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Jose Miguel Imas Contreras

Docente a contratto della Sede di Buenos Aires

Vicepresidenza della Scuola di Economia e Management - Bologna



Book Authorship

Kosmala, K. Imas, J. M. (2016) ‘Precarious Spaces: The Arts, Social & Organisational Change’. London: Intellect Press.

Referee Journals

Imas, J. M., Manning, J., Donnelly, P. (under review) Weaving A Communitarian-Feminist Perspective of Maya Women Organization. Human Relations.

Garcia-Lorenzo, L., Donnelly, P., Sell-Trujillo, L., Imas, J.M. (under review) Liminal Entrepreneuring: The Creative Practices of Nascent Necessity Entrepreneurs. Organization Studies

Ascorra, P. Imas, J. M., Mandiola, M. (2014) Management y empresas: nuevos desafíos cambios y transformaciones en el ejercicio del management. Psicoperspectivas.

Imas, J M [] ., Wilson, N. and Weston, A [] . (2012) Barefoot entrepreneurs. [] Organization, 19(5), pp. 563-585. ISSN (print) 1350-5084

Imas, J. M [] . and Weston, A [] . (2012) From Harare to Rio de Janeiro: Kukiya-Favela organization of the excluded. [] Organization, 19(2), pp. 205-227. ISSN (print) 1350-5084

Kosmala, K. and Imas, M [] . (2012) Narrating a story of Buenos Aires' Fabricas Recuperadas. [] International Journal of Management and Business, 3(1), pp. 103-114. ISSN (print) 1949-2839

Kosmala, K. and Imas, J. M [] . (2012) Favela is painting: an UrbansparkZ/art installation of social commitment and organisational change. [] Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 10(2), pp. 466-469. ISSN (online) 1679-3951

Imas, J. M [] . (2012) The curious organisational world of imagination, art and the precariat: imagining a friend. [] Revista Electrônica de Gestão Organizacional , 10(3), pp. 436-444. ISSN (online) 1679-1827

Kosmala, K. and Imas, J. M [] . (2010) Pedestrian utterances on space/less green awareness: visualizing the process. [] Teaching Artist Journal, 9(1), pp. 35-46. ISSN (print) 1541-1796

Daskalaki, M [] ., Stara, A [] . and Imas, M. (2008) The 'Parkour Organisation': inhabitation of corporate spaces. [] Culture and Organization, 14(1), pp. 49-64. ISSN (print) 1475-9551

Imas, J. M. (2006) Territory and Structures of Collective Action: Neighbourhood Micro-Governments (a translation). Ephemera, Theory & Politics in Organizations, 6(3), pp. 276-286. ISSN (online) 1473-2866

Imas, J. M [] . (2006) Postcard from South America: experiencing organisation at the end of the world. [] Critical Perspectives on International Business, 2(1), pp. 58-64. ISSN (online) 1742-2043

Imas, J.M [] . (2005) Rational darkness: voicing the unheard in the modern management discourse of Chile. [] Administrative Theory & Praxis, 27(1), pp. 111-133. ISSN (online) 1084-1806

Imas, J.M [] ., Lowe, S [] . and Daskalaki, M [] . (2005) Who am I to say? The story of Marcus Elron's Exxon and the Tabaco community of Columbia. [] Annual Review of Management & Organization Inquiry: Tamara Journal ISSN (print) 1532-5555

Book Chapters (Refereed)

Weston, A., Imas, J.M. (2017) Towards a Barefoot Community-based Entrepreneuring. In C. Essers, P. Dey, D. Tedmanson, K. Verduyn (eds.) Critical Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Challenging Dominant Discourses. Routledge

Weston, A., Imas, J.M., (2017) Resisting Colonization in Business and Management Studies: From Postcolonialism to Decolonization. In C. Cassell, A. Cunliffe, G. Grandy (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods. Sage Publications.

Imas, J. M. and Weston, A. (2016) Organsparkz communities of art/spaces, imaginations, & resistances In K. Kosmala and J. M. Imas (eds.), Precarious Spaces: The Arts, Social & Organisational Change. London: Intellect Press.

Sell-Trujillo, L. & Imas, M. (2014) Eliminar Prejuicios en los Medios. En T. Nuñez Dominguez (ed.), Competencias Psicosociales para Profesionales de los Medios, 3. Madrid: Editorial Pirámide. pp. 83-97. ISBN 978-84-368-2200-7

Blackman, D. and Imas, M [] . (2011) Transgressive knowledge creation in entrepreneurship. [] In: K. Hindle, and K. Klyver (eds.), Handbook of research on new venture creation. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 99-118. ISBN 9781847200952

Imas, M [] . (2010) 'Dirty management': the legacy of Chile and Argentina. [] In: A. Guedes, and A. Faria (eds.), International Management and International Relations: A Critical Perspective from Latin America. Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge. pp. 185-200. ISBN 9780415801690

Research Monographs

Imas, J. M. (2015) Marginality: Entrepreneurial Ante/Creativity of the Precariat. Feria lnternacional del Libro en el Zócalo, Mexico City, Mexico. CDMX Cultura.

Imas, J. M. (2014) Favela Painting: Building community, social change and emancipation through an OrgansparkZ/Art installation. Favelas@LSE Blog Entry.

Imas, J. M., Kosmala, K. (2010) Letter on Dona Marta Favela Painting Project. Written for the Favela Painting Project Favela Painting Facebook Group.

Imas, J. M., Garcia-Lorenzo, L. (2004) Global organisational truths? Invoking The Past to Re-Write the Management Narrative of Chile. KODE Working Papers Series 13(13), Institute of Social Psychology, LSE.

Imas, J. M. (2004) From the Kenya of Facts to the Tanzania of Fiction: Losing our Methodological religion. KODE Working Papers Series 13(7), Institute of Social Psychology, LSE.

Imas, J. Miguel (2004) From The Kenya of Facts to the Tanzania of Fiction: losing our methodological religion. In H. Savall, M. Bonnet & M. Peron (eds.), Crossing Frontiers in Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. Lyon, Fr.: ISEOR.

Imas, J. Miguel (2004) Five ½ days decisioning: A rhizomic organisational tale. In C. Combes, D. Grant, T. Keenoy, C. Oswick, I. Sabelis, M. Veenswijk & S. Ybema (eds.), Organizational Discourse: Artefacts, Archetypes & Architexts. London: KMCP.

Conference Papers

Imas, J.M., Manning, J., Donnelly, P. (2016) Indigenous Women Worldviews of/for Organization. Paper presented Paper presented at LAEMOS 6 (Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies), Vina del Mar, Chile.

Noronha, N., Imas, J.M. (2016) Capitalismo de migalhas: ressignificação dos espaços de favelas pelo capitalismo contemporâneo. Paper presented at LAEMOS 6 (Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies), Vina del Mar, Chile.

Garcia-Lorenzo, L. Donnelly, P. Sell-Trujillo, L., Imas, J.M. (2015) Between unemployment and entrepreneurship: The liminal transitions of EU necessity entrepreneurs. Paper presented 9th Critical Management Studies Conference Critical Entrepreneurship Studies sub-stream. 8-10 July, University of Leicester, UK

Garcia-Lorenzo, L. Donnelly, P. Sell-Trujillo, L. Imas, J. M. (2015) Generating spaces for exploration: The creative transitions of EU necessity entrepreneurs. Paper presented 10th Organization Studies Summer Workshop Organizational Creativity, Play and Entrepreneurship 21-23 May, Chania, Crete, Greece

Imas, J. M. Weston, A., Sell-Trujillo, L. (May 2014) “Occupy, Resist, Alter, Create Organization!”. Paper presented at the 9th OS Workshop (Organization Studies), Corfu, Greece.

Manning, J., Imas, J.M., Donnelly P. (April 2104) “An Indigenous Women Perspective of Work and Organisation: The Mayan Way”. Paper presented at LAEMOS 5 (Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies), Havana, Cuba.

Weston, A., Imas, J. M., Donnelly, P. (April 2014) “The Creation of Alternative Organization through a Liberating Ideology of Transformative Humanism”. Paper presented at LAEMOS 5 (Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies), Havana, Cuba.

Imas,J. M., Donnelly, P., Garcia-Lorenzo, L. Sell-Trujillo, L., Daskalaki, M. (July, 2013) Les Misérables, Part Deux, Creative -Résistance at the Centre of Entrepreneurship. Paper presented at CMS8 (Critical Management Studies), Manchester, UK.

Kosmala, K., Imas, J. M. (February 2013) Precarious Spaces as Sites to Experiment with Commodification of Place and Dominant Market Narratives. Paper presented at APROS 15 (Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies), Tokyo, Japan.

Imas, J. M., Humphreys, P. (June 2012) Creative Precarious Decision-Making in the Crises of Our Time: A Visual/Narrative. Paper presented at the DSS’2012 – 16th IFIP WG8.3 International Conference on Decision Support Systems, Anávissos, Greece.

Kosmala, K., Imas, J. M. (November 2011) Narrating Organisational Story: Buenos Aires’ Fabricas Recuperadas. Paper presented at the 11th IAMB Conference, San Francisco, California.

Imas, J. M., Wilson, N., Weston, A. (July 2011) Barefoot Entrepreneurs. Paper presented at CMS7 (Critical Management Studies), Naples Italy.

Imas, J. M., Kosmala, K. (April 2010) Sense, Sensibility and Re-Territorialisation of the Organisational Storytelling: Buenos Aires’ Fabrica Recuperada Inc. Paper presented at LAEMOS (Latin America & European meeting on Organization) Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Kosmala, K., Imas, J. M. (December 2009) Expanded Cities in Expanded Europe: Resisting Identities, Feminist Politics and Their Utopias. Paper presented at APROS 13 (Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies), Monterrey, Mexico.

Imas, J. M. & Weston, A. (February 2009) Managing from the Periphery: The Terrain of Contradictory Management in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the first Indigenous Management Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.

Imas, J. M. (July 2007) Olodum: Afro-Brazilian rhythm of Organisation. Paper presented at the European Group for Organisation Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Vienna, Austria.

Imas, J. M., Daskalaki, M., Lowe, S. (April 2006) Centripetal vs. Centrifugal Forces in the Machination of the Organisational Dialogue: Bakhtin & Management. Paper presented at “Poliphony and Dialogism as Ways of Organising”, Essex University.

Imas, J. M., Ferdfelt H., Lowe, S. (December 2005) The Study Of Imaginary Organisational Beings. Paper presented at APROS 11th Performing Organizations, Melbourne, Australia.

Imas, J. M. (June 2005) Globalisation, Work & Imperialism: Contested Narratives at the Fringes of Empire. Paper presented at EGOS 21st Colloquium, “Unlocking Organizations”, Berlin, Germany.

Imas, J. M. Lowe, S. & Daskalaki, M. (April 2005) Who am I to say? The story of Marcus Elron’s Exxon and the Tabaco Community in Colombia. Paper presented at Scmoi, Management and Organization Inquiry, Philadelphia, USA.

Imas, J. M. & Daskalaki, M. (September 2004) ‘Le Parkour’ Organisation: Changing Narratives of Corporate Building Architecture for the XXIst Century. Paper presented at The Art of Management II Conference, Paris, France.

Imas, J. M. (June 2004) Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius: Magic Borges & Tlön Management. Paper presented at EGOS 20th Colloquium, the philosophy of organization, Ljubljiana, Slovenia.

Imas, J. M. (December 2003) Authoring the Organisational Decision-Making Genre: Decision Processes as Fictional Tales. Paper presented at the 10th APROS Conference: “New World: Translating the Past, Narrating the Present & Organising the Future”, Oaxaca, Mexico.

Imas, J. M. & Garcia, L. (December 2003) Organisational Truth? Invoking the Past to re-write the Management Narrative of Chile. Paper presented at the 10th APROS Conference: “New World: Translating the Past, Narrating the Present & Organising the Future”, Oaxaca, Mexico.

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