Foto del docente

Laura Maria Franciosi

Assistant professor

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae

Laura Maria Franciosi, researcher in private comparative law (SSD IUS/02) at University of bologna - Law School since September 1st, 2011. Professor of "Private comparative law" (course held in Italian) and "International Contracts and Lontract Harmonization" (course held in English) since a.y. 2011-2012 at the Ravenna Campus Branch of the Law School. Member of the Law School's Internship Commission since December 2011. Formerly Contract Professor of (i) Private Law at University of Bergamo - Faculty of Economy (from a.y. 2008-2009 to a.y. 2010-2011); (ii) Comparative Business Law (held in English) at "Luigi Bocconi University" of Milan (from a.y. 2007-2008 to a.y. 2009-2010); (iii) Comparative Corporate Law at University of Piemonte Orientale . Faculty of Economy, Novara branch; European Contract Law (held in English) ata Libera Università "Carlo Cattaneo di Castellanza" (from a.y. 2007-2008/ to a.y.2010-2011). Visiting Professor   at the Law School of the University of Salzburg (January 2007) and Distinguished Scholar at the Law School of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA) (October 2007).   Master in comparative Law (LL.M program) at the Law School of Louisiana State University and winner of “Paul Hebert LSU Law Center Fellowship on the Thesis Track”. Doctorate in comparative law at "Università degli Studi" of Milan (XVIII ciclo), with a final dissertation about "Interprete nord-americano e buona fede contrattuale". JD degree cum laude at "Università degli studi" di Parma (1999). Italian reporter for the section “Civil law in the world” of the Journal of Civil Law Studies, published by Louisiana State University – Law School; Member of Association Henry Capitant des amis de la culture juridique française. Involved in natioanl academic research projects (MIUR, MURST). Speaker in conferences on comparative law issues. Author of "Trattative e due diligence: tra culpa in contrahendo e contratto" (Giuffrè, 2009) and of other national and international essays on comparative law issues.