Foto del docente

Iliyan Georgiev

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-05/A Econometrics


Il ricevimento...

... del 26/10 si terrà dalle 11 alle 12:30 e dalle 16 alle 17.

Published on: September 06 2017

Econometrics 15/06

FYI, here is a solution of the written exam of June 6th.

Published on: June 15 2017

Econometrics 18/05

The last set of class and lab notes.

Published on: May 18 2017

Econometrics 10/05

Class notes, lab notes, individual empirical exercises and data. Additionally, I have updated the solution of last year's exam. IMPORTANT: In preparation for the exam, Flavio Pons will have office hours on June 5th and July 3d from 14h to 16h in the Rivista room in the library. You can ask him all ...

Published on: May 10 2017

Econometrics 04/05

FYI, here are the solution of an old exam, a list of warnings against typical misytakes at exams and a collection of suggested exercises, some taken from old exams and some equipped with solutions. Class notes for this week (updated) and lab notes.

Published on: May 02 2017

Econometric 27/04

The class notes for this week are available here. Please, notice the exercise on p.18 and prepare a solution before the next lecture; we'll discuss in class. You can also download the Taylor rule data and the lab notes from Wednesday. Next week I'll post a solved past exam, a list of exercises (many ...

Published on: April 26 2017

Econometrics 20/04

Data for the empirical exercise in Lab G. Class notes (updated) and lab notes. The following note  by HB Nielsen on regression with time-series data is also highly recommended.

Published on: April 19 2017

Gara di previsioni

Il numero di auto immatricolate del mese di marzo 2017 è stato pubblicato sul sito del Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti. Il vincitore della gara è Alessandro Abate (bonus di 4/30). Complimenti! E' seguito da Ma Vittoria Quaresimali, Antonella Muci, Filippo Ligabue, Guido Elia Saverio, ...

Published on: April 04 2017

Previsioni statistiche 23/3

Ultima edizione degli appunti: lezione, laboratorio, foglio di calcolo per la previsione intervallare simolata: Excel, OpenOffice La scadenza per inviarmi le previsioni del numero di auto immatricolate in marzo 2017 è il 31 marzo, ore 24. Ogni partecipante alla gara di previsioni deve sottomettere ...

Published on: March 20 2017

Previsioni statistiche 16/3

Appunti delle lezioni e lista aggiornata di domande per l'esame orale.

Published on: March 16 2017

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