Bolzani D., Munari F., Rasmussen E., Toschi L., Technology Transfer Office as Providers of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Education, «THE JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER», 2021, 46, pp. 335 - 365 [Scientific article]Open Access
Munari F.; Toschi L., The impact of public funding on science valorisation: an analysis of the ERC Proof-of-Concept Programme, «RESEARCH POLICY», 2021, 50, Article number: 104211 , pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article]Open Access
Mura M.; Longo M.; Toschi L.; Zanni S.; Visani F.; Bianconcini S., The role of geographical scales in sustainability transitions: An empirical investigation of the European industrial context, «ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS», 2021, 183, Article number: 106968 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access
Francesco Barbini, Marco Corsino, Paola Giuri, Laura Toschi, Job positions in entrepreneurial founding teams. The role of gender, in: Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment, 2020, pp. 106 - 109 (atti di: Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment, Inglese, 27th-28th of January 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Federica Bandini, Magalì Fia, Leonardo Boni, Laura Toschi, Le Società Benefit in Italia. Scelte motivazionali e assetti di governance: una prima analisi empirica, in: Società benefit PROFILI GIURIDICI ED ECONOMICO-AZIENDALI, Milano, Egea, 2020, pp. 21 - 33 [Chapter or essay]
Giuri, Paola; Grimaldi, Rosa; Kochenkova, Anna; Munari, Federico*; Toschi, Laura, The effects of university-level policies on women’s participation in academic patenting in Italy, «THE JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER», 2020, 45, pp. 122 - 150 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bolzani D.; Fini R.; Napolitano S.; Toschi L., Entrepreneurial teams: An input-process-outcome framework, «FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP», 2019, 15, pp. 56 - 258 [Scientific article]Open Access
Massa Saluzzo, Federica; Toschi, Laura, The Impact of Local Social Norms on Access to Finance: The Case of Environmental Entrepreneurship, in: 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2019: Understanding the Inclusive Organization, AoM 2019, Academy of Management, 2019, 2019, pp. 1 - 3 (atti di: 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2019: Understanding the Inclusive Organization, AoM 2019, Boston, 9-13 agosto 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Munari F., Toschi L., The intersection between capacity building and finance in M. Granieri, A. Basso Capacity Building in Technology Transfer – The European Experience, in: Capacity Building in Technology Transfer – The European Experience, Zurigo, Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 105 - 120 [Chapter or essay]
giuri paola, munari federico, scandura alessandra, toschi laura, The strategic orientation of universities in knowledge transfer activities, «TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE», 2019, 138, pp. 261 - 278 [Scientific article]Open Access
Riccardo Fini, Monica Bartolini, Stefano Benigni, Paolo Ciancarini, Angelo Di Iorio, Alan Johnson, Marcello Maria Mariani, Silvio Peroni, Francesco Poggi, Einar Rasmussen, Riccardo Silvi, Maurizio Sobrero, Laura Toschi, Collaborative practices and multidisciplinary research: The dialogue between entrepreneurship, management, and data science, in: Fini, Riccardo, Rethinking entrepreneurship education: the role of collaborative practices and innovation, Zurigo, Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 129 - 152 [Chapter or essay]
Munari, Federico; Sobrero, Maurizio; Toschi, Laura, The university as a venture capitalist? Gap funding instruments for technology transfer, «TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE», 2018, 127, pp. 70 - 84 [Scientific article]Open Access
Munari, Federico; Sobrero, Maurizio; Toschi, Laura, Financing technology transfer: assessment of university-oriented proof-of-concept programmes, «TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT», 2017, 29, pp. 233 - 246 [Scientific article]Open Access
Fini, Riccardo; Toschi, Laura, Academic logic and corporate entrepreneurial intentions: A study of the interaction between cognitive and institutional factors in new firms, «INTERNATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS JOURNAL», 2016, 34, pp. 637 - 659 [Scientific article]Open Access
Munari, Federico; Rasmussen, Einar; Toschi, Laura; Villani, Elisa, Determinants of the university technology transfer policy-mix: a cross-national analysis of gap-funding instruments, «THE JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER», 2016, 41, pp. 1377 - 1405 [Scientific article]Open Access