Bertolini I.; Gottardi G.; Gragnano C.G.; Buzzi O., Calibration of the root water uptake spatial distribution of a young Melaleuca styphelioides, an Australian-native plant, by means of a large-scale apparatus experiment, «BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT», 2023, 82, Article number: 245 , pp. 1 - 31 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ilaria Bertolini, Guido Gottardi, Michela Marchi, Andrea Ugolini, Cultural heritage and subsidence: the emblematic case study of Santa Croce in Ravenna (Italy), in: Proceedings of the tenth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, 2023, pp. 31 - 35 (atti di: Tenth International Symposium on Land Subsidence – living with subsidence, Delft-Gouda, 17-21 April 2023) [Abstract]
Marchi, Michela; Bertolini, Ilaria; Gottardi, Guido, Geotechnical Investigations and Monitoring of the Archaeological Site of Santa Croce in Ravenna (Italy), in: Geotechnical Engineering in the Digital and Technological Innovation Era, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2023, pp. 536 - 543 (atti di: CNRIG 2023 - National Conference of the Researchers of Geotechnical Engineering, Palermo, 5-7 July 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marchi M., Bertolini I., Marchi G., Lancellotta R., Intrinsic and induced vulnerability of the Osservanza Church in Bologna (Italy), «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI GEOTECNICA», 2023, 4, pp. 34 - 54 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bertolini I ; Marchi M ; Gottardi G., Learning from a well-documented geotechnical cold case : the Two Towers of Bologna, Italy., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE», 2023, 17, pp. 1607 - 1629 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ilaria Bertolini, Andrew Vidler, Guido Gottardi, Olivier Buzzi, Numerical Investigation into the effects of rainfall and long stem plants spacing on Root Water Uptake (RWU), in: E3S Web of Conferences, M. Bardanis, 2023, 382, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 2023), Milos (Greece), 2-5 May 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bertolini, Ilaria; Gottardi, Guido, On the Evaluation of Indirect Simulations Performance of Multi-parametrical Transient Seepage Models in River Embankments, in: Geotechnical Engineering in the Digital and Technological Innovation Era, Ferrari, A., Rosone, M., Ziccarelli, M., Gottardi, G., 2023, pp. 401 - 409 (atti di: CNRIG 2023 - National Conference of the Researchers of Geotechnical Engineering, Palermo (Italy), 5-7 July 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marchi, Michela; Bertolini, Ilaria; Gottardi, Guido, A geotechnical insight into the soil-foundation system of the Two Towers of Bologna, Italy, in: Proc. of the Third international symposium on GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOR THE PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORIC SITES, 2022, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: Third international symposium on GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOR THE PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORIC SITES, Naples (Italy), 22 – 24 June 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
I.Bertolini, G. Gottardi, M. Marchi, L. Tonni, A. Bassi, A. Rosso, Application of CPT to the evaluation of permeability in a Po riverembankment prone to backward erosion piping, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’22), 8-10 June 2022, Bologna, Italy, London, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, pp. 300 - 305 (atti di: 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing CPT’22, Bologna, Italy, 8-10 June 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gianfranco Marchi; Carlo Cremonini; Andrea Mastrangelo; Michela Marchi;Ilaria Bertolini; Renato Lancellotta;, Assessing the causes of damages to the Osservanza Church in Bologna (Italy), in: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOR THE PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORIC SITES III, London, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, 3, pp. 619 - 630 (atti di: Third international symposium on GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOR THE PRESERVATION OF MONUMENTS AND HISTORIC SITES, Naples, 22 – 24 June 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bertolini I., Marchi M., Tonni L., Gottardi G., Calibrazione mediante analisi inversa dei parametri idraulici e di ritenzione di un rilevato arginale soggetto ad erosione retrogressiva per sottofiltrazione, in: Atti dell' Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica (IARG2022), 2022, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica (IARG2022), Caserta (Italy), 7-9 September 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
I. Bertolini, M. Marchi, L. Tonni, G. Gottardi , L. Bruno ,A. Amorosi, CPT data interpretation for an improved characterization of the paleosol stratigraphy in the Po River valley, Italy, in: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’22), 8-10 June 2022, Bologna, Italy, London, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022, pp. 294 - 299 (atti di: 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT’22), Bologna, 8-10 June 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Michela Marchi,
Ilaria Bertolini,
Guido Gottardi,, Impact of cumulated land subsidence on the preservation of the Santa Croce historic site in Ravenna, Italy, in: Restauro, conservazione, valorizzazione, digitalizzazione e scienza del patrimonio Convegno di studi, Campus di Ravenna, 6 Ottobre 2022, 2022, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: Restauro, conservazione, valorizzazione, digitalizzazione e scienza del patrimonio Convegno di studi, Campus di Ravenna, 6 Ottobre 2022, Ravenna (Italia), 6th October 2022) [Abstract]
Ilaria Bertolini;
Carmine Gerardo Gragnano;
Guido Gottardi;
Olivier Buzzi;, Influence of the evapo-transpiration contribution by long-stem planting on the stability assessment of a back-filled slope, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety & Risk (ISGSR 2022), 14 – 16 December 2022, Newcastle, Australia, 11 Upper Boon Keng Road , #12-931, Singapore 380011., Research Publishing (S) Pte Ltd, 2022, pp. 692 - 698 (atti di: 8th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety & Risk (ISGSR 2022), Newcastle (Australia), 14-16 December 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ilaria Bertolini, Carmine Gerardo Gragnano, Guido Gottardi, On the use of inverse analysis for the estimation of soil hydraulic and retention parameters from monitoring data of a river embankment, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR), 11 Upper Boon Keng Road , #12-931, Singapore 380011., Research Publishing (S) Pte Ltd, 2022, pp. 857 - 862 (atti di: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety & Risk (ISGSR 2022), Newcastle (Australia), 14-16 December 2022) [Contribution to conference proceedings]