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Lee Graña is a Research Fellow at the University of Bologna with the EU-funded project Coastal lagoons and their hidden cultural heritage: The exploitation of lagoonal environments in Roman Italy. The 2024-2025 research season involves the cataloguing and assessment of archaeological remains pertaining to fishing practices, with a focus on the Venetian lagoon and the Roman period. Additional studies will include ichthyofaunal assessments and the recording of local traditions via interviews.
Previously, Lee acquired his PhD at the University of Reading (UK), investigating Romano-British fisheries. He has since worked as Assistant Field Director at the Casa Della Regina Project in Pompeii (Universities of Cornell and Bologna), and as lead editor of an upcoming publication The Bloomsbury Handbook of Experimental Approaches to Roman Archaeology.
Lee has over a decade of archaeological field experience with Oxford Archaeology South, Historic England, and the University of Reading.
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