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Ivan Malagoli Lanzoni

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: MEDF-01/B Sport Sciences and Methodology

Curriculum vitae

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Ivan Malagoli Lanzoni []


For many years, I have been lecturing in different areas of sports studies for example on individual sports, racquet sports and physical training, theory and methodology, biomechanics at various universities in Italy (Bologna, Rimini, Rome) as well as in Kosovo and Malta.

I am also the official lecturer for the “Scuola dello Sport CONI”, specialized in: Talent Identification, Test and evaluation, Monitoring and planning, Strength and conditioning, Match analysis in team and individual sport. Here, I have organised many seminars on the topic of identification, selection, monitoring and developing talents in sports.

A part from lecturing, since 2007, I have dedicated myself also to research activities. This has allowed me to publish numerous articles in international journals on topics such as match analysis, biomechanics and others (full list of publications in annex 2).

In the context of my experience in sports pedagogy, I am currently a member of the project team of a project called “PlaySport” which aims at teaching sports and English in an integrated way. The output of this project will be a manual for teachers.

I hold a degree in Exercise and Sports Science (2007) as well as a Master in Athletic and Physical Training (2008) from the Faculty of Exercise and Sports Science of Bologna University, Italy.

In addition, I hold a PhD in “Discipline delle attività motorie e sportive”, ciclo XXIV, Settore concorsuale di afferenza 05-L1, settore scientifico disciplinare M-EDF/02 from the Faculty of Exercise and Sports Science of Bologna University, Italy.

Furthermore, I am a long standing coach in high level table tennis achieving success at national and international level.

Highlights of professional lecturing experience

University Lecturer:

Since 2010 I have been lecturing in Italy, Kosovo and Malta in different areas of sports studies, some highlights below (full list in annex 1):

  1. Physical training, theory and methodology” at the Faculty of Exercise and Sports Science of Bologna University, Italy

  2. “Strength and Conditioning in practice” at the Faculty of Exercise and Sport Science of Bologna University (in Bologna and Rimini), Italy

  3. Teaching, Coaching and Officiating Individual Sports” at the Institute of Physical Education and Sport (Malta)

  4. “Match Analysis in racquet sports” for the course of Performance Analysis at the University of Bologna for the Master degree students

  5. Theory and didactics in individual sports and track and field” at the Faculty of Exercise and Sports Science of Bologna University, Italy

  6. “Table Tennis” at the “Foro Italico” University in Rome, Italy

  7. Racquet Sports” at the Faculty of Exercise and Sports Science of Bologna University, Italy

  8. “Table Tennis” at the Faculty of Exercise and Sport Science of Bologna University (in Bologna and Rimini), Italy

  9. In 2013 I lectured on Table Tennis for a post-graduate level training of trainers programme in physical education and sport. This was in the context of an EU-funded project managed by the European Union office to Kosovo and implemented by a consortium led by Hulla & Co Human Dynamics KG

Lecturer for CONI:

Since 2015 I am organising the “Talent Project” for CONI, Italy. This consists in testing and evaluating the best athletes Under 18, in order to then prepare physical fitness programs for the Olympic Federations.

This project is based on the following criteria, repeated three times a year:

  1. Organization of the calendar and planning for team and individual sports
  2. Data collection: interviews with the athletes, coaches and physical trainers
  3. Practical tests about: endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, coordination, etc.
  4. Specific test for the Technical evaluation
  5. Data analysis and statistical methods
  6. Organization of seminars to present and discuss the results
  7. Preparation of the individual reports for athletes, coaches and physical trainers

In addition, I am also the official lecturer for the “Scuola dello Sport CONI”, specialized in: Talent Identification, Test and evaluation, Monitoring and planning, Strength and conditioning, Match analysis in team and individual sport.

I have participated in very many seminars on the topic of identification, selection, monitoring and developing talents in sports.

On the topic of Talent Identification I have also created and run a project that resulted in a written article published in the International Journal of Table Tennis with the title: Technical and tactical performance of top-class senior, junior and cadet table tennis players, (International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences).

General table tennis coaching experience:

Since 2009 I have carried out various courses such as teaching Italian coaches (first and second level) and Table Tennis Professors of secondary schools.

Furthermore, I have organised numerous courses at primary, middle and secondary school as well as training camps in Europe.

Podium presentation about Sport Science:

  • 2018: Invited speaker at the international conference in Halmstad, Sweden: The Science and Practice of Racket Sport for Improved performance and Health

  • 2018: Invited speaker at the IPES Conference 2018 (Malta). Title: Planning and carrying out a Match Analysis in sport

  • 2017: Chairman of an oral session at The 15th ITTF Sports Science Congress (Dusseldorf, Germany)

  • 2017: Two oral presentations at The 15th ITTF Sports Science Congress (Dusseldorf, Germany)

  • 2014: Podium presentation at The World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport X (Opatija, Croatia)

  • 2013: Two oral presentations at The 13th ITTF Sports Science Congress (Paris, France)

  • 2013: Invited Speaker at the 5th ETTU European Coaching Conference (Pilsen, Czech Republic)

  • 2011: Podium presentation at The 12th ITTF Sports Science Congress in Rotterdam (Netherlands)

  • 2009: Podium presentation at The World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport IX (Worchester, UK)

  • 2009: Oral presentation at The 11th ITTF Sports Science Congress in Yokohama (Japan)

  • 2006: Oral presentation at The 10th Anniversary ITTF Sports Science Congress in Zagreb (Croatia)

Highlights of professional experience in table tennis

  • I hold the third level (the highest at National level) coaching licence of the Italian table tennis Federation (FITeT)

  • In 2011 I was the Head Coach of the Italian National Team at the 26th Universiade (Shenzhen, China)

  • In the area of national and international sport development I have been since 2008 the Technical director of the Italian Table Tennis Federation (Region: Emilia Romagna). Here I am responsible for setting annual targets and objectives and implementing these during the year with the help of national and international projects. In this role I was also in charge of managing the budget including regular reporting on expenditures. Part of these projects were events that I organized at national and international level, some examples are the below:

    • Ping-Pong kids” tournament for young athletes,

    • “Coppa delle Regioni” (Team Events),

    • Monthly training camps,

    • Head Coach of a delegation at “Linz International Tournament”,

    • Courses for Coaches,

  • 2008: Collaboration with the Italian Junior National Team (Coach Assistant)

  • Various official calls as Coach Assistant for the National Team (cadet)


Good level of written and spoken English of which my numerous publications in English as well as my podium discussions and chairmanship at international conferences are proof.


Since 2010 I have taught “Match Analysis in racquet sports”, “Performance Profile, Strength & Conditioning” as well as “Biomechanics” for the course of Performance Analysis at the University of Bologna for the Master degree students on an annual basis.


  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Lobietti R., Merni F. (2007), Footwork techniques used in table tennis: a qualitative analysis, Proceedings book of The 10th Anniversary ITTF Sports Science Congress, p. 401-404
  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Lobietti R. (2009), A pilot study to compare footwork techniques used in Table Tennis, Congress Proceedings of the World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport VIII, 3rd-6th Sept. 2008, Magdeburg, Germany, p. 58-62
  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Lobietti R., Merni F. (2010), Footwork in relationship with Strokes and Efficacy during the 29th Olympic Games table tennis final, International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences No.6., p. 60-63

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R. and Merni F. (2012), Reliability of selected performance indicators in table tennis, International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences No.7, p. 62-65

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R. and Merni F. (2012), Performance indicators in table tennis: a review of the literature, International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences No.7, p. 71-75

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R. and Merni F. (2013), A notational analysis of shot characteristics in top-level table tennis players, European Journal of Sport Science, Taylor & Francis, DOI:10.1080/17461391.2013.819382, Published online: 22 Jul 2013

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R. and Merni F. (2013), Distribution of stroke and footwork types in top-level men’s and women’s table tennis, Performance Analysis of Sport IX, Edited by Derek M. Peters [], Peter O'Donoghue [], Routledge, p. 168-173

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R. and Merni F. (2013), Technical and tactical performance of top-class senior, junior and cadet table tennis players, International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences No.8, p. 78-83

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Semprini G., Di Michele R. and Merni F. (2013), Top athletes handedness in the major racket sports, International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences No.8, p. 1-4

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R., Bartolomei S., Merni F. and Semprini G. (2014), Handedness and stroke type distribution in top-level table tennis matches, The World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport X (Opatija, Croatia)

  • Piras A., Raffi M., Malagoli Lanzoni I., Persiani M. and Squatrito S. (2015), Microsaccades and Prediction of a Motor Act Outcome in a Dynamic Sport Situation, Investigative Ophtalmology & Visual Science, Jul 1, 56(8), 4520-30

  • Piras A, Malagoli Lanzoni I., Raffi M, Persiani M, Squatrito S. (2016). The within-task criterion to determine successful and unsuccessful expert table tennis players. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, vol. 11, 4: pp. 523-531

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Farina M., Nardella I., and Fantozzi S. (2017), Kinematic Analysis of Top Spin Forehand with celluloid and plastic ball, Book of Abstracts of The 15th ITTF Sport Science Congress, 27th-28th May 2017, Dusseldorf (Germany), Editors: Fuchs M., Kondric M., and Lames M., pp. 42

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I. and Di Michele R. (2017), Notational Analysis in Top-Level Table Tennis: a Case Study, Book of Abstracts of The 15th ITTF Sport Science Congress, 27th-28th May 2017, Dusseldorf (Germany), Editors: Fuchs M., Kondric M., and Lames M., pp. 42

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R., and Semprini Gabriele (2017), Fifty Years of Top-Class Table Tennis World Ranking, Book of Abstracts of The 15th ITTF Sport Science Congress, 27th-28th May 2017, Dusseldorf (Germany), Editors: Fuchs M., Kondric M., and Lames M., pp. 43

  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Nardella I., Farina M., and Fantozzi S. (2017), Kinematic Analysis of Top Spin Forehand in Table Tennis, 23Rd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 2-5, 2017, Seville, Spain

  • Piras, A., Raffi, M., Perazzolo, M., Malagoli Lanzoni, I. and Squatrito, S. (2017). Microsaccades and interest areas during free-viewing sport task. Journal of Sports Science, 18, pp.1-8

  • Fuchs, M., Liu, R., Malagoli Lanzoni, I., Munivrana, G., Straub, G., Tamaki, S., Yoshida, K., Zhang, H. and Lames, M. (2018). Table Tennis Match Analysis: A Review. Journal of Sport Science

  • Bartolomei; S., Nigro, F., Ruggeri, S., Malagoli Lanzoni, I., Ciacci, S., Meri, F., Sadres, E., Hoffman, J.R. and Semprini, G. (2018). A comparison between Bench Press Throw and Ballistic Push-Up tests to assess upper-body power in trained individuals. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

  • Malagoli Lanzoni, I., Bartolomei, S., Di Michele, R. and Fantozzi, S. (2018). A kinematic comparison between long-line and cross-court top spin forehand in competitive table tennis players, Journal of Sports Sciences


  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Relatore: Merni F., Correlatore: Lobietti R., Analisi tecnica del tennistavolo: gli spostamenti, Tesi di Laurea, Bologna, A.A. 2007/2008


  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Relatore: Merni F., Technical-tactical performance in high-level table tennis players of different categories, Bologna, AA 2012


  • Malagoli Lanzoni I., Di Michele R. and Merni F. (2011), Relationship between footwork and impact position of the ball on the table in table tennis, The 12th ITTF Sports Sciences Congress, May 5-7, 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

  • Bartolomei S., Malagoli Lanzoni I. and Merni F. (2014), Acute Testosterone and Cortisol responses to different strength training workouts in strength athletes, World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sports X, September 3-6, 2014, Opatija, Croatia

THESIS Supervisor

  • Cassani L.D. (2014/2015), Caratteristiche della prestazione nella Kick-Boxing di Alto Livello
  • Farina M., (2015/2016), Cinematica nel Tennistavolo: confronto tra il topspin di dritto incrociato e lungolinea
  • Castagnoli L., (2017/2018), Test di valutazione delle abilità tecniche nella pallavolo
  • Terenzi R., (2017/2018), Differenze tecnico-tattiche nel tennistavolo maschile e femminile di alto livello