Coordination of a Research Project: The Borba for architecture.
I. Tolic, The Borba for architecture., in: Unfinished Modernisations. Between Utopia and Pragmatism., ZAGABRIA, Croatian Architects' Association, 2012, pp. 372 - 391 [Chapter or essay]
I. Tolic, Borba za arhitekturu / Borba for architecture, 2011. [Exhibition]
I. Tolic, “Borba” za arhitekturu / The “Borba” for architecture, in: 6th Belgrade International Architecture Week, BELGRADO, Akademija, 2011, pp. 128 - 129 [Part of catalogues, repertoires, corpora]
I. Tolic, Contending Skopje. The construction of a city caught between global ambition and local needs, in: Evropská velkoměsta mezi koncem VálKy Světové a Války studené (1945–1989) / European Cities Within the Period of the World War's end up to the Cold War's end (1945-1989), PRAGA, Scriptorium, 2011, pp. 133 - 162 [Chapter or essay]
I. Tolic, Dopo il terremoto. La politica della ricostruzione negli anni della Guerra Fredda a Skopje., REGGIO EMILIA, Diabasis, 2011, pp. 210 . [Research monograph]
I. Tolic, Review of: Il borgo delle Muneghe a Mestre. Storia di un sito per la città., «CITTÀ E STORIA», 2011, 2, pp. 499 - 501 [Review]
I. Tolic, Architettura contemporanea in Sud Africa / Contemporary architecture in South Africa, MILANO, Motta Architettura, 2010, pp. 169 . [Research monograph]
I. Tolic, Notes on the reconstruction of Skopje after the earthquake of the 26th July 1963, in: Reading the city. Urban space and memory in Skopje, BERLINO, Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Ber, 2010, pp. 103 - 115 [Chapter or essay]
I. Tolic, Reading "The right to the city" in Skopje, in: Public Space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe: Politics and culture, VIENNA, SKuOR - Arbeitsbereich Stadtkultur und Öffentliche, 2010, pp. 47 - 47 (atti di: Public Space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe: Politics and culture, Vienna, 10-11 novembre 2011) [Abstract]
I. Tolic; M. Hartmuth, Turkish Coffee and Béton Brut: An Architectural Portrait of Skopje, «EAHN NEWSLETTER», 2010, 4, pp. 22 - 37 [Scientific article]
I. Tolic, Architectures contemporaines: Japon, ARLES CEDEX, Actes Sud, 2009, pp. 144 . [Research monograph]
I. Tolic, Kenzo Tange, MILANO, Motta Architettura, 2009, pp. 120 . [Research monograph]
D. PENCIC; I. TOLIC; B. STEFANOVSKA; S. DAMCEVSKA (a cura di): D. PENCIC, I. TOLIC, B. STEFANOVSKA, S. DAMCEVSKA, Skopje, an architectural guide, SKOPJE, Trench, 2009, pp. 84 . [Editorship]
Tolic, Ines, The 20th Century Architecture., in: Skopje, an architectural guide., Skopje, Trench, 2009, pp. 40 - 78 [Chapter or essay]