Foto del docente

Laura Toschi

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: IEGE-01/A Business and Management Engineering

Curriculum vitae


September 2020 – Present, Associate Professor, Department of Management, University of Bologna (ITALY)

December 2010 – September 2020, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Bologna (ITALY)



1.     May 2011 – May 2013, ESRC (The Economic and Social Research Council) Research Fellow, SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) - University of Sussex (UK)

2.     September 2009 – May 2010, Post doctorate Researcher, SPRU (Science and Technology Policy Research) - University of Sussex (UK)



1.     June 2009 , PhD in Business Administration (with Scholarship), University of Bologna

Dissertation: Corporate Venture Capital: How established firms use external resources to create new competencies ( Committee: Professors Federico Munari, Raffaele Oriani, Maurizio Sobrero, Nalin Kulatilaka)

2.     January – December 2008, Visiting scholar, Boston University - School of Management

3.     Sept 1999 - Oct 2004, Laurea (cum laude) in Management Engineering, University of Bologna

4.     June 1999, High School Diploma (result: 100/100) , Liceo Classico “D. Alighieri” - Ravenna



1.     November 2010, ESRC (The Economic & Social Research Council) Research Fellowship for a project entitled “Corporate Venture Capital and Firms' Innovative Capabilities”, in collaboration with SPRU (University of Sussex), Brighton, UK

2.     August 2008, Best Paper Finalist and Best Paper Proceedings for the TIM (Technology Innovation Management) Division titled How good are VCs at valuing technology? An analysis of patenting and VC investments in nanotechnology, 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting

3.     October 2004, Graduation with Honours (Degree cum Laude), University of Bologna



1.     June 2010, Summer school in Structural Equation Modeling (Prof. Paul Allison, Wharton Business School), University of Bologna - Alma Graduate School

2.     June 2008 and 2009, Summer school EVPAT (Economic Evaluation of PATents), Economics and Management of Intellectual Property Rights, University of Bologna - Alma Graduate School

3.     August 2008, Doctoral Workshop in Entrepreneurship, AOM Meeting - Anaheim – CA - USA

4.     November 2008, Entrepreneurship Innovation and Growth Symposium, Innovation ... Cultivating a Discipline, NVCA (National Venture Capital Association) and MIT Sloan School of  Management – Cambridge, MA, USA

5.     Autumn 2008, Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Entrepreneurship (Prof. J. Lerner), PhD Programme in Economics and Finance, Harvard Business School, Cambridge, MA, USA.

6.     Spring 2008, Real Options (Prof. N. Kulatilaka), Executive MBA, School of Management, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.

7.     Spring 2008, Advanced Capital Markets (Prof. J. Detemple), PhD Programme in Finance, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.

8.     Spring 2008, Econometrics (Prof. C. Baum), PhD Programme in Economics, Department of Economics, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA.

9.     September 2006 and 2007 , Summer school AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering)

10.  June 2007, Summer school in Longitudinal data analysis and missing data (Prof. Paul Allison, Wharton Business School), University of Bologna - Alma Graduate School

11.  June 2006, Summer school in Categorical data analysis (Prof. Paul Allison, Wharton Business School), University of Bologna - Alma Graduate School



1.     Venture Capital and Corporate Venture Capital

2.     Entrepreneurship – Private and Academic Spin-offs, Business Model

3.     Innovation and Technology - Economic evaluation of patents, Sustainable innovations

4.     Real options



  1. May 2017-Present, Responsible (with M. Mura) for the management part of the Accelerator project of the Climate KIC entitled “Integrated Technology for Electric Mobility (TIME)” (Prof. Claudio Rossi).
  2. May 2017-Present, Responsible (with M. Mura) for the management part of the Pathfinder project of the Climate KIC entitled “Mechanical storage for household renewables” (Prof. Alberto Bellini).
  3. January 2015 - Present, Team Member for the PROGRESS-TT (Public Research Organisation GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer) funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 643486) coordinated by Prof. F. Munari (University of Bologna)
  4. February 2013 - January 2016, Team Member for the PRIN research project Market and non-market mechanisms for the exchange and diffusion of innovation: when do they work, when they do not work, and why should we care coordinated by Prof. S. Torrisi (University of Bologna) and A. Gambardella (Bocconi University)
  5. March 2012 – March 2015, Team Member for the research project Financing Knowledge Transfer in Europe (FinKT) coordinated by Prof. P. Giuri and F. Munari (University of Bologna) and financed by the European Bank of Investments, University of Bologna
  6. July 2011 – Present, Team Member for the research project Understanding the diffusion potential of Sun-to-Wheels Transportation systems , coordinated by Prof. A. Masini (HEC Paris) and financed by the HEC Foundation.
  7. Ottobre 2011 - Present, Team Member for the research project Stratégies industrielles et politiques pour le développement de l'automobile électrique ( Industrial strategies and policies for the development of the electric car ) , coordinated by Prof. A. Masini (HEC Paris).
  8. April – July 2010, Responsible for a project on the Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Patents, University of Bologna and BEP Consulting S.r.l.
  9. December 2009 – February 2010, Team Member of the UK division of the project 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission FRIDA ( Fostering Regional Innovation and Development through Anchors and Networks.  Cross Regional Comparison in an Evolving International Context ) nationally coordinated by Prof. P. Nightingale, SPRU – University of Sussex
  10. July 2009 – January 2010, Team Member for the project 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission FRIDA ( Fostering Regional Innovation and Development through Anchors and Networks.  Cross Regional Comparison in an Evolving International Context ) coordinated by Proff. G. Lorenzoni and S. Ferriani, University of Bologna
  11. January – August 2009, Responsible for the Investment Readiness Project (advisor Prof. G. Murray), UK Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform  (BERR)
  12. January 2006 – August 2009, Team Member for the research project The Economic Valuation of Patents (EVPAT) coordinated by Prof. F. Munari (University of Bologna) and R. Oriani (Luiss Guido Carli University) and financed by the European Bank of Investments, University of Bologna



Papers in International Refereed Journals

  1. Giuri P., Grimaldi R., Kochenkova A., Munari F., Toschi L. The effects of university-level policies on women’s participation in academic patenting, Journal of Technology Transfer, forthcoming.
  2. Munari F., Sobrero M., Toschi L. (2018) The University as a Venture Capitalist? Gap Funding Instruments for Technology Transfer Special Issue “Instruments for Technology Transfer” on Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127: 70-84, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2017.07.024.
  3. Munari F., Sobrero M., Toschi L. (2017) Financing Technology Transfer: Assessment of European University-Oriented Proof-of-Concept Programs, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29(2): 233-246.
  4. Munari F., Rasmussen E., Toschi L., Villani E. (2016) Determinants of the university technology transfer policy-mix: a cross-national analysis of gap-funding instruments. Journal of Technology Transfer, Special Issue on ‘Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship: Cross-National Analysis’, 41(6): 1377-1405, DOI: 10.1007/s10961-015-9448-1.
  5. Fini R., Toschi L. (2016) Academic logic and corporate entrepreneurial intentions: A study of the interaction between cognitive and institutional factors in new firms, International Small Business Journal, 34(5): 637-659, DOI: 10.1177/0266242615575760.
  6. Munari F., Pasquini M., Toschi L. (2015) From the lab to the stock market? An analysis of University-Oriented Seed Funds in Europe, Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(6): 948-975, DOI 10.1007/s10961-014-9385-4.
  7. Munari F., Toschi L. (2015) Do patents affect VC financing? Empirical evidence from the nanotechnology sector. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 11 (3): 623-644, DOI: 10.1007/s11365-013-0295-y.
  8. Munari, F., Toschi, L. (2015) Assessing the impact of public venture capital programmes in the United Kingdom: Do regional characteristics matter? Journal of Business Venturing, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.07.009.
  9. Munari F., Toschi L. (2014) Running ahead in the nanotechnology gold rush. Strategic patenting in emerging technologies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 83: 194-207, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2013.07.002, ISSN: 0040-1625.
  10. Munari F., Toschi L. (2011) Do venture capitalists have a bias against investment in academic spinoffs? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the UK, Industrial and Corporate Change, 20 (2): 397-432, DOI: 10.1093/icc/dtq053, Online ISSN: 1464-3650 - Print ISSN: 0960-6491.


Papers in Italian Journals

  1. Munari F., Toschi L. (2011) L'impatto dei programmi pubblici a supporto del Venture Capital: Il caso del Regno Unito, Economia e Politica Industriale – Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 38 (4): 185-204, ISSN: 0391-2078


National Books

  1. Toschi L. (2014). L'uso strategico del Corporate Venture Capital. Come le grandi imprese sfruttano le risorse esterne per creare nuove competenze. McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 978-88-386-7455-6.


International Book Chapters

  1. Masini A., Toschi L. (2012) Strategic and Operational Choices for Sustainable Mobility Solutions. Proceedings of the 19th International Annual Euroma Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN: 9789491621000.
  2. Munari F., Odasso C., Toschi L. (2011) IP-backed finance in F. Munari, R. Oriani The economic valuation of patents. Methods and applications. (eds. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited di Cheltenham, UK, ISBN: 978-I-84844-548-2
  3. Munari F., Toschi L. (2008). How do academic spin-offs attract VC financing? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the UK. In: Proceedings of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2008. p. 481-487, Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House, ISBN: 978-7-80247-039-2
  4. Munari F., Toschi L., (2008) How good are VCs at valuing technology? An analysis of patenting and VC investments in nanotechnology, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Best paper Proceedings.


Papers under Review

  1. Bolzani D., Munari F., Rasmussen E., Toschi L. Technology Transfer Office as Providers of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Education Special Issue on Journal of Technology Transfer (I round)
  2. Giuri P., Munari F., Scandura A., Toschi L. The strategic orientation of universities in knowledge transfer activities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (I round)
  3. Munari F., Sobrero M., Toschi L. The University as a Venture Capitalist? Gap Funding Instruments for Technology Transfer Special Issue on Technological Forecasting and Social Change (III round).


Technical Reports

  1. Murray G., Toschi L. (2009) A cross-country study on investment readiness. How can entrepreneurs increase attitude towards equity finance? commissioned by the UK Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform  (BERR) within the Investment Readiness Project



Conference Presentations

  1. Massa Saluzzo F., Toschi L. Two rights make a wrong: How the clash between formal and informal green initiatives decreases green entrepreneurship 3rd Entrepreneurial Finance Conference, 26-27 June 2018, Milan, ITALY
  2. Massa Saluzzo F., Toschi L. Two rights make a wrong: How the clash between formal and informal green initiatives decreases green entrepreneurship 7th Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Research Conference Madrid Extension, 12-13 June 2018, Madrid, SPAIN.
  3. Massa Saluzzo F., Toschi L. Two rights make a wrong: How the clash between formal and informal green initiatives decreases green entrepreneurship 7th Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Research Conference, 1-4 March 2018, Washington DC, USA.
  4. Fini R., Toschi L. Looking for academic legitimacy: Scientific category spanning under information asymmetries DRUID Summer Conference, 12-14 June 2017, New York City, USA
  5. Fini R., Toschi L. Looking for academic legitimacy: Scientific category spanning under information asymmetries University-Industry Collaborations and academic entrepreneurship: East meets West, 4-6 June 2017, Bologna, ITALY
  6. Bolzani D., Munari F., Rasmussen E., Toschi L. Technology Transfer Office as Providers of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Education. International Research Conference on Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Education (STEE). 27-28 April 2017. Toulouse, FRANCE.
  7. Giuri P., Scandura A., Munari F., Toschi L. The strategic orientation of universities in knowledge transfer activities. 3rd Academic Entrepreneurship Workshop “Entrepreneurship and Universities”, 25-26 November 2016, Bolzano, ITALY
  8. Giuri P., Scandura A., Munari F., Toschi L. The strategic orientation of universities in knowledge transfer activities. SPRU 50th Anniversary Conference, 7-9 September 2016, Brighton, UNITED KINGDOM
  9. Munari F., Sobrero M., Toschi L. Bridging the University Funding Gap: Determinants and Consequences of University Seed Funds and Proof-of-Concept Programs in Europe, Intermediate Workshop LUISS, 22 January 2016, Rome, ITALY.
  10. Munari F., Sobrero M., Toschi L. The university as a venture capitalist. Determinants and consequences of university seed funds and proof of concept programs in Europe, EUSPRI Early Career Researcher Conference, 24-26 June 2015. Bergamo, ITALY
  11. Munari F., Sobrero M., Toschi L. (The university as a venture capitalist. Determinants and consequences of university seed funds and proof of concept programs in Europe, FinKT Final Conference, 16-17 April 2015. Rimini, ITALY
  12. Torrisi, S., Toschi, L., Zhan C. Does reputation facilitate startups’ access to venture capital funding?, XXV AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering) Annual Meeting, 16-17 October 2014, Bologna, ITALY
  13. Munari, F., Sobrero, M., Toschi, L. Financing Technology Transfer: An assessment of university-managed proof of concept programmes in Europe, XXV AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering) Annual Meeting, 16-17 October 2014, Bologna, ITALY
  14. Torrisi, S., Toschi, L., Zhan C. Does reputation facilitate startups’ access to venture capital funding?, 2014 Academy of Management Meeting, 1-5 August 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  15. Munari F., Pasquini M., Toschi L. From the lab to the stock market? An analysis of University-Oriented Seed Funds in Europe, 2014 Academy of Management Meeting, 1-5 August 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  16. Munari F., Pasquini M., Toschi L. From the lab to the stock market? An analysis of University-Oriented Seed Funds in Europe, T2S 2013 Conference, 8-9 November 2013, Bergamo, ITALY
  17. Munari F., Pasquini M., Toschi L. From the lab to the stock market? An analysis of University-Oriented Seed Funds in Europe, XI Triple Helix International Conference, 8-10 July 2013, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  18. Masini A., Toschi LInternal and external drivers of green investments in the energy sector, 24th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), 3-6 May 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA.
  19. Munari F., Toschi L. Running ahead in the nanotechnology gold rush. Strategic patenting in emerging technologies, EPIP Conference, 27-28 September 2012, Leuven, BELGIUM.
  20. Toschi, L., Munari, F., Nightingale, P. Mix and Match: Corporate Diversification and CVC Portfolio Strategies, Workshop on “The Role of Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Current Global Economic Turmoil”, 19 July 2012, San Sebastian, SPAIN.
  21. Masini A., Toschi L. Strategic and operational choices for sustainable mobility solutions. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Production and Operations Management, 1-5 July 2012, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS.
  22. Toschi, L., Munari, F., Nightingale. P. Mix and Match: Corporate Diversification and CVC Portfolio Strategies, 2012 DRUID Summer Conference, 19-21 June 2012, Copenhagen, DENMARK
  23. Munari, F., Toschi, L. Running ahead in the patent gold rush. Strategic patenting in emerging technologies, 2012 R&D Management Conference, 23-25 May 2012, Grenoble, FRANCE
  24. Munari, F., Toschi, L. Assessing the impact of public venture capital programmes in the United Kingdom: Do regional characteristics matter?, VICO final Conference ‘Entrepreneurial finance: the real impact’, 29 June – 01 July 2011, Stresa, ITALY
  25. Munari, F., Toschi, L. Assessing the impact of public venture capital programmes in the United Kingdom: Do regional characteristics matter?, XXI AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering) Annual Meeting, 14-15 October 2010, L’Aquila, ITALY
  26. Munari, F., Toschi, L. Assessing the impact of public venture capital programmes in the United Kingdom: Do regional characteristics matter?, Workshop and Small Business Economics Special Issue, 30 September – 1 October 2010, Ghent, BELGIUM
  27. Kulatilaka N., Toschi L. Integrating resource based view and real options for investments in outside opportunities, 14th International Annual Real Options Conference, 17-19 June 2010, Rome, ITALY
  28. Munari, F., Toschi, L. Assessing the impact of public venture capital programmes in the United Kingdom: Do regional characteristics matter?, European Financial Management Symposium, 15-17 April 2010, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
  29. Munari F., Toschi L. Do venture capitalists have a bias against investment in academic spinoffs? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the UK, MOVE Workshop on R&D and Technology Transfer, 13-14 November 2009, Barcelona, SPAIN
  30. Munari F., Toschi L. The search of complementarity in explorative strategies: The relationship between corporate venture capital investments and corporate diversification, XX AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering) Annual Meeting, ISBN/ISSN:978-88-903069-1-4, 29-30 October 2009, Udine, ITALY
  31. Forti E., Toschi L. Patents and trademarks as measures of exploration and exploitation strategy: The case of CVC investments, 2009 EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) Conference, "Measuring the value of IPR: theory, business practice and public policy", 22-24 September 2009, Bologna, ITALY
  32. Munari F., Toschi L. Complementarity in explorative strategies: Corporate venture capital and corporate diversification, 2009 Academy of Management Meeting, 7-11 August 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA
  33. Kulatilaka N., Toschi L. External corporate venturing within the reseource based view and the real options theory, 2009 Academy of Management Meeting, 7-11 August 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA
  34. Munari F., Toschi L. The search of complementarity in explorative strategies: The relationship between corporate venture capital investments and corporate diversification, 2009 EGOS Conference, 1-4 July 2009, Barcelona, SPAIN
  35. Munari F., Toschi L. Are academic spinoffs able to attract VC financing? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the United Kingdom, DRUID Summer Conference 2009, 17-19 June 2009, Copenhagen, DENMARK
  36. Forti E., Toschi L. Patents and trademarks as measures of exploration and exploitation strategy: The case of CVC investments, 2009 Summer school EVPAT (Economic Evaluation of PATents), "Economics and Management of Intellectual Property Rights", 8-12 June 2009, Bologna, ITALY
  37. Munari F., Toschi L. How good are VCs at valuing technology? An analysis of patenting and VC investments in nanotechnology, 2009 Consortium for Cooperation and Competition (16th Annual Colloquium for Doctoral Student Research), 15-17 May 2009, Copenhagen, DENMARK
  38. Munari F., Toschi L. Do venture capitalists have a bias against investment in academic spinoffs? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the UK, IXX AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering) Annual Meeting, p. 249-254, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-903795-0-5, 22-24 October 2008, Palermo, ITALY
  39. Munari F., Toschi L. How do academic spin-offs attract VC financing? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the UK, Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference, 17-18 October 2008, Albany, NY, USA
  40. Munari F., Toschi L. How do VC firms evaluate startups’ patent portfolios? The case of nanotechnology, 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Proceedings of the Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISBN/ISSN: 1543-8643, 8-13 August 2008, Anaheim, CA, USA
  41. Munari F., Toschi L. Do venture capitalists have a bias against investment in academic spinoffs? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the UK, “Knowledge of Growth European Strategies in the Global Economy” Conference, 7-9 July 2008, Toulouse, FRANCE
  42. Munari F., Toschi L. The relationship between patent portfolios and VC investments: the case of nanotechnology, 2007 Italian Research in Innovation Systems (IRIS) Workshop, 12-13 November 2007, Turin, ITALY
  43. Munari F., Toschi L. The relationship between patent portfolios and VC investments: the case of nanotechnology, XVIII AiIG (Italian Association of Management Engineering) Annual Meeting, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-903144-0-7, 11-12 October 2007, Milan, ITALY
  44. Munari F., Toschi L. How good are VCs at valuing technology? An analysis of patenting and VC investments in nanotechnology, 2007 EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) Conference, 20-21 September 2007, Lund, SWEDEN
  45. Angeli F., Bolognesi E., Toschi L. A meta-analytic answer to an old dilemma: do M&As create value? Evidence from European banks, 2007 Academy of management Meeting, 3-8 August 2007, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Invited Seminars

  1. Fini R., Toschi L. Looking for academic legitimacy: Scientific category spanning under information asymmetries. 11 Maggio 2017. Seminari IRVAPP, Trento, ITALY
  2. Masini A., Toschi L. (2014) Core capabilities, application domain shifts and product-market choices in the electric vehicle industry: A case-based analysis, 2014 CASS Workshop, 19 November, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  3. Munari F., Pasquini M., Toschi L. (2013) From the lab to the stock market? An analysis of University-Oriented Seed Funds in Europe , Summer School Summer School on the Economics and Management of Intellectual Property, 10-14 June 2013, Bologna, ITALY
  4. Munari F., Toschi L. (2009) The search of complementarity in explorative strategies: The relationship between corporate venture capital investments and corporate diversification , 37th Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) Conference, 8-10 April 2010, Dublin, IRELAND
  5. Munari F., Toschi L. (2009) Do venture capitalists have a bias against investment in academic spinoffs? Evidence from the micro and nanotechnology sector in the UK , DIME Workshop on Academic Entrepreneurship, 11-12 February 2010, Bologna, ITALY
  6. Munari F., Toschi L. (2009) How good are VCs at valuing technology? An analysis of patenting and VC investments in nanotechnology, 2009 CASS Workshop, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  7. Munari F., Toschi L. (2009) How good are VCs at valuing technology? An analysis of patenting and VC investments in nanotechnology, Surviving the PhD Research Seminars, 14 May 2009, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, ITALY
  8. Angeli, F., Bolognesi, E., Toschi L. (2007) A meta-analytic answer to an old dilemma: Do M&As create value? Evidence from European banks, Lunch Seminars, 10 May 2007, Department of Management, University of Bologna, Bologna, ITALY


Technical and Policy-Making Presentations

1.     Murray G., Toschi L. (2009) A cross-country study on investment readiness. How can entrepreneurs increase attitude towards equity finance? , Express Entrepreneurship Policy Research Seminar Series, 25-27 November 2009, Stockholm, SWEDEN

2.     Murray G., Toschi L. (2009) A cross-country study on investment readiness. How can entrepreneurs increase attitude towards equity finance?, Access to Finance Expert Group, 15 April 2009, BERR Conference Centre, London, UNITED KINGDOM



DRUID ( Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics ), EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies), AOM ( Academy of Management), AiIG (Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale), EPIP (European Policy of Intellectual Property)



Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Business Venturing , Research Policy, Long Range Planning, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Journal of Technology Transfer, Economia & Management



  1. 2017-Present: Member of the Collegio dei Docenti for the PhD In General Management, University of Bologna.
  2. 2017-Present: Responsible (with ML Guerra and E Luppi) for the team project on Interdisciplinary Teaching for the development of an entrepreneurial mindset. AlmaECLub, University of Bologna ( ).
  3. September 2014 – Present: Tutor for the degree “Alto apprendistato di formazione e di ricerca” within the Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia e Gestione Aziendale.
  4. January 2013 – Present: Member of the “Commissione Pratiche Studenti” of the School in Economics, Management and Statistic – Forlì Campus.
  5. July 2007, 2010: Supervisor for “Esami di Stato”, Faculty of Engineering.

SUPERVISION OF PHD STUDENTS (PhD in Management, University of Bologna)

1.     Morvarid Fallah Sohy for the thesis entitled (tentative) “The Dilemma of Disruptive Innovation and Performance. An empirical study in high-end Fashion industry”.

2.     Alireza Chavosh, for the thesis entitled “Patent nonuse: Are patent pools a solution”.

3.     Chunxiang Zhang, for the thesis entitled “Reputation, venture capital funding, and innovation of start-up companies: Evidence from micro and nanotechnology sector in the United Kingdom”.




University courses (University of Bologna)


School of Economics, Management and Statistics - Forlì

1.     2015-Present: Professor in Business Planning – Business Plan, Corso di Laurea Magistrale - Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS in Economics and Business Administration

2.     2014-2015: Professor in Corporate Strategy, Corso di Laurea Magistrale - Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS in Economics and Commerce

3.     2012-2014: Professor in Competition and Competitive Strategies Analysis (in English), Corso di Laurea Magistrale - Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS in Economics and Commerce

4.     2012-2014: Professor in Entrepreneurship, Corso di Laurea Magistrale - Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS in Economics and Business Administration


Faculty of Economics - Forlì

1.     2011-2013: Professor in Business Plan I, Corso di Laurea Magistrale - Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS in Economics and Business Administration


Faculty of Engineering

1.     2010-2011: Adjunct Professor in Principles of Management , Laurea - First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS in Automation Engineering


Masters Alma Graduate School (University of Bologna)

  1. 2016-Present: Professor (with Fini R) of the course Business Planning for the Master Global MBA
  2. 2016-Present: Professor (with Fini R) of the course Business Planning for the Master Entrepreneurship
  3. 2011-2012: Teacher within the course in Innovation Management , Master in Management of Intellectual Property
  4. 2008-2010: Teacher within the course in Economics and Management of Technological Innovation , Master in Management of Intellectual Property

Other Courses (University of Bologna)

1.     October-December 2014: Professor for the seminar Fare l'impresa organized by Fondazione Alma Mater.

2.     May 2013: Professor for the course in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, at Collegio Superiore

3.     June 2011: Professor for the course in Competitive Strategies and Sector Analysis, within the programme “FIXO Action 8”, coordinated by ARIC

4.     June 2011: Professor for the course in The evaluation of technologies and patents, within the programme “FIXO Action 8”, coordinated by ARIC

5.     May 2011: Professor for the course in Project finance, within the programme “FIXO – La ricerca entra in impresa”


Tutorships (University of Bologna)

Faculty of Engineering

1.     2009-2010: Tutor for Economics and Business Organization , Laurea - First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS in Management Engineering

2.     2008-2009 Tutor for the Degree Course in Management Process Engineering

3.     2007-2008: Tutor for the second level Degree Course in Management Engineering

4.     2007-2008: Teaching Assistant for Management of Innovation Projects, Laurea - First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS in Management Engineering and Management Process Engineering


Faculty of Economics

1.     2005-2007, Tutor for the Degree Course in Business Administration