Foto del docente

Jo Hilaire Agnes De Waele

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-03/A Physical Geography and Geomorphology

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.doc 433KB )

Born in Deinze, Belgium, 12 September 1968.

Living in San Pietro in Casale (Bologna province, cap. 40018), in Via dal Re 101.


B.Sc. (laurea) in Geological Scienceson 28 September 1990, at the University of Ghent (Belgium).

PhDin Mining Prospectionon 11 November 1995 at Cagliari University.


01/02/1998-31/01/2000 Post-doc (EU funded)University of Cagliari

01/02/2000-30/01/2001 EU grant University of Cagliari-Progemisa S.p.A.-Reserve Géologique de Haute-Provence (Digne les Bains).

01/10/2001-30/09/2006 Research assistant(Assegnista di Ricerca) University of Cagliari

01/10/2006-8/12/2019 Associate Professorin Physical Geography and Geomorphology(GEO/04) at the University of Bologna Alma Mater.

9/12/2019-today Full ProfessorGEO/04


2006-2020 Geography (I year BSc Natural Sciences) (7 CFU, 70 hours/year).

2007-2016 Surveying and representation of the territory (III year BSc Geological Sciences) (Remote sensing teaching module, 5 CFU, 84 hours/year).

2008-2011 Geomorphological Survey (I year MSc Geology) (2 CFU, 4 days fieldwork/year).

2011-2020 Speleology (III year BSc Geological Sciences) (6 CFU, 83 hours/year up to 2014, then 68 hours/year).


May 2009-2020, member of the Doctoral School in Geological Sciencesat Bologna University.

September 2014-April 2016, coordinator of the Doctoral School in Earth Sciences for Cycles 27 and 28 at the University of Bologna.

2011-2020, Scientific coordinator ESA CAVES training course for astronauts (European Space Agency)

2014-2020, responsible of Erasmus+ exchange program with Almeria University (Spain)

2015-2020, responsible of Erasmus+ exchange program with Innsbruck (Austria), University Savoi-Mont Blanc (France), and Ghent (Belgium)

01/11/2017-31/10/2020, Coordinator Natural Sciences BSc Course at Bologna University

Supervision of 7 four-year thesises (one cycle), 34 undergraduate (BSc) thesises, 10 graduate (MSc) thesises, and 7 PhD thesises.

2018-2020 Evaluation Committee CES01 « Milieux et biodiversité : Terre fluide et solide » of the Agence Nationale de Recherche (France)

Scientific editing

Peer reviews on scientific articles for the following journals: Acta Carsologica, Annals of Geophysics, Applied Sciences MDPI, Arid Land Research and Management, BioScience, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Cave and Karst Science, Die Höhle, Earth-Science Reviews, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Ecological Indicators, Engineering Geology, Environmental Earth Sciences (former Environmental Geology), Environmental Geology, Environmental Management, Environmental Science & Policy, Environments MDPI, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geodinamica Acta, Geoheritage, Geological Society of London Special Publications, Geomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement, Geomorphology, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Geological Society of America Special Publications, Geosciences, GIScience & Remote Sensing, Grotte e Dintorni, Hydrogeology Journal, Il Quaternario, International Journal of Speleology, Italian Journal of Geosciences, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, Journal of Coastal Research, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Maps, Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Land Use Policy, Marine Ecology, Minerals MDPI, Natural Hazards, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Nature Geoscience, Quaternary Geochronology, Quaternary International, Quaternary Science Reviews, Science, Science of the Total Environment, Sedimentary Geology, Sedimentology, Solid Earth, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai/Geologia, Terra Nova, Travaux del'Institut de Spéologie "Emile Racovitza",Treatise on Geomorphology, 1stedition (Elsevier), Water and the Environment, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie

Referee of the following National and International Projects: Austrian Science Foundation, Agence National de la Recherche (2017-2020), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, UK), Fond voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO, Flemish community, Belgium), Grantova Agentura Ceske Republiky (Czech Republic), Israelian Ministry of Science, National Geographic Society (USA), National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Croatia, Newfelpro projects, National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NKFIH).

2005-2013 Editor-in-Chiefof the “International Journal of Speleology” (ISSN 0392-6672) of U.I.S. (Union International de Spéléologie). The Journal is listed in ISI (Thomson Reuters) since 2007, getting an Impact Factor in 2010 (JCR2009 IF 0.900, JCR2010 IF 2.057, JCR2011 2.000, JCR2012 1.366, JCR2013 1.275, JCR2014 1.656, JCR2015 1.559, JCR2016 1.439, JCR2017 1.392, JCR2018 1.130).

2013-2020 Editor of Physical Geography of the “International Journal of Speleology” (ISSN 0392-6672)

2012-2020, editorial board memberof the journal “Die Höhle” (Verbands Osterreichischer Hohlenforscher und Verbands de Deutschen Hohlen- und Karstforscher e.V.)

September 2013, editorial board memberof the journal “Geomorphology” (Elsevier)

2006-2007 guest-editor, together with Mario Parise and Francisco Gutierrez, of the Special Issue “Engineering and Environmental Problems in Karst” of the Journal Engineering Geology(Elsevier) (vol. 99, June 2008)

2007-2008 guest-editor, together with Mario Parise and Francisco Gutierrez, of the Special Issue “Current perspectives on the environmental impacts and hazards in Karst” of the Journal Environmental Geology(Springer) (vol. 58(2), July 2009).

2007-2008 managing-editor of the Special Issue “Recent developments in Surface and Subsurface Karst Geomorphology” of the Journal Geomorphology(Elsevier) (vol. 106(1-2), May 2009)

2008-2009 guest-editor, together with Lukas Plan (Austria), Mario Parise (Italy), Marco Filipponi (Switzerland) and Francisco Gutierrez (Spain) of the Special Issue “Pure and Applied Karst Geomorphology” of the Journal Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie(Borntraeger, Germania) (vol. 54, Suppl. 2, March 2010).

2009-2010 guest-editor, together with Eric Gilli (France), Mario Parise (Italy) and Francisco Gutierrez (Spain) of the Special Issue “Karst systems: dynamics, evolution, paleoenvironmental recordings an natural hazards” of the Journal Geodinamica Acta(Lavoisier, Francia) (vol. 23(1-3), 2010).

2009-2010 guest-editor, together withPaolo Forti (Italy) of the Special Issue “Above and below karst: new frontiers in karst geomorphology” of the Journal Acta Carsologica(Karst Research Institute, Slovenia) (vol. 40(1), 2011).

2010-2011managing-editor of the Special Issue “Geomorphology and Natural Hazards in Karst Areas” of the Journal Geomorphology(Elsevier)(vol. 134(1-2), 2011).

2012-2013 guest-editor, with Leonardo Piccini (Univ. of Firenze) of the Special Issue on Karst of the Journal Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria(vol. 35(2), December 2012)

2013-2014managing-editor of the Special Issue “Karst geomorphology: from hydrological functioning to palaeoenvironmental reconstructions” of the Journal Geomorphology(Elsevier) (vol. 229, January 2015)

2014-2015managing-editor of the Special Issue “Karst geomorphology: from hydrological functioning to palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, Part II” of the Journal Geomorphology(Elsevier) (vol. 247, October 2015)


Two important chapters in international collaboration projects

The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Wiley-Blackwell,Edited by Richardson Douglas, Castree Noel, Goodchild Michael F., Kobayashi Audrey L., Liu Weidong, Marston Richard, 2017

De Waele Jo(2017) - Karst processes and landforms. 13 pages. (DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0968)

Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.Elsevier.Edited by Shroder John, Frumkin Amos, 2013

De Waele Jo, Furlani Stefano(2013) - Seawater and biokarst effects on coastal limestones. vol. 6, pp. 341-350. (DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-374739-6.00109-3).

Working on two ambitious projects

Essentials of Geomorphology”, edited by Randall Schaetzl & Richard Marstonfor the Cambridge University Press, chapter title “Groundwater, Karst, and Landforms of solution”.

With Francisco Gutiérrez (Univ. Zaragoza) a book entitled “Karst hydrogeology, geomorphology and caves”, edited by Wiley.

Author of more than 100 articles in ISI listed journals, among which: Geomorphology (29), International Journal of Speleology (13), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (5), Journal of Hydrology (5), Acta Carsologica (4), Environmental Geology (3), Quaternary Science Reviews (3), Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie (3), Catena (2), Geodinamica Acta (2), Terra Nova (2), GS London Sp Pub. (2), Engineering Geology (2), Scientific Reports (2), Earth-Science Reviews (2), Journal of Structural Geology (2), Hydrogeology Journal (2), PlosOne (2), Journal of African Earth Sciences (2), Frontiers in Earth Sciences (2), Geology (1), Nature Ecology and Evolution (1), Acta Astronautica (1), Journal of Coastal Research (1), American Mineralogist (1), Chemical Geology (1), Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria (1), Geoheritage (1), Microbial Ecology (1), Sedimentology (1), Sedimentary Geology (1), Science of the Total Environment (1), Journal of Maps (1), Journal of Cave and Karst Studies (1)

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