513762

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]            


CAD-CAM construction of a provisional nasal prosthesis after ablative tumour surgery of the nose: a pilot case report.

Ciocca L, Bacci G, Mingucci R, Scotti R.

Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2009 Jan;18(1):97-101.

PMID:    19473226

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]               


CAD/CAM and rapid prototyped scaffold construction for bone regenerative medicine and surgical transfer of virtual planning: a pilot study.

Ciocca L, De Crescenzio F, Fantini M, Scotti R.

Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2009 Jan;33(1):58-62. Epub 2008 Dec 2.

PMID:    19054651

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]        


CAD-CAM construction of an auricular template for craniofacial implant positioning: a novel approach to diagnosis.

Ciocca L, Mingucci R, Bacci G, Scotti R.

Eur J Radiol. 2009 Aug;71(2):253-6. Epub 2008 Jun 17.

PMID:    18562144

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]            


Gingival hyperplasia around implants in the maxilla and jaw reconstructed by fibula free flap.

Ciocca L, Corinaldesi G, Marchetti C, Scotti R.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 May;37(5):478-80. Epub 2008 Feb 13.

PMID:    18276115

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]                 


CAD/CAM ear model and virtual construction of the mold.

Ciocca L, Mingucci R, Gassino G, Scotti R.

J Prosthet Dent. 2007 Nov;98(5):339-43.

PMID:    18021820

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]            


SEM evaluation of in situ early bacterial colonization on a Y-TZP ceramic: a pilot study.

Scotti R, Kantorski KZ, Monaco C, Valandro LF, Ciocca L, Bottino MA.

Int J Prosthodont. 2007 Jul-Aug;20(4):419-22.

PMID:    17695877

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]        


Maxillofacial rehabilitation after rhinectomy using two different treatment options: clinical reports.

Ciocca L, Maremonti P, Bianchi B, Scotti R.

J Oral Rehabil. 2007 Apr;34(4):311-5.

PMID:    17371570

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]          


Single-session treatment of a major complication of dens invaginatus: a case report.

Caldari M, Monaco C, Ciocca L, Scotti R.

Quintessence Int. 2006 May;37(5):337-43.

PMID:    16683680

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]           


A new method for quantitative analysis of dentinal tubules.

Ciocca L, Gallina I, Navacchia E, Baldissara P, Scotti R.

Comput Biol Med. 2007 Mar;37(3):277-86. Epub 2006 Apr 18.

PMID:    16620803

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]              


The prosthetically guided osteodistraction of the mandible in the microvascular bone reconstruction after cancer surgery.

Ciocca L, Caldari M, Baldissara P, Scotti R.

Minerva Stomatol. 2006 Mar;55(3):145-9. English, Italian.

PMID:    16575385

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]            


Fatigue resistance of restored endodontically treated teeth: a multiparametric analysis.

Baldissara P, Di Grazia V, Palano A, Ciocca L.

Int J Prosthodont. 2006 Jan-Feb;19(1):25-7.

PMID:    16479754

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]                


CAD-CAM generated ear cast by means of a laser scanner and rapid prototyping machine.

Ciocca L, Scotti R.

J Prosthet Dent. 2004 Dec;92(6):591-5.

PMID:    15583570

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]          


Home care maintenance protocol for ear prostheses.

Ciocca L, Gassino G, Scotti R.

Minerva Stomatol. 2004 Oct;53(10):611-7. English, Italian.

PMID:    15531876

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]           


Residual facial disfigurement after the ablative surgery of a lachrymal gland carcinoma: a clinical report of the prosthetic rehabilitation.

Ciocca L, Scotti R.

Indian J Cancer. 2004 Apr-Jun;41(2):85-8.

PMID:    15318014

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]          


[New aesthetic results with auricular prosthesis: two case reports].

Ciocca L, Gentile L, Scotti R.

Minerva Stomatol. 2003 Oct;52(10):435-40. Italian.

PMID:    14765028

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]            


Microleakage of temporary endodontic restorations in overdenture tooth abutments.

Scotti R, Ciocca L, Baldissara P.

Int J Prosthodont. 2002 Sep-Oct;15(5):479-82.

PMID:    12375464

    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]         


2.4. Scientific publications (not indexed)


0.1       L.Checchi, G.A.Pelliccioni, L.Ciocca: Rigenerazione guidata dei tessuti: analisi dei materiali. Dental Cadmos.1991: 59,18:58-70.

0.2       L.Checchi, G.A.Pelliccioni, L.Ciocca, L.Trombelli: Rigenerazione guidata dei tessuti. Utilizzazione del collagene. Dental Cadmos. 1992; 9: 34-48.

0.3       Degidi M., Gessaroli M., Ciocca L.: Ricostruzione di siti atrofici mascellari e mandibolari mediante innesti di osso autogeno. Proceedings I° World Congress of Osseointegration - Venice, 1994,September 29-October 2: 493-497.

0.4       Martone F., Baldissara P., Ciocca L.: Effetto dell'invecchiamento artificiale sulle protesi fisse provvisorie rinforzate con fibre sintetiche. Atti II° Research Meeting SIPDRCM, Nembro (Bg) 29-30 gennaio 1999.

0.5       Orsi M.V.,Mottola A.,  Ciocca L.: Inquadramento clinico ed istologico del Morbo di Paget. Doctor Os 1998; 8: 41-47.

0.6       Papale G.,Martone F., Ciocca L.: Stabilità dimensionale di tre polivinilsilossani dopo immersione in una nuova soluzione per la sterilizzazione.Atti III° Research Meeting SIPDRCM, Nembro (Bg) 28-29 gennaio 2000.

0.7          Monaco C., Bortolini S., Ciocca L.Restauri indiretti: valutazione clinica di un nuovo materiale ceromero.Atti III° Research Meeting SIPDRCM, Nembro (Bg) 28-29 gennaio 2000.

0.8          Ciocca L., Monaco C, Catapano S. Microinfiltrazione delle otturazioni provvisorie su denti trattati endodonticamente in elementi di sostegno per overdenture su denti naturali: studio split-mouth in vivo. Atti IV° Research Meeting SIPDRCM, Nembro (Bg) 26-27 gennaio 2001.

0.9          Febbrari M, Baldissara P., Ciocca L. Effetto dell'invecchiamento artificiale sulla stabilità cromatica del Targis. Atti IV° Research Meeting SIPDRCM, Nembro (Bg) 26-27 gennaio 2001.

0.10        Arcidiacono A., Ciocca L., Baldissara P. Scansione meccanica del sistema Procera: accorgimenti clinici. Atti IV° Research Meeting SIPDRCM, Nembro (Bg) 26-27 gennaio 2001.

0.11        Scotti R., Ciocca L., Baldissara P: Microinfiltrazione di restauri endodontici provvisori in monconi dentari di overdenture. Riv. Italiana Odont. Prot.    2002;5:479-482.

0.12        Boschini L., Caldari M., Ciocca L., Cornacchione D.: Resine composite per corone e ponti provvisori. Protech, 2003;1:27-32.

0.13        Baldissara P, Caldari M, Ciocca L. Una nuova metodica per la realizzazione di     provvisori diretti rinforzati. Atti simposio SIOPI, Napoli 21 Maggio 2004:9-11.

0.14        Baldissara P, Ciocca L, Monaco C. Effetto del diametro dei perni in fibra sulla    stabilizzazione del moncone protesico. Atti simposio SIOPI, Napoli 21 Maggio    2004:14-15.

0.15        Monaco C, Baldissara P, Ciocca: Ceramiche integrali: cementazione adesiva o    tradizionale? Atti simposio SIOPI, Napoli 21 Maggio 2004:41-43.

0.16        Monaco C, Ciocca L, Scotti R. Denti posteriori trattati endodonticamente:           restauro conservativo o protesico? Atti simposio SIOPI, Napoli 21 Maggio        2004:44-46.

0.17        Melilli D, Pizzo R, Ciocca L, Scotti R. Analisi in vitro della quantità di tessuti        duri

asportati in seguito a preparazioni coronali in protesi fissa. Atti simposio SIOPI, Napoli 21 Maggio 2004:37-40.

0.18        Ciocca L, Monaco C, Baldissara P: Competenze extrasanitarie per          l'elaborazione    di epitesi facciali. Atti simposio SIOPI, Napoli 21 Maggio 2004:35-37

0.19        Ciocca L, Di Bene P, Scotti R. Utilizzo di componenti implantari in epitesi nasali. Protech 2004;3:27-31.

0.20        Caldari M, Monaco C, Ciocca L, Scotti R. Valutazione clinica prospettica a medio

termine di corone In-Ceram realizzate con il sistema CEREC 2. Quintessenza Italiana 2005,5:47-54.

0.21      Baldissara P, Ciocca L, Caldari M, Scotti R. Comparative analysis of some condensation impression materials. Dental News 2005;12:34-38.

0.22      Ciocca L, Caldari M, Baldissara P, Scotti R. The prosthetically guided osteo-distraction of the mandible in the microvascular bone reconstruction after cancer surgery. Minerva Stomatol 2006:55:145-149.

0.23Scotti N, Pasqualini D, Ciocca L, Orsi MV. Tecnica di otturazione canalare finalizzata

alla ricostruzione immediata del dente trattato endodonticamente: analisi al SEM delle superfici canalari. Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia 2006;20:155-160.

0.24De Crescenzio F, Fantini M, Ciocca L, Persiani F, Scotti R. Design and manufacturing

of ear prosthesis by means of rapid prototyping technology. Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2011Mar;225(3):296-302.



2.5. Patents

Title:"Metodo e stazione di lavoro per realizzare mascherine guida della chirurgia maxillo-facciale ed orale" Document Nr. (IT) - BO2005A000069 

Inventors: Ciocca L, Scotti R, Mingucci R, Marchetti C


Title:"Metodo e stazione di lavoro per realizzare una mascherina guida per la inserzione di un impianto osteointegrato nei mascellari" Document Nr. (IT) - TO2005A000542 
Applicant: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA                       Inventors: Ciocca L, Scotti R, Mingucci R, Bacci G




International Patent Classification: A61C13/00 (2006.01); A61C 8/00 (2006.01); A61C 1/08 (2006.01)

Intenational Application Number: PCT/IB2006/002091

Priority Data:

TO2005A000542            2 August 2005 (02.08.2005)        IT

Applicant: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, via Zamboni 33, I-40126, Bologna (IT)


CIOCCA Leonardo, SCOTTI Roberto, MINGUCCI Roberto, BACCI Giovanni


Title: "Guida chirurgica per resezioni ossee" Document Nr. (IT) - RM2011A000167 

Inventors: Ciocca L, Fantini M, Persiani F, Scotti R


Title:"Dispositivo chirurgico per la ricostruzione di strutture ossee" Document Nr. (IT) - RM2011A000168 

Inventors: Ciocca L, Fantini M, Persiani F, Scotti R



2.6. Books



·         Ciocca L, Scotti R. Riabilitazione protesica Maxillo-Facciale. Edizioni Bonomo, Bologna 2006. ISBN: 88880959859788888095981

·         Ciocca L, Scotti R. Lezioni di Protesi Maxillo-Facciale. Syllabus Addendum. Edizioni Bonomo, Bologna 2006. ISBN: 88607100149788860710017



·         Ciocca L, Scotti R. Riabilitazione protesica Maxillo-Facciale. Edizioni Bonomo, Bologna 2008 II^ Edizione. ISBN: 88607101549788860710154

·         Ciocca L, Scotti R. Lezioni di Protesi Maxillo-Facciale. Syllabus Addendum. Edizioni Bonomo, Bologna 2008 II^ Edizione. ISBN: 88607101629788860710161




2.7. Book Chapter




Ciocca L , Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Scotti R. CAD-CAM construction of a provisional Nasal prosthesis after ablative tumour surgery of the nose: a pilot case report. Updates. pp. 154-169. BOOK CHAPTER in: Narayan R, Calvert P. Computer Aided Biomanufactoring. ©2011 Wiley–VCH Verlag & Co KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. Print ISBN: 978-3-527-30906-8.








2.8. Scientific Published Abstract


·         Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Ciocca L. Innovative design of customized surgical devices for mandibular rehabilitation. Proceedings of the IMProVe International conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design June 15th – 17th, 2011, Venice, Italy. ADM – INGEGRAF. . Int J Interact Des Manuf DOI 10.1007/s12008-012-0177-5

·         M. Fantini, · F. De Crescenzio, · L. Ciocca. Design and Rapid Manufacturing of anatomical prosthesis for facial rehabilitation. Int J Interact Des Manuf  DOI 10.1007/s12008-012-0159-7

·         Lesci IG, Ciocca L, Dozza B, Lucarelli E, Squarzoni S, Donati D, Roveri N. Innovative Composite HA scaffold rapid prototyping for Bone reconstruction: an in vivo pilot study. Key Engineer. Mat. 2014 Vol. 583;56-63




3. Lectures

·         3.1. Invited lectures


Maxillofacial Surgery International Congress,June 21-24, Bologna, Italy. Ciocca L, Scotti R: Maxillofacial Rehabilitation of cancer patients. Oral Presentation.


Memorial Biaggi Congress, Rimini, Italy May 23-25. Ciocca L: L'assistenza in protesi Maxillo-Facciale. Oral Presentation



Congress “Le priorità chirurgiche di competenza oro-maxillo-facciale”, Campus Universitario Salvatore Venuta, Germaneto (Catanzaro-Italy), October 11-13. Dai Lembi liberi all'implantoprotesi. Scotti R, Marchetti C, Ciocca L. Oral Presentation


Congress “L'odontoiatria del terzo millennio: le basi del futuro”, November 10, Firenze, Italy. “Il ruolo dell'assistente in Protesi Maxillo-Facciale.” Ciocca L. Oral Presentation



Seminar:  Biomedical Engineering School, IInd Faculty of Engineering,  May 19 , Cesena, Italy. Ciocca L, Fantini M: “Riabilitazione protesica maxillo-facciale attraverso l'impiego di tecniche di Reverse Engineering, Computer Aided Design e Rapid Prototyping


Congress: “Implantologia avanzata in chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale”,  November 14, Bologna, Italy. Ciocca L, Scotti R. “Soluzioni protesiche in chirurgia oncologica”. Presentazione Orale.


International Congress:“Il trattamento riabilitativo dei tumori facciali” November 19-21 Brescia, Italy. L.Ciocca  “Prospettive di ricerca in Protesi Maxillo-Facciale”. Oral Presentation


International Congress:“Il trattamento riabilitativo dei tumori facciali” November 19-21 Brescia, Italy. L.Ciocca, M. Fantini “Ear, nasal and facial prosthesis construction using CAD-CAM procedures” (Hands-on course)




Congress: Aggiornamento di Implantologia Orale e Rigenerazione Ossea, September 24-25,Salerno, Italy. “Risultati Istologici di scaffolds individualizzati per la rigenerazione ossea. Uno studio sperimentale nella pecora”. Oral Presentation



The 5th China Medical Biotech Forum. November 7-9, Beijing International Convention Centre, Beijing, China. Ciocca L: “Histological evidences of the effectiveness of a porous pure HA scaffold used for replacing the mandibular condyle after seeding with MSC: a pilot study.” Oral Presentation



International congress “Il trattamento riabilitativo dei tumori facciali. Quali protocolli” 22-24 Novembre, Brescia. L.Ciocca “Tecnologie CAD-CAM per la riabilitazione protesica dei difetti facciali”. Oral Presentation



Scientific Meeting of COST TD0903 “Understanding and manipulating enzymatic and proteomic processes in Biomineralization, Bologna, Italy July 1st -3rd  Invited oral speaker.



·         3.2. Oral Presentations


Baldissara P, Filonzi C, Zicari F, Ciocca L. Establishing an improved fiber post shape using a 3-D analysis. 2005 IADR, Amsterdam (NH) September 15-16. ORAL PRESENTATION nr. 0535.



ISMR-AAMP International Joint Meeting,October 12-15, MAUI, Hawaii-USA. Ciocca L, Mingucci R, Bacci G, Gassino G, Scotti R: CAD-CAM ear composite model and virtual construction of the mold. Oral Presentation.



International Congress AIOP, November 20-22, Sistematiche CAD-CAM in Protesi Maxillo-Facciale. Ciocca L . Section “Advanced Procedures”: Oral Presentation


“IMAGING, SCANNING AND FACIAL RECONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES IN DENTISTRY”ARUP Campus, Blythe Park, Solihull, UK 15th November 2007,Ciocca L. “CAD-CAM ear model and virtual construction of the mold”. Oral Presentation.



Nobel Biocare World Tour 2008, Riccione, November 6-8. Leonardo Ciocca, Gerardo Pellegrino, Giuseppe Corinaldesi, Claudio Marchetti, Roberto Scotti. Diagnostic use of the NobelGuide system for surgical planning of implants placement in the atrophic jaws: preliminary results. POSTER session.



International Congress of ISMR (Intern. Soc. Maxillofac. Rehabilitation) May, 19-21 Sestri Levante. Scotti R, Ciocca L. New CAD-CAM protocols for constructing facial prostheses using rapid prototyping technology. Oral Presentation.


International Congress of ISMR (Intern. Soc. Maxillofac. Rehabilitation) May, 19-21 Sestri Levante. Ciocca L, Scotti R. Virtually planned guided bone regeneration using rapid prototyping and stem cells: animal and human reports. Oral Presentation.


IADR Congress, General Session, July, 14-17, 2010 Barcelona, Spain. Ciocca L, Pellegrino G, Corinaldesi G, Scotti R. Diagnostic protocols for minimal intervention in bone reconstructive surgery. Oral Presentation .  



International Congress of AAMP & ISMR joint meeting, October 27-30 Santa Ana, New Mexico, USA. Ciocca L, Lesci IG, Dozza B, Scotti R. “Mandible reconstruction using CAD-CAM scaffolding and bone plates”. Oral Presentation



3DBO international congress: March 28-29, Augmented Reality and New Technologies in Maxillofacial Surgery Area. Ciocca L. Custom made innovative composite scaffold for bone regenerative medicine. Invited Speaker



·        3.3. Poster Presentations

1.     Boschini L., Katsinas G., Ciocca L. Impact resistance of titanium-cored implant crowns.  IADR Gotheborg (NE) 2003. Poster nr. 37462.

2.     Baldissara P, Di Grazia V, Palano A, Ciocca L. Fatigue resistance of restored endodontically treated teeth: a multiparametric analysis. 2005 International College of Prosthodontics Meeting, Crete (GR), 2005 May 26-28, POSTER nr.360.

3.     Gerardo Pellegrino, Leonardo Ciocca, Giuseppe Corinaldesi, Claudio Marchetti, Roberto Scotti. Diagnostic use of the NobelGuide system for surgical planning of implants placement in the atrophic jaws: preliminary results. Nobel Biocare World Tour 2008, Riccione, November 6-8. POSTER session.

4.     Casadei M, Ciocca L, Mazzoni S, Corinaldesi G, Marchetti C, Scotti R. “Four different options for the rehabilitation of post-oncologic mandibular defects.” National Congress of Dental Teachers, Firenze-Siena, 2011, April 14-16. “La ricerca scentifica in Odontostomatologia: evidenze e controversie”. POSTER presentation

5.     Giorgini F, Ciocca L, Mazzoni S, Corinaldesi G, Marchetti C, Scotti R. “Options for rehabilitation of post-oncologic maxillary defects: the maxillofacial prosthodontics centre experience.” National Congress of Dental Teachers, Firenze-Siena, 2011, April 14-16.  “La ricerca scentifica in Odontostomatologia: evidenze e controversie”. POSTER presentation

6.     Ciocca L , Del Corso G, Scotti R. Ten years epidemiological longitudinal study of a Brazilian schoolchildren population. IADR Genaral session, March 2013, Seattle USA. Poster #2538.



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