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Kristian Fabbri

Adjunct professor

Department of Architecture

Short Bio

Kristian Fabbri. (Lecco, 1974) Architect and freelance architect and consul-tant on building energy performance, indoor environmental quality, thermal comfort, heritage and energy efficiency. Qualified for Associate Professor Sector 09/C2 Environmental Physics and Nuclear Engineering ASN 2013, and QUALIFIED for ASSOCIATE PROFESSORSHIP Sector 08/C1 – Design e Progettazione tecnologica dell’architettura ASN 2016. Consultant of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Public Bodies), SMEs and trade and professional organizations. Adjunct Professor in Environmental Physics and Building Simulation Technique, at the Department of Ar-chitecture at University of Bologna (ITALY). Kristian has also conducted re-search and issued publications in the same fields, publishing more than 150 papers in international and national scientific journals, plus books and technical manuals. In 2015 he published for SPRINGER International Publishing, the book: Fabbri K, Indoor thermal comfort perception. A Questionnaire Approach Focu-sing on Children, ISBN: 9783319186504.

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+39 0547 1903728

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