Foto del docente

Irene Cazzaro

Adjunct professor

Department of Architecture

Adjunct professor

Department of Architecture

Curriculum vitae

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01/09/2023 –present

Adjunct professor

University of Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum
Dipartimento di Architettura, Via Saragozza, 8, 40136 Bologna

Responsibility for the course “Methods for The Representation and Modelling of The City and Territory”, part of the integrated laboratory “The City and Territory values Lab” within the international master’s degree programme “Architecture and Creative Practices for the City and Landscape”.

The course summarizes the fundamentals of the discipline, from descriptive geometry to relief and visual communication. The representation is used as a tool for analysis and communication of the project with different analog and/or digital techniques, with the aim of presenting the relationship between the architectural project and the way it is represented, through drawing, in the different phases that characterize it and in the multiple communicative needs that this imposes.


01/09/2023 – present

Research fellow

C.SCARPA – Centro Superiore di Comprensione, Anticipazione e Ricerca Progettuale Applicata
Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto, Università IUAV, Santa Croce 191, Venezia

Cooperation in research activities related to "anticipatory" projects involving, together with IUAV, a plurality of public and private bodies. Visualization, in this context, of future scenarios in complex situations, as in the case of the project "Venezia città campus". Writing a book that lays the theoretical foundations from which these projects develop, establishing connections between project and representation, especially through the use of artificial intelligence. Study of strategic plans of international universities and strategies to attract foreign students. Organization of an exhibition, as part of the next cultural activities of the IUAV library for the winter semester 2024, presenting a bibliography on the use of complex systems in the urban environment, with the aim of explaining and trying to anticipate the transformations of the territory.


01/11/2019 –30/06/2023

PhD student

University of Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum
Architecture Department, Viale del Risorgimento, 2, 40136 Bologna

Title of the research project: “Digital 3D reconstruction as a research environment in the history of Art and Architecture".


13/10/2015 – present

Teaching assistant

IUAV University, Santa Croce 191, Venezia

Complementary activity in courses, seminars and workshops on Representation, Morphology of Artefacts, Graphic Design, Art of Glass.




02/2018 - 08/2019

Scholarship at Centro Studi del Vetro, Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Venezia), in collaboration with Pentagram Stiftung
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio, Venezia

Research activity on glass archives, especially related to the furnaces Seguso, Venini, Cappellin, Toso andd to the artists Vinicio Vianello, Dino Martens, Ginny Ruffner, Peter Shire, Emmanuel Babled;



  • 12/09/2024 – 14/09/2024: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale “Misura/Dismisura”, Unione Italiana del Disegno, Venezia-Padova;
  • 05/08/2024 – 09/08/2024: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale ICGG – International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Kitakyushu;
  • 08/07/2024 – 12/07/2024: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale Game changer? Planning for just and sustainable urban region, AESOP, Parigi;
  • 01/07/2024 – 05/07/2024: [participant in] Lake Como Summer School Advances in complex systems: Addressing the zero-emission goal for urban well-being, Villa del Grumello, Como;
  • 15/03/2024: [co-organiser of] Giornata di studi internazionale “eXploЯA – Virtual journeys to discover inaccessible heritages”. Convegno organizzato nel merito del progetto culturale “eXploЯA” finanziato dall’Unione Italiana del Disegno tramite il premio “Vito Cardone”;
  • 14/09/2023 – 16/09/2023: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale “Transitions”, Unione Italiana del Disegno, Palermo;
  • 06/07/2023 – 07/07/2023: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale “IMG2023 – Imagin(g) Heritage”, Università dell’Aquila;
  • 01/03/2023 – 04/03/2023: [participant in] Meeting CoVHer – Computer-based visualisation of architectural cultural heritage, Hochschule Mainz, Germania. Progetto finanziato da Erasmus+ e coordinato dal Prof. Fallavollita dell’Università di Bologna. Coinvolge le università di Bologna (IT), Mainz (DE), Varsavia (PL), Barcellona (ES), Porto (PT);
  • 10/11/2022 – 12/11/2022: [contributor to] Convegno CHNT – XXVII Convegno internazionale su patrimonio culturale e nuove tecnologie, Vienna, Austria;
  • 15/09/2022 – 17/09/2022: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale “Dialogues”, Unione Italiana del Disegno, Genova;
  • 07/09/2022 – 09/09/2022: [participant in] Meeting CoVHer – Computer-based visualisation of architectural cultural heritage, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spagna. Progetto finanziato da Erasmus+ e coordinato dal Prof. Fallavollita dell’Università di Bologna. Coinvolge le università di Bologna (IT), Mainz (DE), Varsavia (PL), Barcellona (ES), Porto (PT);
  • 15/06/2022 – 17/06/2022: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale “(In)Tangible Heritage(s): A conference on design, culture and technology – past, present, and future”, University of Kent, Canterbury (UK);
  • 13/06/2022 – 17/06/2022: [participant in] PhD Summer school “Attorno a Palladio: nuove metodologie per il disegno d’architettura”, Università di Udine – Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, iniziativa promossa dall’Unione Italiana per il Disegno, coordinatore prof. Alberto Sdegno;
  • 21/04/2022 – 23/04/2022: [participant in] Meeting CoVHer – Computer-based visualisation of architectural cultural heritage, Politecnico di Varsavia, Polonia. Progetto finanziato da Erasmus+ e coordinato dal Prof. Fallavollita dell’Università di Bologna. Coinvolge le università di Bologna (IT), Mainz (DE), Varsavia (PL), Barcellona (ES), Porto (PT);
  • 16/09/2021 – 18/09/2021: [contributor to] Convegno Internazionale “Connecting”, Unione Italiana del Disegno, Reggio Calabria;
  • 05/07/2021: [contributor to] Dottorato in Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell’Architettura, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”;
  • 02/11/2020 – 04/11/2020: [contributor to] Convegno YoCoCu (Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage), Tbilisi, Georgia;
  • 06/08/2020: [participant in] Workshop G124, Università di Bologna, coordinato dal Prof. Matteo Agnoletto, parte del gruppo G124 guidato da Renzo Piano;
  • 16/07/2020 – 17/07/2020: [participant in] Workshop del DFG Network “Digitale 3D-Rekonstruktionen als Werkzeuge der architekturgeschichtlichen Forschung” (“Le riconstruzioni digitali 3D come strumento di ricerca nella storia dell’architettura”), Università di Bologna;
  • 03/06/2020 – 12/06/2020: [participant in] Seminario “LOD – Linked Open Data”, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia;
  • 02/11/2020 – 04/11/2020: [contributor to] Convegno YoCoCu (Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage), Tbilisi, Georgia
  • 06/08/2020: [participant in] Workshop G124, Università di Bologna, coordinato dal Prof. Matteo Agnoletto, parte del gruppo G124 guidato da Renzo Piano
  • 16/07/2020 – 17/07/2020: [participant in] Workshop del DFG Network “Digitale 3D-Rekonstruktionen als Werkzeuge der architekturgeschichtlichen Forschung” (“Le riconstruzioni digitali 3D come strumento di ricerca nella storia dell’architettura”), Università di Bologna
  • 03/06/2020 – 12/06/2020: [participant in] Seminario “LOD – Linked Open Data”, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia
  • 21/01/2020 – 04/02/2020: [participant in] Corso di BIM – Revit, Università di Bologna, via dell’Università 50, Cesena
  • 14/11/2019 – 15/11/2019: [participant in] DFG Network Workshop "Digitale Rekonstruktion", Jena, Germany

  • 19/09/2019 – 21/09/2019: [contributor to] International Conference “Reflections” Unione Italiana del Disegno, Perugia

  • 04/07/2019 – 05/07/2019: [contributor to] International Conference “IMG2019 - Graphics” Sassari University, Alghero venue
  • 19/06/2019 – 19/07/2019: [participant in] Video filming and editing course, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venezia
  • 26/09/2018 – 28/09/2018: [contributor to] International Conference “Reading Built Space” ISUFItaly, Bari
  • 13/09/2018-15/09/2018: [contributor to] International Conference “Representation/material/immaterial” Unione Italiana del Disegno, Milano
  • 03/08/2018-07/08/2018: [contributor to] International Conference “ICGG - International Conference on Geometry and Graphics” promosso dalla ISGG (International Society of Graphics and Geometry), Politecnico di Milano
  • 05/07/2018-06/07/2018: [contributor to] International Conference “EARTH 2018”, Bolzano University, Bressanone venue
  • 26/03/2018-31/03/2018: [contributor to] International Conference “L’imagination” organised by the ASPLF (Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française), Rio de Janeiro
  • 27/11/2017-29/11/2017: [contributor to] International Conference “Immagini?” Bolzano University, Bressanone venue
  • 12/04/2017 – 14/04/2017: [contributor to] International Conference “Design for next...” European Academy of Design, Roma
  • 15/09/2016 – 17/09/2016: [contributor to] International Conference “The reasons of drawing” Unione Italiana del Disegno, Firenze
  • 31/03/2016 – 26/05/2016: [speaker at] Seminar “Morfogenesi & Progetto” held by Sara Franceschelli (École normale supérieure de Lyon), Visiting Professor at IUAV University, Venezia
  • 30/10/2015 - 30/05/2016: [contributor to] Workshop “Industria artistica del vetro e culture architettoniche del Novecento”, IUAV University (Venezia) in collaboration with the project “Le stanze del vetro” supported by the Glass Study Centre (part of the Institute of Art History of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini), together with the Pentagram Stiftung.
  • 18/03 – 29/03/2013: [participant in] International Workshop “Which new spaces for a European University?”, Hannover University
  • 21/09 – 25/09/2009: [contributor to] Seminar “Etica e ambiente: emergenza planetaria” Torri del Benaco (Verona)
  • 19/03 – 23/03/2009: [participant in] European Masterclass of Physics, INFN Padova
  • 08/09 – 12/09/2008: [participant in] Experimental Stage of Physics, Padova University
  • 17/01 – 20/01/2008: [contributor to] Project “100 parole per la scienza” Fondazione di Venezia, San Servolo (Venezia)



Responsibility for the organisation of conferences and seminars connected to the professional and research activity, especially:

  • “eXploЯA” Project - Winner of the UID Youth Prize "Vito Cardone" promoted by Unione Italiana per il Disegno, 05/05/2023 - present.
    The project, which involves 10 participants belonging to 5 universities distributed in the Italian territory, has as its objective the knowledge of cultural heritage less accessible, addressing the graphic and interactive communication of destroyed architecture, little known or not realized that they can relive through virtual explorations;
  • Cyfrowa rekonstrukcja 3D oparta na źródłach – Source-based 3D digital reconstructions – seminar for a selection of students from the Polish Universities of Warsaw and Łódź, 08/05/2023 – 16/06/2023;
  • Ground(s) – Mapping, designing and caring: towards a convivial society – International Conference organised by the PhD course in “Architecture and Design Cultures”, XXXV ciclo, Università di Bologna, 10/12/2021;
  • Visuell Digital - 28. Tagung des Arbeitskreises deutscher und polnischer Kunsthistoriker und Denkmalpfleger – conference for art historians and conservators of German and Polish monuments, Hochschule Mainz, 21-23/10/2021;
  • Maurice Marinot: 1911-1934. Il vetro – international conference organised by the Glass Study Centre, part of the Art History Institute of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia, 16/05/2019;
  • Una fornace a Marsiglia. Cirva - Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques - Artists’ conversation organised by the Glass Study Centre, part of the Art History Institute of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi (Venezia) il 22/05/2018;
  • La vetreria Cappellin – international conference organised by the Glass Study Centre, as part of the Art History Institute of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia, 27/02/2018;

  • Morfodinamica e plasticità – international seminar organised in collaboration with the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), held in IUAV University, Venezia, 6- 7/04/2017, Palazzo Badoer, aula Tafuri;

  • Scritture per immagini. Tipografie, chirografie, lingue artistiche – seminar held at IUAV University, Venezia, 26-27/04/2012, organised by the LISaV research group (Laboratorio Internazionale di Semiotica a Venezia);

  • Il senso dei luoghi. Paesaggi, valori, atmosfere - seminar held at IUAV University, 07-08/03/2012 organised by the LISaV research group (Laboratorio Internazionale di Semiotica a Venezia).



09/02/2018, 21/02/2019 and 21/02/2020: "Design Open Lab – Laboratori di design in mostra", Università IUAV di Venezia, Magazzino 6 e 7. Collaboration in the exhibition of the projects created by the students of the course of Descriptive and Morphological Geometry, as part of the Interior Design curriculum within the Industrial Design and Multimedia degree programme.



29/06/2023: “Best Paper” at the International Symposium organised by CIPA – Comité International de la Photogrammétrie Architecturale, Firenze 25-30 giugno 2023

05/05/2023: UID Youth Prize “Vito Cardone” for the project “eXploЯA”, UID – Unione Italiana per il Disegno

17/09/2022: “Best Paper” at the UID Conference “Dialogues”, Genova 15-17 settembre 2022, Università di Genova

06/07/18: “Best Presentation” at E.ART.H. Conference, Bressanone 6-7 luglio 2018, Università di Bolzano



07/2018: IELTS band 7.5 (CEFR level C1), British Council

06/2006: ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence), AICA - Associazione italiana per l'informatica ed il calcolo automatico