Foto del docente

Konstantinos Chatzidimitrakis

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-06/A Physiology

Short Bio

I am an Associate Professor of DIBINEM, working in the group of Prof. Patrizia Fattori.

In 2007, I completed my PhD thesis on eye-head coordination in the lab of Prof. Adonis Moschovakis at the University of Crete, Greece. From 2013-2019 I was  a Research Fellow in the Department of Physiology at Monash University, Australia working with Prof. Marcelo Rosa in visual prosthesis and in the organisation of extrastriate cortex in primates.

My research interests are centred on the functional interactions between parietal and frontal cortex during naturalistic behaviors, with special focus on the  perception and action in 3D space. Current work employs combinations of  single-cell recordings in awake behaving animals, lesions, computational methods and behavioural testing to investigate sensorimotor processing in non-human primates.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 91747

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie
Via Massarenti 9, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Every Tuesday morning, in the building of Physiology, Piazza Porta San Donato 2, after an email for an appointment.
By email it is also possible to contact me to fix a meeting outside the reception time schedule.

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