Present Position: Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” - University of Bologna, Settore Concorsuale 03/C2, SSD CHIM/04
2018-2021 Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” - University of Bologna, Settore Concorsuale 03/C2, SSD CHIM/04
2016-2018 Junior Assistant Professor (RTD-A) at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” - University of Bologna, Settore Concorsuale 03/C2, SSD CHIM/04
2015 – 2016 Post-Doc Fellow in “(Nano)compositi a matrice polimerica per applicazioni avanzate" carried out at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” – University of Bologna.
2011 – 2015 Post-Doc Fellowship in
“Materiali compositi polimerici innovativi per impieghi
strutturali” carried out at the Interdepartmental Centre for
Industrial Research on Advanced Applications in Mechanical
Engineering and Materials Technology (CIRI-MAM), University of
Bologna (Italy). Supervisor: Prof. L. Giorgini
2010 – 2011 Post-Doc Fellowship in “Unraveling the
lipid-amylose inclusion complex formation” carried out at the
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials at the University of
Groningen (The Netherlands). Supervisor: Prof. K. Loos
2008 – 2010 Post-Doc Fellowship in “New
organic-inorganic hybrid materials” carried out in Department of
Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna (Italy).
Supervisor: Prof. M. Scandola
2007- 2008 Marie Curie Fellowship at the Polish
Academy of Science in Zabrze (Poland) within the project
“Biodegradable Polymeric Materials for Health and Environment –
BIOMAHE” (MTKD-CT-2004-509232).Supervisor: Prof. M. Kowalczuk
2005 – 2007 Post-Doc Fellow in “Solid state
properties of new polymeric hybrid materials” carried out in
Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna
(Italy). Supervisor: Prof. M. Scandola
2005 Research contract in “Polymeric catalysts with
low environmental impact for transesterification reactions” at
Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials, University of
Bologna. Supervisor Prof. D. Caretti
2002 - 2004 PhD in Industrial Chemistry, University
of Bologna (Italy). Dissertation: Hybrid organic-inorganic
polymeric materials bearing the triorganotin carboxylate
moieties. Tutor: Prof . Angiolini
2003 Guest Ph.D. student at the “High Resolution
NMR Center” Free University of Brussel (Belgium). Supervisor Prof.
R. Willem
2001 5 years Degree in Industrial Chemistry
with full marks (110/110). School of Industrial Chemistry of the
University of Bologna (Italy). Dissertation: Synthesis and
characterization of polymers bearing tributyltin carboxylate
moieties in the side chain. Supervisor Prof. L. Angiolini
1998 - 1999 Erasmus student at the University
of Sussex, Falmer - Brighton (UK). Research student in the project
“ATRP in aqueous media". Supervisor Prof. N.C.